Carley's : Clear and Smooth Skin Treatment

1006 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl peroxide (2%)

Inactive Ingredients:
Reverse Osmosis Purified Water, Liquid Natural Soap, Shea Butter; (Butyrospermum parkii), Vegetable Glycerin, Walnut Shell Powder, Propylene Glycol, Apricot Kernal Oil; (Armeniaca vulgaris, Prunis armeniaca), Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Aloe Vera Extract, Corn Meal, Mango Butter, Emulsifying Wax, Hemp Seed Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil(Macadamia integrifolia), Xanthan Gum, Evening Primrose Oil(Oenothera Biennis ), Elder Flower Extract(sambucus nigra), Chamomile Powder (Chamomilla recutita), Natural Essential Oils – no artificial fragrances-, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Germall plus (4/10’s of 1%) (diazolidinyl Urea, 3-Iodo-2-propylbutylcarbarmate).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 21, 2010
Love this stuff! I have been using it for about a year and i wouldn't use anything else! I stopped using my presciption acne medications cause it was so expensive.. then found carleys acne was and it works better then my prescriptions did! AMAZING!!!!!
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July 20, 2010


It Works



This stuff works!
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July 18, 2010





K so this I have been looking into a very long time. It sounded like the wonder cure. I have very bad cystic acne along my jaw and I have cysts on my cheeks and some whiteheads in other places on my face. Wow, I had no idea my face could get worse! I really wanted this to work with all the amazing reviews and the refund policy was nothing I could turn down... Unfortunately, it didn't work for me and I personally think that all these great reviews for this product are fake and made just to out way the bad ones... Idk but PLEASE don't fall for what I did!
July 14, 2010





Don't buy it. My acne was not THAT bad until I used this stuff. HUGE HUGE cysts, that I have NEVER had in my life, came from this. Dont buy it
July 13, 2010


Took and keeps away acne; love the smoothness I have using this daily in the shower; cost is excellent; ingredients are superb


nothing in my opinion; I do run out when my budget gets tight - that's the only con I have

If you haven't tried this - do try it; if it doesn't work for you, pass it to someone else - you might make their life so much better if their acne clears up :o);; I read the reviews and thought "too good to be true"; this is not the case for their products - they work for me, they work for thousands and if it works for you, you will love these products and become a lifelong user of them like me ... I buy sunscreen and this stuff - that's all and it has made my "moisturizing life" so much easier and My Skin Loves It. Please don't go anywhere Carley's <3. My search will have to start all over if you do. Thanks so much - I cannot, truly cannot, say enough about the way these work on my face and body - Just Thank You Very Very Much !
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July 6, 2010


-Fast customer support
-Timely shipping and replies
-All natural
-Generous bottles and samples


-Broke me out worse than before
-Lengthy, painful regimen
-Use of washcloths daily
-Two stop washing process in morning, one step at night

This product did not personally work for me, but I still respect their product and think they have a wonderful thing going. While customer support was fast, I was always treated rudely and poorly. I was accused of giving up and was harassed all because I sent an e-mail asking if I was doing it wrong. I have pustules, and they told me to use a washcloth to "exfoliate" every morning and I showed concern because that is basically just like popping a pustule which can result in hyperpigmentation and scarring and they assured me this wouldn't happen but here I am, with hyperpigmentation and scarring from the regimen. Overall, a lot of people have/will have success with this product. I think the product is good, although it didn't personally work for me, and you should definitely give it a try if you are debating it. I am now using a dermatologist prescribed cleanser that is working wonders for me but I wish Carley's and anyone else who uses them the best of luck!
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July 1, 2010


Natural, great customer service.


Lengthy, strict regimen. Daily use of washcloths.

I was so excited to use this product after all the great reviews. I went out and bought a bundle of super cheap washcloths from Walmart, and put my BP use on hold. However, after a couple months of using this product, I was not seeing any results. Rather, I was seeing my skin gradually get worse. I e-mailed customer service mulitple times with timely responses. They encouraged me to stick with it, but I just couldn't bare seeing my skin get worse.
June 30, 2010


I struggled with persistent adult acne for over a decade when I found Carley's. I've been using it for over six years now. My skin has been pretty much perfect on it.

As such a long-term user, one thing I've noticed and REALLY appreciate with Carley's is that its developer continues to work with and improve the product. Over the years, the instructions and a couple of the ingredients have subtly changed. The communication is great, and I love the effort that has gone into prepari


None. I actually prefer buying it online. The delivery is very fast. I love the natural soap just as much as I love the main product.

It's been miraculous for me. Give it a try; the company is very fair and will refund you if it doesn't work for you. I can't say enough good about it. I only need to use the scrub once every other day at this point as long as I'm consistent and use the natural soap for the other washes. If I have to travel and forget to bring my Carley's and natural soap, my skin begins to get bad again in only three days or so. I definitely still need it, and it works amazingly well for me.
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June 29, 2010


Great customer service
Daytime moisturizer is the best
Generous with free samples and natural soap
Mostly natural


Process is way too time-consuming and wastes water
Scrubbing everyday is too harsh on sensitive skin
Scrub didn't work

I tried Carley's because there are so many great reviews for it here and I was confident that it may be what I have been looking for. It didn't work for me. I have very sensitive skin and it just made my skin irritated and broke me out in tiny bumps all over the place. I spoke to customer service about every problem I encountered (very nice and helpful) but Steve said my skin was sensitive because of all of the other products I have used on it, so I stuck with the program exactly. I did this for three months and then finally threw in the towel (or washcloth). I also tried extra strength which really did a number on my skin. I will say that they did everything possible to make this work for me and if you are one of those that this product works for, you are fortunate because customer service is top notch. I will however continue to use their daytime moisturizer and possibly the natural soap (sans washcloth, which has been slowly putting my skin back to normal).
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June 29, 2010


Makes skin smooth and clear. Easy to use. Is great to shave with also! Mild scent. All natural & no animal testing.

I used to have regular and cystic acne. As an adult, I have tried everything through the years. Nothing worked for any length of time. Then, I happened upon Carley's while shopping on ebay. Figured it couldn't hurt. Within days, my skin was showing a difference! I have found that what works best for me is not to use a wash cloth, but to use my hands. Wash my hands and rinse, then lather up with Carley's soap, wash face and rinse, use scrub and rinse, then lather up, wash and rinse soap again. No worries over bleaching wash cloths, or having a clean one each time. And it still works great! Had a little trouble with the cystic acne at first, but found that cutting caffeine from my diet did the trick! Now, between no caffeine and Carley's, I am blemish free!! Yeah! Have also found that if I use the soap to shave my legs with, I don't get those little irritated red bumps on my thighs that I used to get. I have discussed these products with many people, and have even given slices off of new bars of soap to folks for them to try. I can't say enough!! I am sold!
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