The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
eXXXtremely hard to pull off with the amount of stimulus seen in the internet and media
will have to exert extreme mental and physical control of your body
Don't know yet
Need super duper inner strength
It works without fail. I don't use any kind of soap on my skin or scalp, I don't follow the holy "Regimen", and I eat a pretty balanced diet including occasional meat. This is the ONLY significant factor for my acne. Nothing else causes my nodules or cysts or pimples, absolutely nothing.
Shouldn't have to be this way.
Free, No topicals, non-irritating, no harmful side effects, Practice makes perfect, more free time, more energy
Some times it gets tough to stay on track, spontaneous and strong sexual urges, persistent thoughts (you have to keep busy!), limited sexual activity (which "finishes")
for men and boys experiencing hormonal acne..masturbation does lead to breakouts...
things to notice after the deed:
-increased oiliness
-closing of pores
-bumps on face increasing( due to closed pores)
-itchy face(sign of pimple)
stopping will indeed drastically decrease the hormonal stimulus to acne...
(fondling is included and looking at u know wat)
it will take at least a week to notice effects
-increased energy
-happier mood