Glycolic Acid Peel

96 Reviews

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March 6, 2013


Reduces signs of scarring


Burning, redness, slow to see results

You need to use several times over several months in order to see results.
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May 31, 2008


I have experienced noticable improvement in my complextion. Smaller pores fine lines have begun to fade and my skin is smoother and more firm.


The peels are done at one week intervals and for three days after applying your skin doesnt look so great. So for three days out of seven your complection is worse.

I have done a total of 4 peels. Two at 30% and two at50% at one week intervals. I plan on doing 3 more. I have seen such an improvement in my skin. I also have been applying a copper peptide night cream after the peels and think this is beneficial, as well as applying hayluronic acid lotion and spf 70 sunscreen before leaving the house in the morning. I work outdoors and live in FL and unfortunatley did not make an effort to protect my skin for any years. However these peels are proving its never to late and they actually can still repair and restore my skin.
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April 18, 2008


My skin is more even-toned, smoother skin, cleared up most of my adult acne.


Drying, temporary burning after washing off the glycolic acid.

I use a 50% Glycolic acid peel. I do a peel once a week and I'm getting a lot of compliments about my complexion. The only pet peeve I have about the glycolic peel is the burning sensation I experience right after I wash off the glycolic acid. I usually stick my head in the freezer to minimize the burning sensation!
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January 14, 2007


I use 50% Glycolic acid it cleared little bumps that i had under my skin for years,makes my complexion alot less patchy,and genraly refreshes my whole face! it does work quit well and u will defanetly notice the diffrence but its no miracle cure.


first few peels u mite have a break out coz its clearing all the deep grime out and brings it to the surface! sometimes it can be quite sore during the peel!

It is defantly the most effective home treatment out there! the first couple of peels might make u have a break out but by your 3rd or 4th peel u will defantly start to see results and you have 6 peels 1 a week! u will need a top up peel after a month or so beacuse the effects are not permanent but it is very cheap and a 30ml bottle does 30 peels so it lasts months! for me it cleared lumps under my skin that had been there for years,evened out my skin tone and made it less patchy and gives me a healthy glow,makes my face soft as a babys ass,kills all my spots (although i still get the ocasional spot but no where near as many as before) also slighty minimized my fine lines on my forhead not very much but enough to notice! so yeah i think its good! just dont exspect miracles!
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April 18, 2009


1. Freckles, wrinkles, acne scars, pore size diminishes and eventually disappears after couple of sessions.
2. Makes skin look flawless after everything heals


1. My face looks absolutely scary after for about 3days. Then after all the skin peels off, it looks great. So I cant really don anything for a while
2. Must avoid sun as much as you can
3. Stings!! but it's barable.

It's worth it
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September 23, 2011


After one use i can already see the clearness in the skin
Very cheap
Easy to do at home


Very red face
New spots have popped up

I used this product yesterday 50%. I left it on for about 4 minutes which was too much for me maybe one minute less would have been a bit less harsh! My face is current very red in the t zone area and the skin is trying to recover again. I would advise anyone with sensitive skin like mine to only leave the peel on for about 3 mins max to start with. All in all on the not so red bits of my face i can see the skin looks alot more luminous
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April 9, 2009


-Clears up mild/moderate red marks within a few peels
-Smooths out skin etc
-May see a improvement in very shallow scarring and helps with mild ancne (dries it out)


-Somewhat unpleasant tingling
-Takes several peels to notice the change

recommended for light acne sufferers who have stubborn red marks, i bought a 30% 30ml glycolic acid peel with neutraliser and toner from Ebay for 9.60 and it will last for ages cos you only need to use 1-2 ml per peel
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May 14, 2008


over a couple weeks, hyperpigmentation marks will lighten. skin will be smoother.


possible burning of pimples, red skin for a while, possible inflamation.

i've been using this product for 3 years (however, i stopped for almost a year in between). It really helped me with my red marks. i recently started using it again after my skin got worse, and i must have left it on too long because my forehead was so inflammed the next day. i burned my forehead and there was a bunch of scabs and bumps. but it went away in a couple days and the marks healed. this stuff is usually the only thing that really helps me with my red marks but there must be great precaution! try not to put the glycolic peel on whiteheads or it may burn and leave a scab. make sure to take it slow at first. do not go past the recommended time to keep the peel on. i would also apply the peel last on the forehead since that tends to have thinner skin. if done correctly, it can work wonders!
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October 15, 2007


Helps clear up skin, controls moderate acne, gives my skin a "glow"


Does irritate the skin and cause peeling

I have used glycolic peels in the 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% strength. It took me 2 years to work my way up from 20% to 50%. I do the peels approximately every other week, and alternate with 12.5% TCA peels periodically. I feel that this regimen has helped keep my skin clear and I receive many compliments on my "glowing" skin. I am 33 years old and am constantly mistaken for being much younger. These peels do cause irritation and skin peeling. If/when I don't do the peels for a while, this irritation/peeling is worse. I also use glycolic toner and cleanser and copper peptide serum/emu oil as part of my regimen. I purchase all of my products from an online store that I have been extremely satisfied with. Most important - follow directions exactly - when in doube
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April 13, 2008


clears up skin, lightens scars, makes it less oily, makes skin actually see ur skin lightly peeling, which indicates that the scarred, dull skin is peeling off


dries up face (not really a problem->use moisterizer)

i am using this product biweekly and have already done 2 treatments in 3 weeks. in the 1st treatment, it was great. my face was less oilier. 2 days later, i had breakouts on my forehead of the pimples that were under my skin, which is good..its cleared my skin from the inside. 4 days later my skin had dry blotches that were peeling off. about 1 week later, the scars were ALITTLE lighter. my skin felt like a babys skin, not that it was rough to begin with but it just felt alot smoother and baby feeling. my second peeling, was good. i started noticing my scars slightly fading like 5 days later. not much difference, theyre still there but its a start. theyre continuing to fade as the old skin peels off. its alot better than using fading creams that take approx 6 weeks to see results!
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