ZAPZYT : Maximum Strength 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Treatment Gel

171 Reviews

Active Ingredient: Benzoyl Peroxide (10%). Inactive Ingredients: Laureth-4, Carbomer 940, EDTA, Diilsopropanolamine, Purified Water USP.

Items marked with red have tested a 3 or above (out of 5) in comedogenic (pore-clogging) testing.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 14, 2011


Clears redness, shrinks pimples. Works wonders.


Drys out skin, but not too bad.

Well, I'm using prescribed acne meds that REALLY cleared up my face, but i still get a pimple or two every now and then. And ZapZyt... well, Zaps them! HIGHLY reccomended.
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June 29, 2011


Mild initial improvement


Didn't work
Too Strong

This might be okay for a short term solution, but if you've have problems with acne for a while, this likely won't be the answer. It wasn't for me at least.
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May 11, 2011


using with oxy and the pimples are indivisually changing a little bit sooo.


Not sure how well it is exactly may take four days per pimple to go away

I might need more time but so far small results are showing but they are there i guess
October 28, 2010


It works quickly, with minimal effort and a small amount of cream. It has a pleasant odor, and doesn't stain.


Mild dryness, but not enough to make you frustrated.

It's a simple, inexpensive solution to a problematic issue that we all deal with. Try it!
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October 2, 2010


WORKS! reduces pimples and redness very fast. Good for long term use as well.



Well i just wanted to let people know that now i dont have acne and its due to Zapzyt. Ive been using this for years and i only get a pimple or two once in awhile and Zapzyt works great. Only reason im talking about it is because it WORKS, it really does. Ive passed this down to both my brothers and its worked for them as well. Ive been using this product since it first came out, more people should know about this product if they are having problems with constant breakouts or acne period. If used properly it will work. I recommend this to anyone with zit or acne problems, you will be 100% satisfied!
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September 26, 2010


Zaps acne, zits, and imperfections the first day i got it!


Makes skin a little dry but nothing a little moisturizer couldn't fix

I have tried other Benzoyl Peroxide acne treatments such as Benzaclin. That didn't work for me too well. It didn't make it worse and after a while it didn't really help. I picked this up at WalMart today thinking what have i got to loose? Right when I got home I took a shower and washed my face and put this on. Throughout the day I have been looking at my face and it couldn't have goten any better. It took away the redness and size of acne in as little as 8 hours. I am so happy with this product and I would recommend it to EVERYONE who has acne. I'm 14 and have pretty moderate acne and it couldn't be working any better. THANKS SO MUCH!!!!
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September 18, 2010


Quickly clears minor acne
Radically reduces the size of large acne


Dries out my skin, but lotion helps.

I would DEFINITELY RECOMMEND Zapzyt to anyone. I have literally tried almost all of the over the counter brands in the past, as well as a prescribed acne medication. The prescribed medication (Benzaclin) worked wonders as well, but after a change in insurance, it was far too pricey ($180). So I turned to Proactive, which made my acne worse in just three terrible weeks (my first weeks at college no less!). In desperation I walked down the aisle of my local supermarket, saw Zapzyt, as well as one other brand I have not yet tried, and decided, what have I got to lose? Overnight I saw results, with decreased redness and soreness of acne. I have only been using Zapzyt for a about a week and my acne is steadily clearing up and I feel BEAUTIFUL! I still have acne (again, its only been about a little less than a week), but it has definitely improved and is continuing to improve. Make sure to use some oil free lotion to combat the dryness!
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August 28, 2010


shrinks acne..slowly


it dries out skin like no other. DO NOT GET UNDER EYE, im 15 and it burned under my eye so bad i now have WRINKLES under my eye. i am extremely upset

do not buy for your face. it is however working on my back
August 5, 2010


BEST PRODUCT IVE EVER USED!! ive used proactive , daily scrub , moysturizers , mild soap and water and even skin id but nothing worked , nut then i bought some wierd brand and the counter lady put a box of zapty free sample in the bag , i used that instead of the other product and bam! the next morning , clear radiant skin , it totally works!


skin gets a little dry , moisturizer helps but dont use too much.. but it pretty much has no cons

it totally works and dissolves zits , blackheads , large whiteheads etc. im never swiching this product , its a life saver especially before a big meeting the next day or something
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July 10, 2010


WORKS FAST!! If you have a bad pimple or pimples, just rub some zapzyt on and it will shrink overnight and it will be gone within a few days!


it will dry out your skin so be sure to moisturize. Not really sure thats a con though, because i have really oily skin lol

ZAPZYT WORKS!! I use it whenever i have a random pimple or a sudden outbreak and it will be gone within days. I have used MILLIONS of acne creams, but this is the only one that works, and FAST.
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