Aztec Secret : Indian Healing Clay

128 Reviews

100% Natural Calcium Bentonite Clay.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 3, 2015
Natural is better in the long run!
I'm a 37 yr old female who's suffered from cystic/ inflammatory acne since age 12. I've used accutane and just about every other prescription and non prescription available and have had periods of no acne, but it always comes back :-( I've been dairy free for over 2 yrs and still not completely clear. Been using Aztec secret clay with ACV twice a week for about 3 weeks for 30 min and I have to say I've noticed a huge difference on my skin. My existing acne has cleared up and only one new pimple that cleared up in two days! That's not usually the case for me usually my pimples take weeks to clear up. My skin looks great with no makeup, haven't said that since accutane over 10 yrs ago. Would never do accutane again... Just saying Oh I was also using the clay as a spot treatment to clear up the existing acne. I leave it on over night as a spot treatment. My extremely oily skin has calmed down tremendously. I'm hoping this will continue to work :) Best of luck to anyone who is suffering from acne. I know acne is a self esteem killer and can change ur happy personality to a introverted sad personality. Hang in there and don't give up.
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February 25, 2016
What kind of cleansers & moisturizers do you use?!
August 25, 2015
Should I carry on using?
I used this product and it cleared my skin for a few days but after that my acne has become worse than before after using it several times. I'm so embarrassed to even go out the house it's that bad!! Will I ever reach a point where this stops breaking me out? ( it's been 5 weeks) Or should I stop using it?
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August 11, 2015
I have been battling acne since junior high and i couldn't find anything to help it until i decided to order this. I have a lot of little bumps and huge white heads and here and there i get black heads around my nose. This product sucks all the toxins out and has made my huge pores much smaller. Also what has helped my skin is Shea's moisture African Black Soap bar, it doesn't contain harsh chemicals that most cleansers do, which will irritate acne.
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July 17, 2015
Still Not Sure if it's working
I have a ton of bumps all over my face. I did some research and found that they were closed comedones and I really wanted to get rid of them. In the sunlight they looked completely disgusting and it was just ugh.. So I tried the clay mask, and I rubbed it on my face, then used a brush to smooth it over. The next morning, about 90% of my closed comedone bumps have turned into large whiteheads. I'm not squeezing them but hopefully this is a good sign that the clay is bringing the gunk out of the closed comedones. Also, I remove the mask like this. I wet a washcloth in some hot water and gently wipe my face off, collecting the water in a bowl or basin. Then I pour it down the toilet because I don't want it clogging up my skin. That's it. Hope this helps anyone who is on the fence about this product.
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January 1, 2016
Did your face clear up?
June 24, 2015
Aztec Indian Healing clay is quite literally a miracle in powder form. Prior to my purchasing, I spent countless hours searching through customer reviews reading the success stories of others. I am an individual who suffers from the occasional cystic acne 'breakout.' I am extremely cautious of the products based on the relatively sensitive nature of my skin. Although this product is extremely drying, it had little to no effect on the sensitivity of my dry skin; however, I used this product 3 times within a 4 day period and it provided me with a smooth, flawless complexion. I mixed this product with equal parts of Apple Cider Vinegar (as directed). Because the smell was off-putting, I added 4 drops of Tea Tree Oil which not only added to the skin clearing benefits; however, it made the mixture smell heavenly! I applied it to my face and removed it after 30 minutes ' fortunately, I did not experience any redness or immediate dryness; however, I did notice that a few new cystic bumps seemed to appear. I immediately applied Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion and went to bed. The next morning, my face was so smooth. Unfortunately, the bumps still remained. That evening, I applied the facemask again. I noticed no difference in the size of the deep bumps, so, I unfortunately began to try popping them. I was left with even bigger, swollen bumps on my face and slathered a salicylic acid based serum all over. I woke up the next morning with flattened scabs that were difficult to cover. I decided to use very little facial products for the next two days hoping that the damage would subside. By Monday, my face was dry and ridden with several scabs, though I did notice slight improvement. Monday evening, I decided to give this product another try ' I am so glad I did! I notice a significant improvement in the size and color of my acne scabs immediately after removing the mask. Again, I applied a moisturizing lotion and went to bed. I woke up this morning with a new face! I was only left with one diminished scab that is easily covered with makeup. I cannot wait to see the type of results I experience tonight! Please, everyone ' do not play with your blemishes! Allow this product to work it's magic!
