No milk/No Dairy : Dairy Free Diet

86 Reviews

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April 3, 2022
Unfortunately didn’t work

There is some research indicating a link between dairy and acne, however I’ve been dairy free for 6 years and did not notice any improvement in my skin! 


After being dairy free for so long, your body stops producing lactase, so you become lactose intolerant. Unfortunately now if I eat dairy I become very sick, and notice break outs… but actually stopping it did not reduce breakouts.

July 2, 2019
Didn’t work for me

Cutting out dairy has not improved my skin at all and I have also had some breakouts from soya milk and a few other dairy alternative milks so beware of that. But with that said it is definitely worth a try as it clearly works for a lot of people. I also didn’t find it difficult to do as I’m now Vegan! So defo give it a try for at least a couple months or around 7 weeks because you never know what can help. 

October 12, 2017
I have moderately severe cystic acne
History: I have had moderately severe cystic acne for three years. But I have had acne for 10 years. I am not on birth control. I got off antibiotics 10 weeks ago. I am currently using retin a micro 0.1%. I have been drinking a gallon of water a day for over a year now. I have been dairy free, gluten free, meat free, soy free, and nut free ( allergy ) for 11 weeks now. My skin has actually gotten worse. Side note: I could be purging from the retin a but I doubt it. I am getting 2-3 new cysts a day. The retin a is actually helping with clearing the cysts up in days rather than weeks... if I don't touch them. I am also taking a lot of supplements ( saw palmetto, zinc, probiotics, turmeric, b-complex, Maca root, vitamin D ). Nothing is working. My skincare is very good, and I take very good care of my skin. I have recently gotten rid of all grains, not just the gluten free grains. Still getting new cysts everyday. Obviously there is something wrong with me. I am posting this because I want others to know that you could still be doing everything right in the diet department and the skincare department and STILL have cystic acne. I'm giving it 4 more weeks and then I am going back to eating how I want to eat. I'm tired of being hungry all the time. Living off of veggies is hard and expensive. Accuttane may be my next step. EDIT: It is now exactly 2 months later! I have not had dairy or gluten for 4.5 months now. I have not had grains for 2 months now. I AM STILL GETTING A NEW CYST EVERY SINGLE DAY. I got my hormones checked by my doctor.... and after 8 tests and a lot of money spent..... my hormones are normal. Normal, yeah you read that right. I can't believe it. I just KNEW my hormones had to be the culprit because this makes no sense. So next month I am going on accutane. Wish me luck.
November 16, 2017
Too much supplement & beauty products worsen your body & of course your skin. Here are simple tips for me, hopefully it works well too: 1. Vit C 500mg daily supplement 2. Drink 1 spoon Extract Virgin Olive Oil + 1 spoon honey before sleep 3. Basic skin care (face wash, toner, serum + sunblock AM) that contain healing ingredients (Aloe Vera, Centella Asiatica), search Klairs from wishtrend. Avoid products that contain harsh ingredients: alcohol, SD alcohol, SLS, SLES etc. 4. Don't forget meditation to release stress or walking around 30 mins in the morning. 5. Weekly treatment: 2x a week, honey + clay. Don't give up, I need 3 months to see the results :)
November 23, 2017
Hey! I wanted to give a recommendation from my own experience with restrictive dieting and acne. I’m a vegetarian. My diet is very bland and basic e.g. tofu, sweet potatoes, rice, eggs, fat free Greek yogurt, oatmeal, quinoa. I definitely don’t eat enough vegetables but I eat plenty of fruit. I’ve alwasy had mild acne through my twenties but nothing makeup couldn’t coverup. Whenever I prepped for fitness competitions and carb cycled/cut calories my skin would start to break out more. I also know my hormones would go off balance during the last few weeks of prep because I used to get blood work done regularly. My point is I think I️t would be better for you skin to add some foods back in. Try adding clean complex carbs and soy. If you’re always feeling hungry and only eating vegetables all day your putting a lot of stress on your body which will increase your cortisol levels. I wouldn’t be surprised if your hormones were wacky with your type of diet. Try to focus on a clean wholesome diet instead. I hope this can help you.
July 27, 2016
No Effect
I eliminated dairy for 3 months and I still get acne breakouts, eliminating daiy from my diet didn't do jack sh*t
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August 3, 2016
Do you eat whey protein? I found out that whey protein can affect acne also. I am on topical medication and realized that diary was affecting my acne. I eliminated dairy, or so I thought. I was making protein shakes using water or almond milk, but acne persisted. Then I came across a video and found out that whey also affects acne.
October 30, 2015
Threw off vitamins
Overrated. Didnt do anything. Tbh, i found introducing it back actually balanced my vitamins a bit more and made me break out less. Im happy for those that swear by this though.
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December 25, 2013
Dairy free diet


Hard to stay away from dairy
Didn't affect my acne

I tried to stay away from dairy as much as possible for about two-three months. It was very hard, we eat a lot of dairy-based food in my family, but we started using oat milk (I think that's what it's called) which worked fairly well. During this time I saw no improvement on my skin whatsoever. I occasionally put some butter on my sandwich every now and then but compared to the massive amount of dairy I used to consume, you'd think you'd still be able to see improvement even with a little cheating. I honestly can't see a connection between my dairy intake and acne, so I've given up om it and now I eat yoghurt everyday for breakfast and so far my skin has not been getting worse (I've been eating it for a few weeks). I guess like with everything it's individual. I'm not sure if milk/lactose intolerance is connected to acne, but I come from Sweden where lactose intolerance is one of the lowest in the world. Just a thought!
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March 11, 2013




didn't affect my acne
made bones weak

Didn't change state of my acne at all. Severe acne slightly improved after drinking again.
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March 10, 2013


Didn't work.
I ended up losing weight that I didn't need or want to.
After one year without TOUCHING dairy or dairy products, no significant results in acne. This is overrated, and when started drinking milk again my acne cleared by 66% (2/3).


Does not work for everybody
Waste of time
Milk actually helped

Didn't work. I ended up losing weight that I didn't need or want to. After one year without TOUCHING dairy or dairy products, no significant results in acne. This is overrated, and when started drinking milk again my acne cleared by 66% (2/3).
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September 21, 2012


none that i have noticed


lost weight and i shouldnt be losing any as im already classed as underweight
didnt enjoy food as much without any dairy
not getting enough calcium

i gave up dairy last autumn when i had acne and it made no difference so i just introduced it back into my diet, my skin cleared by christmas time last year from antibiotics and yasmin pill. i became resistant to the antibiotics (erythomycin) so i have been on dianette for nearly 3 months and started roaccutane 32 days ago, i feel its important to get a source of calcium so i do eat dairy occasionally but i havent drank cows milk for months, dont even like the taste anymore, i drink almond milk its lovely and better for you.
May 6, 2012


its free.


doesn't work. and you lose weight that you don't wan't to lose.

tried this for 3 months, did not do anything for my acne. another overrated holistic approach.
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