DIY Strawberry Mask

3 Reviews

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January 17, 2013


smells good
full of vitamins



basically you can do it 2 ways. One- you cut a strawberry in half and for 5min rub it onto your skin second mash it up add some lime and honey mix it and leave it on skin
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November 12, 2014
Strawberry mask
I make my own strawberry mask with pure strawberries. I buy 2 containers at the store, I use a cheese grater on a size that is small enough to make a sort of "strawberry applesauce" texture, and then I pour this bowl of "strawberry applesauce" into some ice trays and freeze. I then put all the frozen strawberry ice cubes in a Tupperware container and keep it in the freezer. I pull out an ice cube when I need it and then rub it on my face. After rubbing the ice cube on your face, use one finger to massage the mask over problem areas. This usually makes my problem blemishes sting. This face mask has done wonders for my skin. I use it at night, leaving it on for about an hour. I find it's best to leave it on for more than an hour sometimes because the mask can stay wet for quite some time and I like to wait until it's totally dried to wash it off. I've worn it overnight once but it caused blackheads, a problem I don't get too badly when I only keep it on for 1-3 hours. The coldness helps with irritation and I can feel my pores breathing better while it's drying. When I remove it, I turn the water on warm/hot and splash a little on my face. This will not usually remove anything, but loosens it. I then use a washcloth with warm water to remove. I dry with a towel. My face is usually shiny and soft, but not oily. I recommend this face mask because besides a little hassle to prep, two containers of strawberries will last you more than two months just using one ice cube a day. Even when I break out now it's much more controlled and doesn't aggravate to anything near as serious as I used to get. It's also much simpler using just strawberries as the only ingredient as I had bad results with a honey face wash so I try to avoid adding honey to face masks.
April 6, 2012


smells good

iv never tried this as a mask, can someone tell me how too make a mask with the strawberries, & hos too use it ?