Implanon : Implantable Contraceptive

28 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Ethylene Vinylacetate (EVA) Copolymer Core, Synthetic Progestin Etonogestrel.

Inactive Ingredients:
EVA copolymer skin.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 6, 2016
my struggle with the implant
I got the implant March 2014, for about 8 months everything was good, the insertion wasn't painful, I spotted only a couple times, and I didn't have to worry about taking a pill every day or getting a new patch every week etc. However, my skin started experiencing acne like no other. I never had acne as a teenager. So I just assumed this was adult acne. Started as just a couple of pimples and it got really severe, cystic, painful acne. In the course of a year I tried so many products, over the counter, expensive, professional strength medication, laser you name it and I tried it. I couldn't take it anyone. I hated seeing myself in the mirror. I wore alot of heavy full coverage make up. I wasn't happy. I felt depressed all the time. I knew my acne wasn't bacterial, so it had to be hormonal. I finally decided to have the implant removed, it's been 2 days now and my skin is clearing up so quickly than what I expected. I was given ortho tricyclen pills but I think the hormonal imbalance in my body caused such severe acne, so I'm going to stay away from hormones for a while. I would highly suggest anyone to do research before getting the implant. Acne could be a side effect and you really have to think whether it's even worth getting the implant. And if you are reading this and are struggling with acne just try to figure out what's causing your acne and hang in there. Everything will get better!
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July 12, 2014

The convenience and effectiveness of this BC are its main selling points. However I'm really doubting that the mood swings, weight gain, and acne are worth it. Inserted Dec 2013, and by May 2014 I have noticed a major increase in the amount of acne I'm dealing with. I'm 27, and suffering worse than I ever did in my early 20s or even as a teen. My weight used to fluctuate in the 130s, now it floats around in the 140s. Being only 5'1'', it's pretty noticeable on my small frame. What's worse, it seems that it's mainly water weight that I'm carrying around in my middle and upper arms. After joining a local health club, my lower half of my body is amazing skinny, yet I'm still big ass MARSHMALLOW on top. Yeah. Marshmallow. Planning a removal appointment soon. Do your research before considering this BC. **UPDATE 8/18/2014 MY ACNE IS HEALING. My life has improved in so many areas after having Implanon removed. I no longer feel sluggish all the time. My appetite has GREATLY decreased compared to the monster it used to be. I'm seeing better results at the gym. PEOPLE are noticing how much my acne is clearing up. I've gotten so many compliments, and people actually asking me what "miracle product" I must have found. Seriously. My boss pulled me aside and literally asked me this, because she struggles with acne herself. It's been less than one month, and all of these changes in my body are more than obvious. If you think Implanon is wreaking havoc on your life/body, I HIGHLY SUGGEST you think of simply having it removed. The difference is like night and day. Don't torture yourself! I've also started a blog on the subject. Should you wish to check it out and follow my new all-natural approach to life (specifically BC), look for [Removed] on tumblr. **UPDATE 2, 9/3/2014 My acne continues to improve! The scars are now fading, and I use much less foundation to cover the red/brown spots that Implanon gave me.

