Cold Pressed : Grapeseed Oil

34 Reviews

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August 14, 2013
My holy grail!


balances oils & dries out pimples quickly.
Doesn't look greasy.


Slow process to completely heal skin, but that's normal.

I have had acne for 2-3 years, cystic, moderately-severe. I had lost hope so many times and truly thought I'd have acne for years to come. After doing extensive research I came upon this oil (again, because I had heard of it years ago) and decided to try it as another attempt. I bought a big bottle in Whole Foods' cooking section, nothing fancy. I've been using it twice a day and what can I say? 90-95% of my active acne is gone. Hyperpigmentation has been reduced so much, it's amazing. GSO is much more potent than vitamin C and really exfoliates the skin, which is why it's so good. I did not experience any breakout initially or anything. It's a shock but I saw a difference and felt huge relief from the first week. It's only been a month and I'm super excited to see how it keeps healing my skin. If you're reading this and don't know what to do because of mixed reviews blah blah's the thing, as repetitive as it sounds everyone has very different skin. It's taken me years to find something that continuously works for me. This may be your salvation or it may break you out. I've tried other oils (argan, olive, coconut, emu) and even though they all worked for a lot of people they did nothing for me. That's how it is sometimes. So just keep a steady and gentle regimen until you find something that works for you, giving it at least two weeks. Hope only the best for everyone reading :) God bless.
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March 13, 2016
I had a love/hate relationship with this. I used it for only a week straight 2 drops at night as a serum. On day 3 I started having some small painless white heads appearing in random spots, went away in a day or 2.... but they kept coming and I was scared of this was clogging my pores so I stopped. Did anyone else have this reaction? I did feel like it was starting to even out my skin tone though and controlling my oil better. Also the break outs occurred on my cheeks and chin, never my forehead.
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September 6, 2013
Works for melasma and hyperpigmentation, not for acne


light texture
vitamin E source
helps fade dark spots and melasma


Doesn't work for acne
A bit expensive

I only use oils on acne sparingly because they tend to block my pores. Grapeseed oil has a high concentration of vitamin E, and I found that it helps slowly fade my melasma...but it takes a long time so you need to be patient. I use pure grapeseed oil btw, the kind that's used for cooking. I clicked Yes on recommend, but only for post-acne hyperpigmentation not active acne.
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September 20, 2014
Its good for me
Out of all the oils i tried. This would be the one that worked the most for me when applied as a face mask.. according to my research, all oils are good for the right person. It really depends on your skintype as to what oil you should use.
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August 9, 2019
Works Great!!

I mix Now Solutions brand grapeseed oil with Lily of the Desert 99% Aloe Vera Gelly and use that as a moisturizer.  I use this twice a day after the's benzoyl peroxide treatment. 

November 6, 2017
will using grapeseed oil as a face moisturizer bur/fry my skin in the sun?
April 19, 2018
Try a patchtest first.
October 24, 2017
i always got huge breakouts whenever i used moisturizers so i tried out grapeseed oil and i dont breakout from it so this porduct is amazeballs its helped with my scars,skin tone and moisture for my skin. i have teenage senitive skin ugghhh being a teenager sucks but at least i have some glow from the grapeseed oil
October 24, 2017
Product* clumsy me
May 25, 2017
Amazing for your skin
Excellent for reducing left-over zits and giving your skin a hunky glow! I've tried dozens of moisturizers and moisturizing oils...yet GSO is the most effective!