Egg White Mask

811 Reviews

Egg Whites

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August 26, 2010


-tightens skin
-makes skin soft
-reduces redness of pimples


-a little time consuming =/
-embarrassing to go tell your parents to go buy more eggs for your face...

i seperated the egg and whisked the egg white until it was kinda foamy and put it on my face. i waited about half of an hour and rinsed it off with hot water. i definately noticed the tighter feeling but when i went to put on makeup i noticed i didnt have to cover up my recent breakout as much. i will use it consistantly for a couple days, i hope it works! school starts in like a week too... ! i definately recomend this :)
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August 25, 2010


* tightens the pores
* improves skin tone
* Can make a Pore Strip mask with
* Can use every part of the egg (except shell)
* Very affordable (in all countries)
* minimizes acne lesions
* Does not burn or sting
* Moisturizes & gives a great facial


messy to apply..

I had a horrible break out for two months straight , with out my face giving me a break. I live in the Caribbean & its hot & humid all year round. So having oily/ acne prone skin is an even a greater challenge, plus ordering products for acne online can be extremely costly (shipping etc). This has been the only remedy that has calmed my acne. Im not completely clear because its only been two mths, but there is great improvement. Check this link [link removed]
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August 25, 2010


actually works on acne
makes skin look more even
reduces redness and inflammation


a bit time consuming

If you've tried everything on the planet, then try this for your skin. After ProActiv, Neutrogena, Cetaphil, and St. Ives failed for me, I tried this. After two weeks of using it, my face was the clearest it has ever been. I actually could go outside without makeup on and I still looked great! I stopped the next week and of course, my period came and along with it some fresh new zits. But the egg mask is already helping out with those! It's easy and cheap. You can add honey to the egg whites if your skin gets too dried out.
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August 23, 2010


reduces redness
clears up acne
you can feel it working!


kinda messy
cant move your face really ha

im 15 and i start school tomorrow and i recently just broke out all over my chin. I have never broke out this bad before i have around 4-5 huge pimples on my chin and its so embarrassing. they are really red and they hurt. Nothing has worked for me ive used Proactive, Max Clarity, Acne free, Clean and Clear and none of them worked for me. i just tried the egg mask today and all i can say is wow this is amazing my break out has reduced in size redness and it looks 100x better! im so happy its not completely gone but it looks so much better. Im planning on keep using this and hopefully become acne free. i would recommended this to anyone it really works.
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August 18, 2010


- Visibly reduces redness
- Shortens duration of healing
- Smooths skin


- Time consuming

I discovered this remedy through a friend and am so glad! My skin is extremely broken out right now, but also acting very sensitive so it's hard to find the right balance of treatments for it. I've been doing a treatment several times per week - first the egg white, then the egg yolk. If I'm short on time I do just the egg yolk. I find it easiest to wash off the dried egg yolk in a warm-to-hot shower with the help of a soft washcloth. I let my face soak under the shower spray for a minute and then begin gently wiping the egg off. It helps reduce the size and redness of the larger bumps and seems to be helping the scars heal faster, too. TIP: Use a small paintbrush to apply the egg to your face. Much less messy! I wash my brush on the top rack of the dishwasher after each use. Got mine in the paint section at Wal Mart for a dollar.
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August 16, 2010


- It definitely helps fade acne scars and heals acne
- visibly tightens pores
- skin feels a lot firmer


- messy >.>
- face goes a bit red after wash
- kind of painful.....ouch

I personally do not too the egg white mask too often, it more of an emergency mask if anything But from past experiences All I can say is "That's pretty cool" xD When you first put on the mask its kinda slimy and you're like "....disgusting" and after a good couple minutes you're face is screaming "I CANT BREATHE!!" because i feels like your all your skin cells are being glued together into one huge conglomerate of cells >.> but after consistent use of this mask 3 times a week for several weeks, I found that my acne scars seemed to have lightened quite a bit (may be temporary though, who knows?) and that my pores aren't big as the craters on the moon anymore xD (pure Win!) I found that my face would go very red after washing off the egg white... So I usually just lay a cool towel over my face for a couple minutes to help let the redness go away.. Also after you're done with the egg white and can use the egg yolk to help moisturize and soften =) ....that's pretty nasty too though >.> ewwww, but worth it..Big time
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August 14, 2010


funny tight feeling :D
reduced redness
pimple size smaller..


it got in my hair :O

ok well its actually the very first time i did such A silly thing but im 13 and skewl starts in 4 days.. i have bad acne i want it GONE.. ill try anything. so i tried it and i could feel it working..
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August 12, 2010


feels skin softer , pores feels tight, skin feels more moisturize


Don't know yet second night using it.

I used this egg white mask with the egg yolk because my skin got dry out from too much benzoyl peroxide. My skin was so dry and everything I put on get it so irritated and itchy until I put the egg white and egg yolk on my skin and the next morning when I touch my skin it was so much calmer and less dry. The redness from the benzoyl peroxide was less visible, but didn't notice and reduce in my moderate acne. I think its better for dry skin though.
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August 12, 2010


Tightens pores
Can feel it working
Reduced size of blemishes
Reduced redness
Made skin feel clean and smooth
Gave skin a natural glow



The other day I had a terrible breakout on the left side of my face. I had these 5 huge blemishes that were sore to the touch and really stuck out. My Clean & Clear medication wasn't doing anything for me so I decided I had nothing to lose by using the egg white mask. I tried it and after washing it off it had brought all of my blemishes to a head. Even though I know it's not good for your skin I popped them. Since that made my skin more irritated I decided to re-apply the egg whites to those areas and see what happened. After 15 minutes the huge bumps had gone completely flat, the redness was drastically reduced and it had closed those pores!!!! I am completely amazed! My skin looks so great now and I can't believe I have found something that has worked so quickly!!!! I've heard that the smell bothers some people but I added a bit of honey to the mixture and now my face smells like honey which is really nice. I am so pleased with these results and will definitely be using this often!
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August 11, 2010


Cleared my skin
Stopped emerging acne
Gets rid of oil
Tightens pores


Dries skin out

I've been trying a ton of masks and such recently as well as changing my routine so I'm not sure if my skin clearing is due to this egg mask, but it is highly possible. I've used this 2 days in a row and my skin is loads better! I only have about 4 small spots as compared to about 10 a few days ago. I use the Oxy skincare line -cleanser, pads, and spot treatment and I also put honey and cinnamon on any spots at night or do a honey mask if I get dry skin. If I pop a pimple, I do it the right way and then dab hydrogen peroxide on it o kill the bacteria Finally things are getting better :D Give this a shot, you have nothing to lose at all!
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