Mupirocin (2%) Topical Antibiotic Ointment

34 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Mupirocin USP (2%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Miscible ointment base (polyethylene glycol ointment, N.F.) consisting of polyethylene glycol 400 and polyethylene glycol 3350.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 1, 2014
It itches
My dermatologist prescribed this product for my skin, I have acne and dark spots. However, after using this at night I can't even sleep, it burns and itches. It does work cause I have seen results in just two days. Does any one experience the burning and the itching? I don't know, probably that's how it works.
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September 8, 2015
Yes.... I experience the itching and stinging sensation. It's normal but I wouldn't continue if I couldn't sleep. Maybe the medication is too strong for your skin, or the facial wash you use to cleanse before applying maybe the problem. It's best wash your face with Cetephil or any mild facial cleanser. I'm not a doctor but this is what works for me.
September 8, 2015
Yes.... I experience the itching and stinging sensation. It's normal but I wouldn't continue if I couldn't sleep. Maybe the medication is too strong for your skin, or the facial wash you use to cleanse before applying maybe the problem. It's best wash your face with Cetephil or any mild facial cleanser. I'm not a doctor but this is what works for me.
August 5, 2009


Works on cystic acne like nothing I've tried but a consistent oral antibiotic regimen.


None, but like all antibiotics, you should use for 7+ days to complete the course.

If you have cystic acne and a dermatologist, have them prescribe this for you. I struggle with occasional but infrequent cyst flareups and had a few recently while out of town. On a whim at the time I tried Polysporin which was available and helped somewhat with the cyst that had broken the skin, but not with the one that didn't. Got home two days ago and found Bactroban (2% mupirocin) in the cabinet. Looked it up here and saw good reviews. Applied with a small circular bandaid and in one day it was noticeably reduced. Second day in, it is reduced more. The only thing in the past that I've found to impact cystic acne like this is oral antibiotics on a consistent regimen, which frankly I stopped doing because I'm not comfortable with such a lifetime regimen. Not sure of the cost, depends on your health plan, but the tube I have will last for years so I consider it cheap!
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July 24, 2014
Extremely Awesome
I got a single acne inside the skin on my face that has been bothering me for almost a month! When it went out of the skin I tried to pop it but while I was doing it, I scraped a thin layer of skin around the acne. Non-stop bleeding followed after that. I stopped popping it since the bleeding has gotten worse until I tapped some ice on my face. The bleeding finally stoped but the skin around the acne was so dark as if it has a bruise. I left it alone after washing my face. The next day, there was a freaky thick pus inside the acne!!! I decided to buy antibiotic ointment for it. The pharmacist recomended this Mupirocin ointment. :) What I did was wash may face with warm water and put this ointment every morning and before bed and viola! After 2 days, no more pus and my skin looks awesome like nothing happened! My skin was definately healed and the scrape was gone. The darkening also disappeared. Only a very light blemish was left on face. It's like magic! ^0^
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February 17, 2009


Works great: produces fast results. very affordable.


none so far

I love this product :) I have a problem with picking my skin, which leads to scabs and scars. My dermatologist prescribed me Mupirocin, and it really cleared up my blemishes. I suggest cleaning you face, putting Mupirocin on the affected area, and then putting a band-aid on it to keep the medicine in place. By the morning, you should see great results.
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November 13, 2013




greasy, moderately itchy

I've been using bactroban on and off for 3 years. No ones ever been able to tell me what happens on my face/head/neck, but this is the only thing that works for it. I get acne but after reading other reviews I'd have to say I might be getting a staph type of rash during times of stress. it starts on my neck in little raised bumps then spreads all over my head and throughout my hair. If left untreated some of the bumps start to turn into open wound like scabs. (not poppable) Cystic pimple things start to form everyday I'll get a new one and so I always make sure I have bactroban. I do not use it for regular acne and don't suggest it, or using bandaids on sensitive skin. That left big red round rings around my problem areas. If any one reads this and feels like they've had the same thing the most important thing is to stay extra clean. Wash your hands before ever touching your face, change your pillow case every night and stay away from everything in your makeup bag that has touched infected areas. Good luck!
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February 16, 2018
After getting hospitalized from a tattoo giving me staph I have had mrsa once and staph twice more! They always start as like one or two “pimples” on my neck like in my hairline. Once I scratch it and it it spreads like wildfire. All through my scalp, face and neck. I’m naturally a picker and that doesn’t help bc by the time i realized it was a staph blister it was too late from me popping pimples on my face etc. it’s currently making its way down my back and chest too and that’s just one day of exposure. I have 5 big boils but they don’t ever pop. I agree it works wonders. Now I just wish I would stop getting the breakouts.
August 15, 2009


Was amazed, worked overnight, lessens redness & facial blotches, reduced tenderness, pimples disappeared


Greasy (so I use it only at night), mildly itchy (but so worth it!)

