Carley's : Clear and Smooth Skin Treatment

1006 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl peroxide (2%)

Inactive Ingredients:
Reverse Osmosis Purified Water, Liquid Natural Soap, Shea Butter; (Butyrospermum parkii), Vegetable Glycerin, Walnut Shell Powder, Propylene Glycol, Apricot Kernal Oil; (Armeniaca vulgaris, Prunis armeniaca), Stearic Acid, Cetyl Alcohol, Aloe Vera Extract, Corn Meal, Mango Butter, Emulsifying Wax, Hemp Seed Oil, Macadamia Nut Oil(Macadamia integrifolia), Xanthan Gum, Evening Primrose Oil(Oenothera Biennis ), Elder Flower Extract(sambucus nigra), Chamomile Powder (Chamomilla recutita), Natural Essential Oils – no artificial fragrances-, Sodium Citrate, Citric Acid, Germall plus (4/10’s of 1%) (diazolidinyl Urea, 3-Iodo-2-propylbutylcarbarmate).

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 24, 2011


I love this product! It's the only thing that has ever worked for me and I will continue to use it.
The entire line of Carley's products are the wonderful. My skin stays soft and the scars are fading with the help of their scar creme. I will never buy anything else. Thank You Carley's


None it seems to be the closest to all natural you can get.

Everyone one should try it...I've given it to my mom and brother as Christmas gifts. You have to give it a few months of dedication and stay away from other products. But once it's routine it's very easy to keep up with.
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February 23, 2011


All natural. Fast shipping. Quick refund and responses to questions.


Made the new zits that I would get HUGE. Way to harsh for my skin type.

While I do believe this product can actually work for some, it did the opposite for me. I have very sensitive skin and I think the scrubbing was just to harsh for me. The new zits that I would get would get so large, they would take forever to go away. I still have scars on my face from some of them. I don't think that this company is a scam. I just think that this product will either work for you or won't at all. I have since switched to Dan's regimen and have been clear ever since.
February 22, 2011


The ONLY product I've found that works to get rid of and keep acne away. I'm in my mid-30's and have suffered from moderate to severe acne since my teens.



I've tried various prescriptions from a dermatologist & Proactiv as well as tons of make up to "cover up". Those products all made my acne & skin worse. It turns out I'm allergic to Benzoyl Peroxide, the active ingredient in Proactiv, many prescription acne treatments and Carley's Clear & Smooth. However, I believe the method of using Carley's is the key for me. The Benzoyl Peroxide is not allowed to sit on my face for hours with Carley's. I've experimented with using just the scrub and only washing it off with water - no soap. My face reacted the same way as it did with the Proactiv/prescriptions. If I use it the way the directions say, washing before and after with the bar soap - NO PROBLEMS!!! I've also been able to lay off the make up, as there's nothing to cover up anymore. My sister now uses the scrub & soap, my mom uses the soap and I use the soap on my 3 year old daughter (I started with her when I noticed how dry her skin got - since washing her with the bar soap - the dry skin has gone away). I think the cost is very reasonable compared to all the other commercial products available. I order only twice a year and use it regularly every day. I glanced over the over the reviews one product is going to work for 100% of the population of acne sufferers. We're all looking for something that helps us. For those of us that this has helped, we're grateful. If it hasn't worked for you - I'm sorry, I hope you find something that does. Steve does have a full refund policy for his products and he does stand behind that promise. He's always answered any inquires I had promptly. I took a chance on trying this product 8 years ago, after turning to the internet for help out of desperation. I'm glad I did.
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February 15, 2011


Fabulous product



Some of the "finest products" I have ever used.
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February 15, 2011


It works for me with adult acne and for my kids with teen acne. It is easy to use and affordable. Love the free samples too.

Ever since I had acne as a teen-ager I have had to wear heavy make-up re-applied several times per day to try to hide the lumps and bumps of on-going adult acne continuing into my 40's. What a difference the scrub (and natural soap) have made for my skin. If I do not use them, I start to break-out. Thankful to have the product for my kids so they do not have to live with acne and can have "clear and smooth" skin.
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February 15, 2011


I have been using this product for over 10 years, and it's the only thing that's worked for me. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this product online. It makes my skin feel clean & fresh. It has cleared my acne & subsequent breakouts. I'm in my mid-30's, and can testify that this product is amazing. Definitely worth the money, and lasts for months & months.


None. Period.