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February 2, 2016
What about your mood? Is it improving? I don't know if you had mood swings or depression before you took it out but that + horrible acne is my main reason for removing it this week... I just want to know if you felt really sad for no reason and if removing it helped? How long did it take? :(
October 8, 2016
Don't get this...
I had this God awful thing placed in my arm 2 months ago and it was the worse. I had constant bleeding, mood swings, gained 6 pounds, and the acne. Oh my, the acne. It was all aver my face and neck. I mean from lits of tiny white heads to giant zits. I took that suckered out of my arm the first chance I could. It's been about a month. No more bleeding but I still get break outs, not as many as before but I never had them so the ones I have now are too many. My question is... how long before I get my smooth clear skin back??
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July 23, 2016
Convenient, but not worth it
I got the Nexplanon version of the implant when I got lazy with taking a pill a couple of years ago and i had a pregnancy scare. I figured this way it was one less thing to think about. - I'd suffered with acne in my teens that was cleared up with the help of the contraceptive pill and for the first year of the implant, my skin was fine, the odd spot here and there but nothing unbearable. then about 14 months in i started getting really bad acne, cysts all around my jawline and cheeks along with lots of smaller white heads across my forehead. I went on doxycycline which helped a little for a while but then just seemed to stop working. I got the implant removed 3 months ago (6 months early) and switched to co-cyprindiol (dinette) birth control pill. My skin has cleared up completely and is better than it ever has been. The implant is a great idea, but if you know that you suffer with hormonal acne already it might not be the best idea for you.
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June 14, 2017
should be banned
as a person who has always had clear skin and a thick head of hair i decided to get the implanon (huge mistake) a couple of months after ive got it in my face started to erupt in painful cystic acne all on my forehead and chin, dont bother looking for creams to try and clear them up because these f**kers are resistant to almost everything!, then i started to lose hair, it had also caused cysts in my breasts too which scared me i thought was bc!.oh and not to mention sinus infections too! finally got the implanon taken out which i felt so so happy about over the moon!. needs to be taken off the market womens health are suffering
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August 29, 2017
Did your skin and sinuses clear when you had the implant removed?
September 7, 2017
yes much better :)
January 22, 2015
I got the Implanon early last year I believe March prior to that I had the Mirena IUD for 5 years which was fine. I thought I would give the Implanon a try because it was very successful at preventing pregnancy and basically because it was new sorta. BIG BIG I MEAN HUGE MISTAKE!!! I am 26 years old and have never had issues with pimples yet alone ACNE, I am embarrassed of my face it has literally done a complete 360 in the past couple of months but worse I now have pimple scarring too. I keep reading posts about CYSTS I'm assuming that's what I might have on my face basically a pimple under your skin that you can't pop? At first there wasn't any big changes in the first 1-3 months I had it implanted but then my face was starting to get little breakouts here and there which eventually turned into big breakouts and painful pimples both on top of my skin and under my skin. I am also starting to get pimples under my neck which I have NEVER had a pimple there before and some on my upper arm by my neck... Super embarrassing!!! I currently still have the Implanon in but have an appointment next week to have it removed. Why?? Because my face is getting so bad I started to do research about everything seeing what might be causing my acne/pimples/cysts whatever you want to call it my problem basically and found out this birth control causes acne as on of the major side effects that along with weight gain. When I was reading on [link removed] one of the dermatologist said it is very bad to switch birth controls as an adult for this very reason because it can often cause your body a dramatic hormonal change which in return can cause ACNE. So I'm hoping my face starts to clear up once the Implanon is removed. I will give an update about 1-2 months after removal.
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February 27, 2017
How is your skin now after getting it removed?
May 21, 2016
Arm Birthcontrol
I got the Implant in my arm in June 2012 that was my first one I kept that one in my arm for three years and everything was perfectly fine. June 15 I got it removed and got another inserted the same day. I didn't know they had changed the form of birth control within the arm implant. Within 4 months of this birth control, my face has broken out bad. I always had pretty skin to the point people thought I wore makeup. I never knew what was breaking me out I has spent over hundreds of dollars on acne products and nothing worked. I kept wondering why my face was breaking out the way it was. My face is horrible and my acne mostly on my cheek. My right cheek is covered with acne, but yes I have it all over my face as well. I will be getting this Implant removed out my arm in three days and I hope my skin go back to the way it was.
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February 13, 2017
Acne on neck and jawline
I had the implant for 6 years, I never had acne as a teenager but since starting on the implant it got increasingly worse on my neck and jawline. Cystic acne that was painful and constant. I had it taken out and went on dianette. It has taken about 6 months but my skin is practically clear. It is an incredible difference. The implant is extremely convinent and did stop my periods, but the pain and appearance of my face wasn't worth it. If you're suffering with acne and you think it might be due to the implant I would strongly encourage coming off it and going on dianette. I am so so pleased
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May 29, 2015
Love it and hate it
To be honest this is the best birth control I have taken. I no longer have a period, no side effects... Then it all came crashing down lol. I have had very mild acne, but I never had cystic acne before so it was definetly because of this birth control that I now had it. But I found a solution. I saw the dermatologist and she perscribed me spironolactone, for hormonal acne. I would say I am clear-skinned 95% of the time. It's crazy but I really liked this birth control and the spiro actually helped my mild acne from before so I take them hand in hand. I am just about done with my first 3 years with implanon and getting another one next month. Even if you don't get the implanon, if you have hormonal acne (it's mostly around your chin or neck) get spiro it will work wonders for you. Good luck
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June 6, 2017
I suffered from severe acne when I was pregnant with my son (never had acne pre pregnancy). After giving birth, my skin calmed down and acne left my life again. I took pills for the first two years of his life and my skin was still behaving, I would probably have one or two once a month, then that's it. Then I got lazy taking my pills but scared of getting pregnant too soon. I went to the doctor and inquire about nexplanon, I thought it was a heaven sent. Gosh! Three months after getting it, my skin was out of control, all of a sudden my skin care routine doesn't work anymore and it keeps on multiplying, it's definitely one of the horrible issues I have in my life right now. For the past 8mos (this will be my 15th month of having nexplanon) I tried every acne remedy that I could get but nothing works! Then this dermatology told me that nexplanon has high levels of androgen hormone and possibly causing my breakouts. And upon reading a lot of bad reviews recently, I am convinced that this thing is the CULPRIT! I will have it removed this week and definitely go back to pills.
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