I started using this because of a Staph infection I had at the base of my neck. I noticed the next morning that the acne I had around the same area (that I've spent $$$$ over the last few years to treat unsuccessfully) was completely gone. A week later (yesterday) I had a follow up w/ my Dr. & she said although my Staph was better I could use it on my whole face if I wanted to. I woke up this morning to a face that is now completely clear & no redness or blotches. I cried tears of joy. I just hope by using it occasionally this will continue.
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July 2, 2010


Works overnight! Cleared skin completely in just a few days!


you're not suppose to use it for more than a week out of every month else you could develop a resistance to it.

If you're desperate to get a clear face fast - this is the quickest way to get rid of your acne TEMPORARILY (took me 2 days!)
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July 17, 2018
Hello, yes, I use this because I develop staph on my face very very easily. It is wonderful for scab open wound staph. But please don't use muporicin on all acne unless a board certified dermatologist or dr tells you to do so. You only need the smallest amount. Staph infections are no joke, and you want to be able to fight them for a long time without becoming resistant. This poster is speaking sensibly. Our entire bodies are in a balance of bacteria, flora, fauna, you name it. My brother washed very frequently with antibiotic soap, on both face and hands, but he also over used this ointment on his face, he ended up with the worst fungal infection on both his face, nails and hands, after 6 years his nails are still bad, after 3 his face is mostly clear. To the poster who mentioned "fungal infections are not bacterial" you are correct they are not. They are worse. But..they can happen when your body or face ' s natural protective layers..including bacteria (which we need a balance of (like with intestinal health) to properly fight off, other infections. I have been prescribed this for open oozing scab type pimples (don't pick on fragile skin, and don't assume what you can do at 13 you can do at 28) use the smallest amount, this medication is a terrible choice to buy off the shelf and slather on.ask a professional what kind of pimples or spots this works on and use only as directed, for the shortest amount of time as directed. best of luck to all old (and new-myself, (hormonal acne) skin care sufferers
December 11, 2015
This stuff is AMAZING. Every time i get a cyst and it drains, i apply this and in 3 days it will be gone with NO red mark. This stuff works better than any retinol, antibiotic, BP etc. HOWEVER, PLEASE READ THIS WARNING BEFORE YOU USE IT: This stuff is powerful, and you will grow resistant to it if you use it too much. Please ONLY apply it once-twice a month, or when you get a huge scab. DO NOT apply it all over your face for more than 5 days at a time. I overused it, and i got a fungal infection and this ointment no longer worked. Its been 6 months since ive last used it, and im going to the derm to get prescribed this again. I pray to god that this works and doesnt give me an allergic reaction.
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June 7, 2017
It's an antibiotic not antifungal
July 5, 2009


My face had broken out with tiny bumps all over my cheeks and sides of my face and around my mouth I applied Mupirocin and it immediately cleared up!!! I have struggled with pimples for 7 years now and I wish I had found this product sooner!


My face is a little dry, but no pimples :)

This is a crazy good product for people who have a bacteria infection causing breakouts on the skin. I dont know about anyone else using this, but I am so relieved to have found something that actually works for me after 7 years of crying because my face would randomly break out with small bumps that covered my entired face and make up couldn't cover it! Now I feel like I wont need to wear as much make up now! I am so excited!
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July 31, 2014
3 Day Process and Gone!
I had a lot of acne around my ear and parts of my neck too(as mentioned by another reviewer). Amazingly though, after properly using this, the next day the acne was noticably less. And 3 days in the process, you couldn't see it anymore! I also read this article([link removed] on it, to get to know my skin type and proper combinations to use on it in order to have as much effect as possible.
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July 25, 2016
hi im now on my 4rth day but im not getting any result shall i continue using ??? my acne is diff cuctic and red scatterd all over my chin