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June 10, 2015
this stuff works great but i feel like im doing something wrong because everytime i use it it takes over 50 minutes to completely dry, especially on my cheeks (which is where my acne is the worst) everything else dries in under 30 minutes but its just those areas that never dry completely, is it bad to just leave it on that area for over an hour? overall though, the product is amazing.
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July 22, 2015
I keep it on for a long time because it takes a long time to dry on me as well. I noticed though when I put a thinner amount over my face it dried quicker with the same results.
June 3, 2015
Must try if you have clogged pores!
After doing the OCM around 2 years ago, my cystic acne has failed to return (YAY! Stay away from my face, you painful pulsating bumps!) however I couldn't seem to shake some occasional white heads (about 2-3 a week) and the ever existing clogged pores/blackheads, which would later get inflamed, infected, would turn into white heads, and continue the vicious cycle. UNTIL! I found this miracle in a jar! Although it dried out my face at first, I wash my face with this 3 times a day now! (I have super greasy skin and washing 3 times a day is the only way to keep acne at bay. You'd think my skin would be dry as sand by now, but it's incredibly soft and plump!) I mix the ratio of Braggs ACV to this, 1:1 in the morning, let it sit on my face for at least 30 mins, rinse off. Then in the afternoon, I mix ACV with water, 1:1, then use the ACV/water mixture with aztec secret, 1:1. I rub it on my face and rinse off without waiting. Same thing at night. I follow up with my toner, salicylic acid gel, and moisturizer. After doing this for a month, my pores have looked cleaner and smaller than they have in a LONG time! My skin hasn't looked this good since before my battle with acne started, and that's pretty amazing to me. I love this stuff, and I'll probably use it for the rest of my life, even long after my acne is completely gone.
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May 26, 2015
Healed my hormonal cystic acne
Hello I am 30 years old and lived in California my whole life. I have had bad hormonal acne since high school. When I turned 18 my doc put me on birth control pills and it went away, scars and all. I would just have some occasional breakouts on my cheeks but nothing I couldn't handle. When I was about 20 years old I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the culprit to my hormone imbalance and acne. I will have to take meds for the rest of my life and I will always be battling breakouts. My face was pretty clear, just some minor blemishes on my cheeks and had some scars, but other than that my skin typw was normal. However, about 2 and half years ago I moved to the Southwest states where the weather is super dry year round, with very hot summers. In addition, I experienced an imbalance of my thyroid and needed my meds adjusted. Ever since my skin became really oily, which is a surprise because of the dry climate. I have had horribly painful, huge oily cysts mostly on my cheeks and chin, and now I have so many scars on my face because more cysts and pimples would appear before the others had a chance to heal. I came across this healing clay about 6 months ago. It was a gift from a friend, and at first I was skeptical: its something I have to mix myself, so 1) its gonna be messy and 2) I'm not gonna know how to get the right consistency, etc. But like a previous reviewer stated before, practice makes perfect! Also, if you think about it, having the clay in powder form is better because you get to control everything you put into it. You know all the ingredients so you know its not gonna be bad for your face, no harsh chemicals or anything artificial, etc. The more I used it, the more I became familiar with my desired consistency. I have been using the mask once a week before bedtime ever since. My face is so smooth after! But I have to say, I had to get used to how tight and dry the clay dries- im unable to talk, drink, and move my face/head very much thats how tight it gets! As well as the pulsating sensation on my skin, and how red and hot my face feels after taking it off. I was not a fan of that at first for I'm very fair complected. But I have noticed my pimples and cysts heal much faster and they only occur on my chin, and very rarely on my cheeks now, and my pores are closed. I mix the clay with ACV (apple cider vinegar) diluted with water 1:1 ratio that I keep in a mason jar. I have found that the ACV mixes way better with the