Cetaphil : Gentle Skin Cleanser

996 Reviews

Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Stearyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben.

Items marked with orange can be irritating and over-drying, especially to acne-prone skin.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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April 14, 2012


very gentle
good if you have dry or sensitive skin
doesnt leave your skin feeling tight or dry
doesnt break me out


doesnt feel fresh after using it
doesnt have BP or salicylic acid to help acne

im 12 and this just doesnt work for my acne. this just doesnt do the job. plus, this is sooo expensive at walmart, shoppers drug mart, etc. i feel that this cleanser would be better for people who have drier skin or sensitive skin. i just need a better cleanser.
April 13, 2012


Cleans well
Removes oil

I really like this cleanser! I first started using this product back when my acne was bad...since I have sensitive skin, using face washes with salacylic acid or benzoyl peroxide along with other products was freaking it out. I figured that my oil T zone was the cause for my acne and went to find a cleanser that was oily/normal/sensitive skin; my answer has been Cetaphil. Even now that my acne is gone, I sill use it as my face wash. Now keep in mind THIS PRODUCT ALONE WILL NOT CLEAR YORU ACNE. However, it will really help with the process. Give it a try! (P.S. There are different ones for different skin types (oily, normal, dry etc.) so make sure you pick the right one!)
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April 4, 2012


-makes skin feel soft and clean
-easy to use
-no scent
-clears some of my acne


-didn't remove all acne
-still breaks out

i sleep late and it's summer i wanna get rid of acne so bad cause i feel hurt and have low self-esteem though i still have acne scars and some acne appearing, i have clearer skin now than before i do recommend this cause it helps you ALOT. massage it on your face and don't use your nails. be gentle and cover all areas
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March 31, 2012




-broke me out (PIMPLES!)
-super drying
-left my skin extremely tight
-worsened my acne
-not exfoliating

I had high hopes for this cleanser. But it knocked it. I know i know "it gets worse before it gets better". but i hate this! Worst cleanser i ever used. IF it worked for you-lucky! Btw, i have oily/combination skin.
March 25, 2012


Dosen't cause any allergic reaction on my skin as other products did


Don`t feel fresh after cleansing

I bought this product yesterday and absolutely loved it. Its fregance free so it dosent cause any redness as other cleasing products did on my skin such as: clearasil clean&clear etc. I didn't like to cleanse my skin before because my sking would be bright red, but since yesterday i cant wait untill i clean my face. The only negative is that don actually know if its cleaning or not, it just dosen`t laves, but if i dont breakout like crazy i`ll know its working. haha and ill keep you guy updated It is also a bit pricey i paid £9. which for a cleanser is expensive So far i would definatelly recoment this produt
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March 23, 2012


Non-Drying, Doesn't break me out.


It doesn't remove makeup, but that's okay. I just used something else for that.

I think I am very sensitive and this is the perfect cleanser for me!
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March 9, 2012


Soft skin
Great on wrinkles


Still get periodic pimples

I was originally introduced to this product by a plastic surgeon after slicing my face open to help the new skin come in and prevent extreme scaring, I still have a scar but most people can't see it as its just a minimal line. I continue to use it 15 years later to keep my skin soft and use it all over.... I am 32 now and often get asked when I'm graduating high school and if my parent or guardian can sign something, this product isn't the most expensive but every doctor I've mentioned it to loves it.
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March 3, 2012


Easy to apply
Left skin feeling clean & refreshed


Stripped skin of all oils
After 4 days caused dry skin and red patches

I think I must have reacted to one of the ingredients in this cleanser. It was OK initially but after 4 days I had to stop using it because my skin was so red. I was using Cetaphil moisturiser as well - but this didn't help at all. One day after I stopped using the cleanser my skin improved and two days later the red patches had gone. Not as sensitive as it claims for some people! I looked at the ingredients after having used it and saw the long list of chemicals, which some reviews seem to think cause more problems than they solve. I'm now trying an all natural cleanser made by Pai - seems much better so far.
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March 3, 2012


Very gentle


No lather
Not great for body acne

This cleanser gets high marks for facial use. Even though it doesn't lather, it does remove my makeup and is exceptionally gentle on my skin. However, as a body wash, I found it ineffective. Even though it was wonderfully gently, I think it may have been TOO gentle for all-over body use. I never really felt clean when I used it as a body wash. But I would definitely recommend it is a facial cleanser.
February 26, 2012


-easy to apply
-no smell
- makes makeup application easier


- causes more acne

I loved this product for the first couple of weeks, it was absolutely amazing! Within the first week my pimples had disappeared and I had extremely severe acne, so I was so excited and happy to have found something that finally worked. But after the first week things started to go downhill for me- pimples popped up in places I've never had before, like my cheeks and the sides of my nose, and the acne on my forehead came back worse than ever, with cystic pimples literally everywhere. I kept using cetaphil in the hope that it would make them disappear like it did the first time but it just made things worse. Its hard for me to decide whether I would recommend this product because although it made putting on makeup so much easier, it caused more acne and redness because I had no choice but to pop them :( I'd say this is a quick fix acne solution rather than a long term one. It was a huge disappointment for me- I wouldn't recommend this product for those looking for long term relief.
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