Egg White Mask

811 Reviews

Egg Whites

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August 30, 2007


Makes my skin feel soft & tightens pores a little
It's natural so there are so side effects & it doesn't dry out my skin


Didn't do much for my acne & it's a hassle to do every night

I've been steaming my pores open, applying the egg white mask and then applying the egg yolk mask right after for about 3 weeks. It does tighten your pores and makes your skin feel really soft but it didn't decrease the redness in my acne and instead made my skin more oily.
August 17, 2007


really tightens my skin, makes it feel fresh & smooth, makes my pimples decrease in size and demolishes redness.


smells bad, itchy.. and once you put it on after 10 minutes or so, it feels so tight that it makes my face feel like plastic.

overall, i don't know if it's a psychological thing but i think my acne became a little better.. but i don't think it made a big difference.
June 16, 2007


VERY affordable and easy to use.


May get into eyes which will burn.

Just apply some of the lemon onto your face every night and after about a month you will realise an amazing difference! Pimples will still come back but just a few
May 16, 2007


Very natural product.

i am using egg yolk mixed with lemon and sleep with the mask during the night... But my face is not getting better after all, it cleans for real black dots but acne doesnt leave me alone, i guess i am worse than before and the mask is not helping with acne. I guess acne problem is only STRESS, nothing more.I recomend sports, a calm rotine not stressing with everything...seriuosly i am very shure that acne is not about eating bad food or not cleaning up our face twice a day with a neutral soap, not touching our face, etc. its about being nervous and stressed all the time, particulary about our skin... thats my tip for the day good luck to u all
April 30, 2007


It does make your skin tighter


None yet.

This is the first day I tried the Egg White. I'm desperate to get rid of pimples that were caused from my Bare Escentuals (Bare Minerals) makeup. I kept the Egg White on my face for probably about 10 minutes. And my face felt extremely tight. I never really had visible pores but I'm sure they've gotten smaller. I haven't seen any real difference in the problem pimples I have gotten but I've put the skin of the egg on the pimples that are causing me problems. I'm planning to try this with Egg White & Egg Yolk + Steam before hand. Hopefully I notice a difference.
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April 27, 2007


tighter skin



I had tried putting the egg white and it really tighten up the pores... I wont say my face glow but i would say my skin felt better after putting on the egg white.. I didnt put it on my face for more than 10 min as it dried up quite fast.. Well, end result is it WORKS... =)
March 29, 2007
ive tried it before then I stopped. Now im trying it again because I want to clear up acne scars... So far, its helped tighten my pores... I can't say that my face glows or whatever when I wash my face afterwards. I think most people who think it glows have this psychological thought to it... or whatever. Well, will let you know how it turns out. So far it stinks, literally. haha XD
January 6, 2007


Really does tighten up skin.


Kinda slimy to put on.

If you've had acne for three or four years, don't feel bad. I've had acne for the past twelve years. It was only severe for about eight of those years, but even though my skin is MUCH clearer now, I still have occassional breakouts and large pores. I've only tried this mask once, but I could see some improvement. I'm definately going to try it again. One tip: always be sure you follow up with a good moisturizer. I know some people are afraid of them because you think "My skin is already oily, I don't want to make it worse!" but most acne treatments dry out skin. If you don't replenish that moisture, your skin will overcompensate by making itself more oily, which leads to more zits! I recommend experimenting until you find one that is right for you, because everyone is different. I used to use Clean & Clear's Morning Burst. My face cleared up some, so I'm not as wary of moisturizers, and now I use Neutrogena's Healthy Skin because it has multivitamins. Good luck!
December 19, 2006
I tryed it about one hour ago, I first put the egg yolk left it on for about 20 minutes then washed it of and then put the egg white and I left that on for a bit longer cause i got oily really oily skin so i had it on for almost one hour then washed it of. Results: my large pores looks a lil bit tighter when i look in the mirror but my whole face FEELS extremly tight. Clean skin oh yea it even took away the black heads on my nose so basicly a VERY good mask and also very very cheap. You try it what u got to lose and yea its not gross at all even though you might think it is, try and see for your self i know i will keep doing this for at least a month.
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November 23, 2006


I was seriously elusive about trying this but I was sooo suprised! It tightened my face so well and my pores looked a thousand times smaller!


It's a little gross to be putting egg on your face...especially when it's cold! Let it sit out for a minute or two before putting it on! The smell isn't too bad but no other complaints here!

THIS WORKS!!! It doesn't clear the acne totally but it reduces in size! For really really big pimples use the film under the shell of the egg and place it right onto the pimple and let it dry for like 15 minutes. Continue this one more time and then try the mask!!!