clay than regular water. With water it would always come out super clumpy no matter how much more water I added. I tried warm water, tepid water, even cold water and results didnt change. Anyway, I leave the mask on however long it takes to dry and a little longer, approximately 30-45 min. Then, because the clay dries real hard, I soak a washcloth with water and let it sit on my face to soften up the clay a bit. Then, once the clay is softened enough, I gently wipe off the clay while simultaneously gently exfoliating. I have noticed my scars are not so dark and red, and like I mentioned before, it dries up the oily cysts on my chin. This mask is far better than the tubes and premixed packages you buy in drugstores! I always felt like something was missing and didn't achieve half as good results, as I did with the healing clay! The only warning I would say is if any of you have fair sensitive skin like I do, once a week is sufficient. And make sure you soften the clay with a soaked washcloth first before removing. Also, if you go to the manufacturer website there other recipes, other ingredients to mix in with the clay. I haven't tried them yet but I plan on it next application. After reading most of these reviews I found that I can identify with alot of you and wanted to share my story as well. Thanks for reading! Take care everyone!
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May 12, 2015
Really effective
I have oily skin that reddens easily from blemishes. The norm for me is black heads on my nose and whiteheads on my chin and cheekbones, sometimes cystic acne - usually around my cycle. I received this from a friend for Christmas after a bad breakout. Maybe it was the apple cider vinegar or maybe it was the dry East Coast air that I wasn't used to, but it made me breakout badly... Lots of everything (whiteheads, blackheads and cysts) and very dry skin on top of it, which is extremely unusual for me. I had chalked it up to an ineffective mask, but came on here and saw the rave reviews it was getting so I figured I would give it another shot. This time I was back in California (no heat to dry out my skin) and I took the advice of other reviewers and used water instead of Apple Cider Vinegar. I left it on for longer than the recommended 20 minutes this time. I know it's unpleasant to not be able to move your face, but I have found the longer I can stand it the better. I usually make it to 45. It worked like a charm! Seriously guys, I don't give four stars lightly - this stuff shrunk every zit on my face without drying out my skin. But my favorite part by far is that it shrinks my pores in a dramatic way, makes me feel like I'm airbrushed. It takes a couple treatments to get the hang of the water to clay ratio you prefer, but I promise the practice is worth it ;) ALSO I know a lot of people feel like the mess is a major downside but dont't worry! I found a solution. I mix the clay and water in a little ziplock Baggie, then cut a little corner off and squeeze the mask out like its a frosting bag! Works like a charm, and no mugs or spoons to clean - it's also makes a huge difference to be able to mush it around in the bag for a while to make sure it's as smooth as possible. Throw away the bag and plan your application for directly before a shower and the mess becomes a non-issue! Good luck hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!
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April 11, 2015
Best product I've ever used.
I gave 4 stars instead of 5, because I still have some acne and whatnot. It's not LITERALLY miraculous, but it's really good. This is the best thing I've ever tried for my skin. I'm 30 years old and have had acne since I was about 11. i have oily, tough skin and before this had probably moderate acne. I'd call it mild now, just some blackheads on my nose and little bumps - I haven't been getting big pimples all over my cheeks anymore. The only other thing to get my skin about this clear was Retin-A combined with other topicals. That also gave me high cholesterol and needs a prescription and strict regimen. Make sure you replace the water called for with Bragg's apple cider vinegar! Coat it on very thick and let it sit awhile, I usually let it get very dry and "pulsate" for a bit so maybe end up with it on 30-40 minutes total. I'ce been using it 2 or 3 times a week and my skin is so much smoother and radiant and I've been having far fewer pimples. My hyperpigmentation looks like it's fading and old zits seem to be healing and my pores look refined. I really recommend everyone to use this. Good luck!
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