Honey Mask

709 Reviews

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January 14, 2013


Fights acne,
full of antioxiodants
has b6 a vitamin good for skin


makes ur face feel a bit sticky but come on ur only putting it on for 30 minutes. :D

I've had acne for 3 years now. Right now i'm taking an antibiotic called tetraycline-- or something like that. Anyways I was searchin around wen i found out that ppl apply honey to their skin. So i tried it too. I just evenly put some honey on my acne and mark - i have been doin this everyday for a week. Some tiny results showin through, I will write an update after a month... Fingers crossed my acne will lessen down
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January 9, 2013


Easy to make
spots decreased in size and colour


washing it off can be messy

I combine Honey, turmeric, tea tree oil, brown flower and one egg white and mix together until it is the consistency of a paste. I mask my whole face and leave it on until it is dry +ten minutes. This along with using the steam room at my gym is my regime. Redness significantly reduced, spots halve in 12 hours. My diet plays a MAJOR ROLE, if i eat wrong I know about it. You must have (in my op) a 'LOW GI' diet. Cut out all fatty foods, caffeinated drinks. Add multi vits + green tea supplement
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January 8, 2013


Softens skin
Smells great
Smooths out bumps/blemishes
Heals cuts/wounds (i.e picking, scratching, popping zits)
Cheap cost


Doesn't completely get rid of acne

A wonderful, affordable, homeopathic remedy for a gentle soothing facial
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January 7, 2013


-Gets rid of swelling
-Reduces redness
-Cleans pus out of pores
-Halts new breakouts


-Hard to clean off
-Doesn't totally get rid of acne.

My mom told me to use honey, after all of the medications that I had tried failed to give me the result I had hoped for. Although I didn't see my acne completely go away, the antioxidants in the honey cleaned out the pus in my pores, reduced the redness and swelling, and even stopped new breakouts from occuring. Definately try it because the honey is so much cheaper, more natural and more effective than any of those creams!
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January 3, 2013


makes skin soft
reduces redness
clears up pimples
shrinks cystic acne (almost totally gone in 2.5 weeks)
cheap and simple
no harsh chemicals or perscriptions



I spent 15 years battling acne, and was depressed from doctors visits and paying for prescriptions that don't work. I can't believe how great the honey mask works- it has changed my life. Here's my drill: I put a warm compress on my face, use 1 tablespoon honey, mixed with 1 tablespoon baking soda and leave it on for 30-50 minutes 1xday. After 2 days of use, zits were no longer red in my problem zones. 1.5 weeks later, cystic acne started disappearing from my jawline. Do it! Best thing ever!
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December 11, 2012


Helps reduce redness
Heals acne


a little messy
sort of expensive for the raw organic honey

I've been using raw organic honey as a mask 3 times per week for about six months now. I started using it after reading this article here...[link removed] This article has a lot of good information on why and how to use honey to treat acne. It has worked wonders on my acne-prone skin. I used to get breakouts all the time, but I feel like since I've started using the honey my acne is under control. My skin is not 100% cleared but there is definitely a huge improvement since using the honey mask. It helps reduce redness, which is a big benefit for me. It's also nice to use a natural facial a few times a week rather than some store bought facial mask that has a ton of different ingredients in it.
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November 28, 2012


-Actually works
-High availability
-Can get free travel-size pouches at fast food restaurants!
-humectant; leaves skin feeling dewy and moist, but not greasy.


-That's how you get ants

I have spent thousands of dollars over the years on OTC acne treatments, caved and spent hundreds on prescription treatments with a dermatologist, and my sensitive skin just kept getting worse. I tried honey right before I was supposed to start Accutane, and thank GOD. I either wash with it like a cleanser or leave it on as a masque and my skin, while not perfect, has gone from embarrassingly angry to a few hormonal breakouts a month. I love honey and highly recommend it to everyone. The prescription things that did not work before I tried honey: -benzoyl peroxide (skin peeled off but still broke out) -salicylic acid (same as above, only less severe) -retin-a -monodox -orthotricyclin -sulfacetamide -others i cannot remember the otc things that did not work: -all of them, including proactiv and neutrogena and even things like miracle whip masque
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November 27, 2012


12 dollars sounds expensive but it was a 22 oz jar of raw honey :)
calms redness/swelling of large zits and even cysts
natural and gentle


None really. A little sticky? It's not a miracle cure which is why I only gave it 4/5, but for me it heals faster and gentler than BP.

I started doing the water-only regimen but I will occasionally spot treat with raw honey. For some reason, it seemed that when I was using BP and stuff, spot treating with honey would never really do much so I gave up. I got an initial breakout from the water-only regimen (I quit BP, differin, cleansers and moisturizers cold-turkey so it's not surprise, really) and I wanted something to spot treat/heal with that could be washed off with only water. I returned to the raw honey and it has been working well. I had a chin cyst/nodule last night so I put some on it and it's no longer lumpy. My acne is now light.
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November 6, 2012


-reduces scars!!
-reduces redness!
-tastes good lol :)
-skin is smooth
-skin is soft! :)


messy if you sleep with it on your pillows!

Everyone! use honey! get the raw unpasteurized one! I bought one from my local farmer's market. I am a guy and i'm 17. i have finally cured my acne but i have lots of red marks left from it! Each time I use my honey mask the scars lessen and my skin is starting to look beautiful again!! hahaha. its like when i was little and looked in the mirror at that beautiful flawless skin! It's especially good with brown and red spots! These will fade overtime but the honey really speeds it up! it might also help some for their actual acne because honey has antibacterial properties but that will probably take a long time. i use it every day for one hour before bed. the longer you use it the more effective it is. i heard about someone who slept with it on and it was amazing for them! i just use it for my scars and it works wonderful! good luck to everyone curing their acne! :)
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October 15, 2012


Raw honey is the greatest thing to have happened. It helps with acne, redness, wrinkles, you name it!



I have tried every face wash in the drug store, at the dermatologist, you name it. I even tried tea tree oil, that turned how horrible for me. I was fed up! Then I came across all these articles about how all these women used raw honey and never looked back. So I went to my grocery store and bought RAW honey. It's in a jar and it's not clear or runny. For the first 2 weeks, you will purge. In my experience, I had those little white heads, so it wasn't that annoying. By the third week, I was smooth, clear, and my acne scars had reduced quite a lot. My normally freakish oil face had reduced as well. I still get a bit of shine, but not nearly as bad. I appreciate that. This is what I use/do. Every morning and night I first use Mill Creek's Wild Oats Scrub (all natural ingredients- like honey, aloe, oatmeal, almond, and apricot) After the scrub, I wash with raw honey, just like you would do with any other cleanser. At least twice a week, I use Freeman's Cucumber Peel. This really brightens my skin tone. I never had a bad reaction from it. At least once a week, I will steam my face for 5-10 mins, then use pore strips. My pores aren't as clogged as before, I just can't help using them. It's a guilty pleasure... After I wash and/or use my peels. I will moisturize with Fruit of the Earth 100% aloe vera gel. The clear kind, I don't use the one died blue, I don't trust it. Some people may not have to use a moisturizer after the honey, but I do because aloe serves as an extra healing agent and of course it fades scars. If you've tried everything else and nothing works, please give this a try!
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