Gluten Free Diet

26 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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June 5, 2012


clear skin, improved digestion, increased energy



I noticed an improvement in my skin within the first two weeks. After eight weeks my skin was almost completely clear.
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November 5, 2016
Gluten Free - Acne Free
I've discovered gluten (grains) is the source of my acne on lower cheeks and around the mouth. After i realized Dairy was the reason of my back acne i went gluten free to discover my face acne is cause by gluten. Trough a lot of time spent on trial and error on gluten free diet i finaly made a sustainable gluten free diet and my face stoped breaking out after just a week of gluten free diet. The main culprit of my back acne was dairy and lower cheek, around the mouth acne was gluten. Now i know if i ingested something that doesnt suit me from the location of my acne. Im acne gluten and acne free for 2 motnhs now. Anyway give it a go, and hopefuly it helps you also. No need to go vegan or blah blah, just cut out gluten containing food.
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January 12, 2015
It works!
Like some people here, I've had acne since I was 15 years old. Being 23 now, I've tried every over the counter cream and suffered many painful cysts. After reading some reviews for inositol, which is mostly for women with PCOS, I decided to give it a try. It helped significantly at first, but it wasn't enough. I still had the occasional cyst and white heads. Later, I discovered that my father is allergic to gluten and my mother is sensitive to it. This encouraged me to eliminate gluten from my diet for at least a week and see what my results would be. Today is day five of my gluten-free diet and my face has NEVER felt so smooth! My currents cysts are very flat and almost gone, and there are no new nodules on my face. There's also a difference in my level of energy and mood. Overall, I feel great! I'm still taking inositol because it helps, but that's it. I'm so glad something finally works!
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July 21, 2017
Cleared in a few weeks!
I'm 16 years old and have tried everything to get rid of my acne.. since I was 12 I've had it all over my forehead. I had tried everything you can think of, from natural DIYs to expensive high dollar face wash, but literally nothing made a difference. I was so disappointed.. Recently I went to the ER because I couldn't breathe and the doctor told me I had bronchospasms (a type of asthma where your lungs spam due to allergies). The doctor also told me I had bad excema under my right eye. My mom is a real health nut, so she decided for me that I needed to stop eating gluten. At first I was SO SO SO against it... because let's be honest here, what teenager doesn't like pizza and honey buns!! After a few days I noticed a difference in how I felt. I felt more energized, I could breathe, my stomach didn't hurt from all the bread, my skin looked great and my excema was completly gone! I couldn't believe it. A few more weeks after eating gluten free, and my skin was completly clear! It went from my forehead being covered in big pimples, to having 1 or 2 occasionally. I was so shocked that taking one thing out of my diet would make such a HUGE differnce in how I felt! Boys and girls: gluten causes problems believe me.. I have chose to eat gluten free for the rest of my life and this is coming from a teenage who loves junk food ! Taking it out of my diet made me feel good and my skin look great.
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June 23, 2017
Had tried (almost) everything!
At 40 years old I developed moderate-severe cystic acne out of no where. I had never struggled with such bad acne. It was predominantly on my chin, jawline and sometimes my cheeks and forehead. I was prescribed countless topicals and oral antibiotics (including birth control and spiro). Nothing helped. My dermatologist, my gynecologist and my primary care physician all told me that Accutane was the only remaining option. And while I wasn't opposed to trying it, I wanted to exhaust less extreme options first. So, after two solid years of painful, cystic acne, I cut out gluten (and aimed to eat a low glycemic diet). Within two weeks of cutting out gluten, my acne seemed to calm down. Within three months it was entirely gone. At the 6 month mark I allowed myself a tiny bit of gluten (at one meal) and my acne came back within a week. It's now been 18 months of avoiding gluten and trying to eat a low-glycemic diet, and my acne is under control. I made the choice to have a tiny bit at one meal about a month ago and I'm still waiting for the pimples to clear up from that one gluten meal. It's worth noting that I'm a vegetarian and have been for 25 years (so, I was a vegetarian before the acne started and after). No idea what caused me to so suddenly have the acne reaction to gluten, but there's absolutely a connection. I eat gluten (or a high glycemic meal) and I get a horrible breakout. My pcp says it's hormonal/androgen related (we've done no blood work to confirm that...). Anyway, I wanted to share my story. I was a gluten-lover and it was tough to make the diet change, but if you're struggling with acne it might be worth trying. Good luck.
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August 8, 2016
Nothing spectacular
I've been off of gluten for about three months now, my main motivation in making that change was to see if it would make a difference in my moderate hormonal acne. While I have felt a generally better sense of well being (more energy, less stomach aches, bloating, gas, and indigestion) I haven't seen much improvement in terms of my skin. The bumps on my cheeks have calmed down a bit but I still get nasty hormonal flare ups along my chin, jaw, and near my mouth
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May 6, 2012


Saved my life!


Didn't help my acne at all

Didn't work at all for me, and I have celiac disease.
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July 3, 2016
Didnt really help... Tried going vegan did improve my skin but, one step further didnt going gluten free didnt get me the results i hope for, tried it for a year, i suppose I can just say hello to some beloved wholemeal bread again
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January 7, 2014
Not for me


Easier to stay healthy


Doesn't affect acne
Costs more if you want gluten-free products

I have not touched gluten in two months now, but I'm still breaking out in cystic pimples. I used to have severe acne (a side-effect after coming off the pill), it's a lot better now but still moderate. I am also taking antibiotics at the moment and I think those are the reason why my acne is getting better, but since it's quite easy to stay away from gluten I don't see a reason not to do it. It's hard at first but as you get used to it, it's easy to stay away from bread, pasta, cookies... It's a healthy choice of life but I'm afraid it doesn't take away acne. Not for me, at least.
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May 28, 2015
You need to wait longer than 2 months. Try 6 months, then eat a bagel and you'll know. And I agree with Amy, cutting dairy helps, too. I didn't go off dairy because of acne, it was for ethical reasons, but other people told me that they noticed improvement.
December 25, 2015
I have been vegan for years, so no dairy for me..and I still break out like crazy.
January 12, 2013


I do feel like it has cleared up my skin quite a bit but I can't say for sure if this is the reason why. I would recommend trying it though! I feel better over-all.


gluten-free items pretty much all seem to cost a little more.. Gluten-free bread costs about $5-$6.

try it!
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