Calamine Lotion

279 Reviews

Calamine is either a mixture of zinc oxide (ZnO) with about 0.5% ferric oxide (Fe2O3) or a zinc carbonate compound.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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December 11, 2014
Best stuff ever!
a couple of years ago, i started getting a few spots here and there, but nothing that bothered me too much, my mum would always get onto me about putting calamine on my face whenever im not going out, and leaving it on to sleep, i never really bothered because my spots never really bothered me, but recently i started getting alot of red inflamed acne all over my face, so i decided to give the calamine lotion a try, i dabbed it all over my face and left it for as long as a could, and i can honestly say its worked wonders on my face! Its became a part of my routine now, i never go a night without putting it on, i have no spots now, i still get the occasional one, but nothing compared to what was there! I then recommended it to my best friend, who has suffered with acne for years, and its gets her so down that she will sit there crying about her skin, shes been prescribed so many different creams and tablets ive lost count, then she tried calamine and she said it was the best thing shes ever done! Deffo give it a try, you wont be let down!
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June 9, 2015
i have been struggiling with moderate acne scars for about 6 months now, my.scars are not so pitted but very red and not cute. being so desperate for help i came across this online review and decided to give it a shot. im never the kind of person to write reviews but i need to tell you guys in the same boat as me to try this !!! this is my 3rd night using calamine lotion and wow!! i can honestly say my skin has improved so much i didnt have to cake on my makeup today i didnt even need concelar thats a first! has even noticed a difference. This stuff is amazing and i look forward to seeing more of the great results it brings me. i recommend this product !!!!
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February 22, 2011


takes away itching



This worked for me along with changing my diets to include more alkaline foods and eliminate histamine producing foods and drinking more water. I tried everything for persistent rosacea. the topical medication from my dr. made my rosacea worse and I didn't want to take any more antibiotics. I used to use calamine lotion on my face when i was a teenager way long ago-and it was great then and it's great now and it worked for me. Redness, itching relieved in a few days and bumps almost all gone. I would highly recommend trying this since it could work for you too.
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November 20, 2012


Cheap, Easy to apply



Folks, the magic ingredient in the calamine lotion is zinc oxide. When I was in my teens and twenties, I had terrible cystic acne. Nothing worked, and my heavy alcohol and white bread diet didn't help. I was a sad young lady who hid behind a layer of thick makeup. In my 30s and 40s my acne improved, as did my diet (see any correlation here?) and cutting out alcohol. Also, I began to see a pattern: after I went through a week of eating chocolate and/or desserts and/or loads of starches, I'd get rows of massive, golfball cysts, usually on my chin, jawline, and cheekbone. They would hurt so much, when I smiled or talked or chewed...well, you know how it goes. Throbbing cysts. Bacne. It took me awhile, but finally I learned: don't screw around with the food! However, during those times--like holidays---when I do overeat on sugary/starchy foods, I've learned that calamine, applied to the cleansed (erupted) area at night will shrink that ball. The following morning I again cleanse the area, reapply the calamine--if you rub it in the pink fades, leaving a pale whitish area and then cover with a light water-based nude tone. After about 2 days the cysts have shrunk to the size of a grape seed. The only negative is that the top layer of skin is a bit dry, but that's nothing I can't deal with. There is a tremendous amount of scientific and medical literature out there which indicates most acne (bacterial infection) is generated from gut imbalance. I will encourage anyone who wants to improve their complexion to read about gut health and skin. Through diet changes, a short-term round of antifungal medication (for Candida), followed by a complete reestablishment of the intestines with probiotics and homebrewed kefir, and jump-starting the "elimination system", there will be a massive improvement. Please, educate yourself on the gut-skin-brain triangle, well-researched since the 1920s. Sadly, it has been ignored. [link removed]
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November 13, 2010





I bought and loved the Mario Badescu pink drying lotion which is actually Calamine, alcohol and salicylic acid. I kept the bottle and just keep adding regular calamine and alcohol as needed. Apply with Q-tip and works great. Calamine $1.50 Alcohol .99
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May 9, 2011


-Works on Acne


-Dries with a Pink film

I discovered that Calamine lotion works on facial acne by accident. I purchased it for my son's mosquito bites. The bottle was sitting on the sink so I put some on my face and it dried my pimple overnight. I thought it was my imagination, so I researched the web and discovered that CL really does work on acne. I have spent thousands of dollars on Dermotologists, Beverly Hills Aestheticians, Facials, Peels, Medicine, Custom Blend Make-up. What a fool I have been! I only need to spend 3 dollars to control my acne. Yea!
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December 9, 2010


inexpensive, works fast


a little messy

I have only been using this for two days but I had to write something! I rarely get bad cystic acne, but I got a HUGE one on my cheek - red/purple, swollen, painful. I'm a horrible picker, so of course I squeeze it but nothing would come out. I read these reviews and decided to try it - I washed my face and put a layer of calamine lotion on it. About an hour I later I took a hot shower and when I got out it had already come to a head and I was able to pop it! My cysts usually don't come to the surface at all and the swelling lasts for several days. I applied another layer of calamine and went to bed - in the morning almost all the swelling was gone and it was nearly flat. It usually takes over a week to get to that point. There is a scab/sore there still, but I think that's because I picked at it - I will continue putting calamine on it and hope for the best!!
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April 17, 2012


It Works!
No itching
No Swelling
No More Acne!
Doesn't smell wierd.


It's pink

This stuff really works. I fought a losing battle with acne all of my high school life, and was really unpopular because of it. My face was more acne than skin. I tried everything, Clean&Clear, Neutrogina, even Proactive didn't work. Then on day, I got Poison Ivy on my face (Fell down while camping). I used this to clear up the ivy, and surprise surprise, the entire area around the exposed spot, all of the acne, vanished! So I tested it, covered half of my face in it and and left the other side blank. Few days later, I looked liked Havery Dent (Two-Face from Batman) Hands down I strongly recommend using this! The results will be proof enough!
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February 4, 2011


Dries the pimple
Convenient and cheap



Works only if you are consistent
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April 1, 2010


soothes sensitive skin, diminishes redness, helps heal and dry pimples.


none so far.

Calamine lotion is the best product I've used yet. My acne has been improving the past few months anyway, but i recently had a dermal upheaval and this cleared it up right away. My skin tone also appears more even. Anyone who hasn't tried it yet should give it go. I apply it lightly all over with a cotton ball and blot it until it soaks in to my skin.
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