Nature Made : L-Lysine

6 Reviews

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July 28, 2013
almost a miracle!


Doesn;t clear 100%

I bought this product since it had good reviews for treating and preventing cold sores. Well, I'm not sure how effective it was for treating the cold sore I had at the time, but I noticed since I started taking Lysine for that week while I had my cold sore that my acne and cystic acne had been slowly clearing up. I had been dealing with cystic acne since I got off birth control when I was 23, now 28. So, I continued to take it after my cold sore disappeared, and wouldn't you know, my acne was almost 100% gone with a few small pimples every once in a while, and mostly around my period. Soon enough, for the first time in years, my cystic acne was completely gone! On a side note, I started to become so confident in my appearance that I stopped taking Lysine once a day thinking that my clear skin was just a coincidence and my skin was miraculously cured in my older age (I have this idea that my skin shouldn't be breaking out past mid 20's), but I was completely wrong. As soon as I started skipping my pills, taking them once every 3-4 days just to be cautious, I started breaking out again. At the first cystic break out I went back on Lysine once a day and that was that. Since then, I have not broken out at all. Of course, I have other dietary regimes which I believe contribute a lot to my clear skin, but Lysine is a miracle in itself. Even with my diet, I would constantly have at least 5-10 pimples and cysts on my face at all times. If you struggle with the same problems, definitely give this a shot!
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November 3, 2018
Hi there! Would you say you have hormonal acne (around the jawline/temples)? What dose do you take of L-Lysine to stay clear? Thanks!
October 1, 2014
i think this actually really worked for me
Before I had really mildly bad acne problems. I would have red cluster acne on the sides of my cheek constantly. Like they werent really outbreaks but like a daily 24-7 problem. But I feel like this last year, since I started taking this L lysine pill, i actually dont really have acne anymore. I didnt even realize it until maybe a month ago or something. My face is clear aside from what I assume is scaring. As a side note, I also sleep using the towl i used to clean myself off after a shower on my pillow when I sleep. (So you avoid sleeping on dirty pillow sheets) I don't know if that helped play a role into helping me but figured I'd mention that. And maybe it might help others too.
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February 6, 2011


Cheap and effective and good for you


Just chalky tasting

It's VERY good for building strong skin health around the mouth. Fights cold sores AND acne. I take it everyday and the skin around my mouth is a lot better at resisting infection and heals quicker.
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February 11, 2017
Perfect supplement for skin health
I have been taking this supplement for 1 week and my active acne seems to clear,just like the acne red marks that are beginning to fade.It helps the skin to heal.Highly recommended :)
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December 8, 2017
Really,what l lysine did you take?
December 21, 2017
SOLGAR L-lysine 500 mg,but i don't recommend it as a treatment for long-term :)
January 16, 2018
How long should be the intake of l-lysine? :)
February 10, 2018
I took it for 1 month,but as I said,it depends in what type of acne you have.If you have severe acne,the effect won't last :)
November 3, 2018
Would you say you have hormonal acne (around the jawline/temples)? Thanks!
December 17, 2016
Could work, but triggered cold sores for me
Apparently this is supposed to be a surprising wonder all natural supplement to help acne. On the downside, its also used to prevent cold sores. Took for 3 days and had 3 cold sores pop up out of nowhere. This never happens to me, i usually get a cold sore 2-3 times a year, when is stressed or immune is low. could be my final exam stress right now though. I might wait until stress has died down to give it a go again... seems odd it would promote cold sores forming not the opposite (?). Will write back here again if i take successfully and notice improvements with acne.
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October 25, 2017
Amazing hair and nails!
So I started taking this for my acne, but it really hasn't made much of a difference in my skin. It didn't make it worse, it just didn't make it better. The reason I'm giving it 5 stars is it made my nails SO STRONG and my hair has been growing at lightning speed!! So if you're looking at this for your skin, it won't hurt to try it! And the amazing side effects don't hurt either ;)
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