Queen Helene : Mint Julep Masque

604 Reviews

Water, Kaolin, Bentonite (CI 77004), Glycerin, Zinc Oxide, Propylene Glycol, Sulfur, Chromium Oxide Green (CI#77288), Fragrance (Parfum), Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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September 17, 2009


cheap! makes skin feel refreshed, refines skin.


slightly hard to rinse off. Didnt really remove blackheads.

Great product with great acne fighting ingredients. Can't beat it for the price!
September 17, 2009


The tingling sensation which lets you know its working! The thickness of the product. The price, the rapid difference it makes.


just when you think you've rinsed it all off.. there is still some letf somewhere on your face.

I used this product once in high school. As i am aging i noticed my pores are larger and all of a sudden i have been breaking out. I have been using this product faithfully and i see a visible difference in my pores and it does dry out my acne. When I use this mask it leaves a visible difference and it is inexpensive! It is a great overall product for what the label claims! Try it!
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September 15, 2009


This product is good for drying acne, I use this once a week and it never fails me! Smells nice (like my peppermint toothpaste), affordable, easy to rinse, and very cooling


Doesn't really help in reducing blackheads,.. Not available locally. I have to purchase it online

This product is definitely recommended for acne prone skin, have used this product for a year already and will continue to support this wonderful product ! sometimes I even use it overnight, works. I paid 3.99 for the 8 oz tube and it can really last for months..
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September 15, 2009


smells good, feels refreshing , tingles in a good way, dries acne, makes your face feel fresh



i have tried everything pro-active, clearsil, neutrogena, acne clear, clean and clear, all kinds off these stupid chemicals that basically just ruin your face make it redder, and break out more, everyone needs to try this stuff its just natural and feels better then burning your face or drying it out so bad that it cracks its worked for me hopefully it contuies to
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September 10, 2009


This stuff is great, i used with when I was a teenager, and recently rediscovered it. It works better now that I'm 24, it really helps to tighten pores and leaves you feeling clean and refreshed.


If you leave it on too long after it's dry, it gets itchy.

I use this when I'm having a bad day and my face feels like an oil-slick, I highly recommend it and it's super cheap!
September 6, 2009


I really think it worked on soaking the oil up and drying. Also really cheap. I got it in a huge tub (under 6 bucks for 12 oz). Love it as a little weekly treat


The smell is a little strong but dealable. Don't let the smell make you not get it. you get used to it.

For the price, it's a good idea. If you don't like it for your face, try it on your feet. Try it anywhere else! It works great on my face. 20 minutes was good enough. I applied it all over my face because I wanted to soak up everything. So check it out. And its like 6 bucks. How bad can it be? :) good luck!
September 4, 2009


It's extremely affordable. Also, its a completely different kind of solution. It doesn't try to regulate hormones or oxygenate the skin or disinfect. It sucks the toxins out of your skin, and for that, its worth a shot for anyone.


Uh... its green and completely emasculating. You have to keep it on for about a hour to get the full effect.You will not want to be seen with it on. If you're a guy, its going to be like leading a double life.

It works. I've tried everything-- fish tablets, lemon juice, zinc tablets, acnefree, neutrogena-- just... everything. I came to the conclusion there was no way to stop my acne-- it was just a stupid hormonal imbalance and I needed to get prescription antibiotics. This was a miracle cure. Sucked the toxins out of my skin to prevent infection and acne before it started.
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September 4, 2009


Contains sulfur. (works well for me) Inexpensive.


The mint (menthol) is a little too strong. Wish they'd make it without that.

I used it on my t-zone (I'm acne-prone/oily) and it really cleaned my pores well. I have sensitive skin and was a little hesitant because of the peppermint but it worked fine on my t-zone. Another time I mixed some up with my Aztec healing mask with apple cider vinegar and used it all over my face. This was very tingly and cleaned very well. No irritation at all which was great. I highly recommend it (even for sensitive skin). I have large pores on my nose and they were dramatically cleaned out and reduced after using this. My son (21 yo) has face and body acne (from working out) and I recommended he try it. So, I smeared it all over his face, chest and upper arms one day and he loved it. The next day, his body acne had cleared up about 80%. He was quite impressed.
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September 3, 2009


It dries up the oily parts of my face and it makes my skin feel smooth and clear


Nothing really excepet its hard to get off

I use it everyday and its great
August 19, 2009


Nice smell, great non gloopy consistency, helps clear up your acne, drys up excess oil.


It can dry out your face if you don't use a moisturizer after washing it off.

This is definately worth a try. I've tried both prescibed treatments and over-the-counter treatments for my acne, but this has worked the best out of everything I've tried. The price is great and it smells amazing! I think this works really really well.
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