Clindoxyl : Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel

396 Reviews

Active Ingredients:
Clindamycin (1%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%).

Non-Medicinal ingredients:
Carbomer 940, dimethicone, disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate, edetate disodium, glycerin, hydrated silica, methylparaben, poloxamer, purified water, and sodium hydroxide.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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October 9, 2009


Worked at healing and preventing acne (including cystic acne breakouts)


When initially started severely dried skin, continued to add moisturizer
Bleaches everything!
Can only get as prescription not over the counter

I love this prescription! even if its bleached all my sleep tops. I had a severe breakout of cystic acne after stopping Tri-Cyclin for 6 months. Now I'm back on that prescription, plus Clindoxyl at night with moisturizer on sensitive areas that get dry, and Proactiv during the day. I'm not sure my skin has ever looked better, in the past I usually was battling at least one or two pimples and now nothing! Or if I do tingly pimple sensation I just put it on and next day its gone. You do have to be patient it took 2 months before I really believed and saw and difference (Boyfriend saw a big difference in a couple of weeks). It does bleach your cloths but I was prepared for that after using Proactiv for years. I only wish the tube was bigger, I'm now rationing the medication. I feel like I've tried everything over the counter, I highly recommend this topical prescription!
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October 4, 2009


Made my skin clear but very shiny/oily looking


I think it actually enlarges your pores and does something to the sebaccous glands.
It contains an antibiotic
It bleaches clothes, pyjamas, pillows, towels.

It works well, but if you stop using it your screwed for life. You will always need it or something else. I used my mom's prescription when I didn't even have any significant acne, and I could swear that it did something to my pores/glands. This sounds weird but i feel that using this product made me get acne and now it is like an addiction because I always need it in order for my skin to get clear. I think it has made my skin hypersensitive. Maybe b/c of the antibiotics? Don't make the mistake of using creams you don't need. Less is more. Try and find more natural ways of clearing your skin. There are many ways. And, I don't think it should be used under make-up or during the day (light exposure). It specifically says not to expose yourself to the sun or heat lamps while using this product. This includes after you wash it off. I have used this product for 8 years on and off and can't stop because it has probably done irreversable altering of my pores/glands?
October 2, 2009


can be used under makeup
dries fast
gets rid of scares and pimples quickly


runs out quick
dries skin when too much is applied

it work when you give it time dont use too many other products when using the gel, it will not be as effective.
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September 27, 2009


-Very Minimal Side affects
-Apply only to areas that are infected
-Does not have any odour so it can be applied when leaving the house


-Slight residue on face after application

I started taking Clindoxyl a few months after I stopped taking Tetracycline, which is another common acne prescription. Although tetracycline was successful in preventing breakouts and removing acne on the majority of my face I was still getting breakouts on my forehead. I noticed positive results within 3 weeks. The acne of my forehead had subsided and I was not experiencing any breakouts. I did not notice any major side affects.
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September 25, 2009


works if you keep using it


dry skin where applied, for me i have to use it only before i go to bed.. so i cant use it in public ect..

good enough, proactive does work wonders but this was perscribed to me, free health care i think or insurance gets me it very cheap
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September 24, 2009


prevents acne
prevents acne
prevents acne


no cons i can think of,
worked very well with me, be careful to store it within 2-8 degrees celcius, or cream expires

works fine if u use it the right way and give it a chance!
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September 14, 2009


some times gets job done


makes face red, if u use it on one place but not other u see a line where it was, making for half tanned face :P (pretty embarresed on picture day)

buy facewash it does the job, and doesn't make ur face red and dry
September 11, 2009




didn't clear up my acne at all, it made it worse, i ended up with zits in parts of my face that never had them before

i do not recommend this product, and unfortunatly my doctor doesn't seem to agree with me and wont prescribe me anything else. i would recommend dove facial cleaning cloths. they work a thousand times better than the gel and are much more gentle on the skin
September 11, 2009


What pros can there be? Look at all the cons below:


- causes redness and dryness
- temporary cure
- bleaches clothes

There are far better and cheaper products on the market. The redness and dryness issue should make everybody back away from the product. Redness is what we're trying to abate here! If you have severe acne, go to a derm, get them to prescribe you minocycline. If that doesn't work, then just do the accutane. At least then you will be "cured." Pro Active works better then this stuff!
September 2, 2009


it helps with light to medarate acne. sometimes it can even make your skin glow. while on it you rarely get large pimples only a couple small ones


doen't fully clear skin, bleaches clothes, runs out quickly, makes your skin very red and sometimes burns

If you have light acne and you just wan to zap away those couple zits it mostly works. You have to be patient and very consistent however if you want clearer looking skin its worth it. If you have a health plan, you should be able to afford it. Just try it out, can't permanently damage you.