Food Grade : Diatomaceous Earth

2 Reviews

Diatomaceous earth is made from the fossilized remains of tiny, aquatic organisms called diatoms. Their skeletons are made of a natural substance called silica. Over a long period of time, diatoms accumulated in the sediment of rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans. Silica deposits are mined from these areas.

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May 22, 2015
Worked Like Magic For My Back Acne
I've been struggling with back and shoulder acne for five years or so. I did some research as to the causes of "bacne" and read some articles about how intestinal parasites and fungi can burden your digestive system. They can cause your bowels to not function properly, therefore your body is unable to detoxify itself efficiently. Back acne has been theorized to be the body attempting to expel toxins through the skin, because it can't expel them through the bowels. I read that supplementing your diet with FOOD GRADE (NOT pool grade!!!) diatomaceous earth can rid your body of parasites and cleanse your intestines/colon of toxins and heavy metals. My results were shocking. I was somewhat skeptical, but it really worked for me. My back hasn't been this clear since I was like... 15 years old. Lol. Case in point, if you've been struggling with back acne like I was, it could be a digestive issue. Order a pound of FOOD GRADE diatomaceous earth from Amazon and try it out for a month (Google search 'diatomaceous earth cleanse' for detailed instructions). It worked like a charm for me, and I also feel so much healthier overall! :-)
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August 2, 2017
Nature's Godsend
---OVERVIEW: Acne can be resultant of either a bacterial/fungal overgrowth, troublesome digestion, or hormonal imbalance. I suffered from all three root causes and cured them with this one product. (Not this brand in particular, but it is very important to consume a good quality, food-grade DE). This product is 100% natural & incredible for so many reasons: Its abrasive and adsorbent makeup cleanses the GI tract of toxins and impurities, and will target any health problem related to poor digestion (and apparently more). It is high in silica and other minerals that lack in our depleted soils. DE will target any fungal/bacterial imbalances in the gut and remove them through the stool. Hormonal balance was a side effect of cleaning up my GI tract. ** for those who are not aware of a widely reported 70-90% of ALL health problems originating in the gut, you'll be amazed by what you learn about that (watch What The Health on Netflix or something). ---MY EXPERIENCE: My acne just randomly started flaring up when I started a new job as a full-time barista - fuelled by coffee during the day and beer at night. It progressed into a full-face of acne - to the point where I couldn't even stand to be seen in public, even WITH makeup on. It. Was. Bad. I became depressed & self conscious and am only now learning to feel myself again. I started taking DE religiously three months or so ago, starting from 1/4 teaspoon and working my way up to a heaped tablespoon daily. I take it in the mornings at least half an hour before my breakfast in some warm water, chased by another glass of warm water. I noticed more consistency and ease in my bowel movements, knowing my body was ridding itself of candida and bad bacterial overgrowth from the gut. I was also drinking 2L (more or less) of water daily, as DE's can cause dehydration. I saw a big improvement after the first week - seeing less inflammation, but still a lot of redness due to scarring. After two months, I have a couple of TINY spots, and experienced one cystic-ish pop-up due to my period (which is now coming painlessly and consistently). I use it as a (worked up to daily) facescrub too! (just mix a tsp with a splash of water and apply all over - leave for 15-30min) Probably best to work your way up to 30min as it may cause an initial breakout as it draws out impurities. Then gently scrub face clean and rinse. Sometimes I mix it with flaxseed oil if I feel like my skin is going to dry out too much. Then moisturize well afterwards with a natural product or just flax/argan/hemp/rosehip oil. But yes, Incredible. Hard to put into words how blown away I am. Hair/Skin/Nails so much healthier due to silica as well! ---NOTE: I think this product works BEST in conjunction with replenishing the gut with good bacteria - so having multi-strain probiotic supplements or foods and drinks. It's important to rebalance the good:bad bacteria ratio back to a healthy state to eliminate the chance of future acne episodes.
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