I love this product, and I will continue to order it as long as it is available. Thank you for creating such a great treatment.
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February 8, 2011


zero -.-


Developed cystic acne where I'd never had any, broke me out horribly every time I used it, SOAP is a huge no no, dry and flaky, red... horrible HORRIBLE FACE. :(

I am a huge skeptic after using this and yes I fell for all the good reviews. I didn't look all the way through but I was like WOW five stars on so many. So I got it and used it, broke me out horribly in the first couple days. But the site said keep using it, and so I did... following the instructions to the letter. And lo and behold, my face did something it has never EvER done before. I started getting nasty cystic acne. Deep painful acne that i couldn't do anything with. It hurt forever and I couldn't get it out. My face finally cleared again back to where it was, some blackheads and stuff when i stopped using it. I believe this product is a fake like people say, it disgusts me that I fell for it and i really hope other people begin to realize how horrible it is to exploit people who already suffer from acne and how freaking bad it makes them feel. DO NOT USE. :(
February 3, 2011


Keeping my face acne free for the past 9 years; I have been using Clear & Smooth intermittently since middle school.


Bleached towels; it's generally not an issue at my own house but I always have to be careful when I'm staying over at friends' place.
I also noticed that they have raised the price recently....

First of all, I wrote a review on this website a little over a year ago (you can still find it if you scroll back far enough). I don't get why the "helpfulness score" is negative since I thought I wrote a rather thorough review. Then I did a little search on Google and found that there are some people on this website who declare themselves to be "anti-Carley". I find that to be completely absurd. Perhaps this product did not work for those individuals, which is entirely possible and of course they're entitled to write their own negative reviews of the product. But to give a thumb down to every positive review is simply immature and irresponsible. In any case, now I'll write my actual review. Since I last posted in Sept. 09 (I think...), I tried to switch to Origins' Checks and Balance in the spring and my face was reacting positively to it. I used it for a month thinking that I could finally stop using Clear & Smooth since I hate to have to order it online every time I run out. Another month went by and I started noticing more and more breakouts on my cheeks. At first I wasn't too worried but by the end of the summer they became pustules that left scars all over my face except for my forehead. It was like high school and early college all over again. I had no choice but to switch back to Clear & Smooth once again and it took a few weeks to bring the acne under control. It's been about 4 months since I restarted the regimen and there's been no major breakouts. A whitehead here and there but usually not noticeable. To be honest I still use Origins' cleanser once in a while when I am traveling for a weekend and don't want to bring my Clear & Smooth with me and my face handles it okay. I think I just can't use that continuously for weeks... So the bottom line is Clear & Smooth is not for everyone. From what I read in some reviews it can make your acne ever worse than ever. However, for some, like myself, this product is a savior.
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January 29, 2011


When used as directed, this product is great. I say this because, I would have a tendency to skip using it a few days, to make it last longer, because I use it all over my body. This stuff is amazing for people who suffer with KP. I have a bad case of it on my upper arms and the front of my thighs. After like 2 weeks, you cant even tell that I have issues with KP.


Really I can't think of anything, except the price. And really that's because I need to use it all over my body, so the bottle goes quick. :( But if you're just using it for your face, its a great value for your money.

This product works, and good luck finding something that treats KP, because I've tried it all! Give this around weeks to see REAL results. Remember your pores are going to naturally purge any remaining bacteria that's deep down when you first use this, so a few breakouts are natural. After that, you'll be impressed. Patience is the key. :))
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January 29, 2011


nothing. nada. zip. worst thing i was ever coerced into. two months later and i still regret ever trying this product.


everything about this product is a con except the fact that i can get my money back from those liars and scam artists at carleys

terrible. i used to have mild to moderate acne that was annoying but actually manageable. i wish i had those days back. carleys gave me SEVERE acne and im not lying. i was so depressed and im still so sad about what it did to my skin. it changed the type of acne i had, i would get it in places i never did before. i used it consistently for months (like 4 to 5) and emailed the guy and he told me to stick with it. i just couldnt stand to see my acne get much worse, i had huge cysts on my cheeks, chin and forehead. i felt so gross and unattractive. i even got cystic acne in places i never had any problems with before, namely my jawline and even my neck! so dont fall for all the fake reviews like i did, if you really read them youll notice that they all sound the same. also, a product that ONLY either has 5 stars or next to none...thats a little sketchy. every product has reviews in the just seems like theyre only trying to sell you the junk. so PLEASE dont make the same mistake i did, you will regret it later when you have to go back to the dermatologist or dans regimen!