The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
August 26, 2014
Side Effects Aren't Worth It
I've suffered from debilitating acne for the last 14 years. I've been on every OTC and prescription medication in the books, including three rounds of Accutane. After suffering hair trauma earlier this year, I discovered MSM. I initially started taking it for hair growth, but soon noticed a 100% clearance in my skin. I cried the day I was complimented four times by complete strangers on the beauty of my skin.
I was taking a relatively low dose, 500mg every other day to every three days. I noticed I was fatigued and weak, but my skin was clear so I didn't care. Then one day, out of nowhere, I fainted face first in public. Not only was it mortifying, it was physically draining, too. I never fainted in my life. It took four days to get my energy back. I stopped msm immediately and now, three weeks later, I'm only starting to come back into it.
This supplement had such promise, but as a teacher of small children, I simply cannot allow myself to be fainting in exchange for clear skin.
June 22, 2010
made me sleepy throughout the day. I had to take a nap, sometimes 2, every day while I was taking it. Not sure why but I'm sure this is what caused it because when I stopped I wasn't tired.
All in all, after reading about MSM I think it's worth a try. If my current regimen (supplementation, cleanser-BP-moisterize, daily excercise, and TRYING to eat healthier) gets my skin clear, then I plan on going back on the MSM to help with the scarring. But I dont want to do that until I haven't gotten any new zits for about a month.
October 22, 2017
I am absolutely sure that it was MSM that made me break out...
Didnt work for me
didn't notice any, however i only took it for about 3 weeks