PanOxyl : Benzoyl Peroxide (10%) Aquagel

342 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Benzoyl peroxide (10%).

Inactive Ingredients:
Aqueous base, which had bacteriostatic, keratolytic, sebostatic properties.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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January 7, 2010


Inexpensive, over the counter, convenient, no smell, rinses clean


Can be over drying

I have used, and have been prescribed pretty much EVERYTHING that I could to try to rid of my moderately severe acne. My last try before Accutane was PanOxyl. I have been using PanOxyl 10% for the past 2 weeks and have had remarkable results. I actually stopped taking Solodyn, and using my Retin-A because I was sure PanOxyl was working for me. I don't recommend coming off of your prescription for this product. But I highly recommend this product. It is a must try. I have been on doxy, tetra, monodox, bactrim, retin-A, solodyn, triaz....and so on. This is the only thing that has stopped my cystic acne from spreading on my face. I no longer feel pimples coming on. You know that occasional stinging or itch you feel when you know another one is on its way. Well, I can actually feel this medicine heal from the inside out. I was already using the Triaz 6% facial cloths when I began using PanOxyl. I felt that uping the percentage of Benzoyl Peroxide to 10% would amp the results. Well lo and behold it worked! I was such an avid fan of salicylic acid til I learned the difference that Benzoly Peroxide can make on my face. Please please please try this product. Its a defintie God send. My face was really broken out around my jawline and cheeks were super red and inflamed. It almost looked as if I was getting a combo of acne and rosacea. But PanOxyl made the difference along with prayer. I prayed God would heal my face or would lead me to a product that would help rid me of heart breaking and traumatizing acne. I hope this is OUR cure. Be blessed and never give up hope.
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December 11, 2009


clears your skin after using it for 2 weeks. your won't be oily again if you use it and it will tighten your skin. I t will also help prevent blackheads.


dries your skin, redness and flaking!

I've been searching for the most effective product andi foung out in a pharmaceutical book that the the dermatoloists recomment this product. I bought it in a drug store and the price was quite reasonable. The first time i use it after a couple of hours it will tighten your skin! I used it every morning and before going to bed! I guaranteed that panoxyl will help you to wash away those acne! buy it!
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December 10, 2009


clears skin after 2-4 weeks


redness and flaky skin

i used Panoxyl 5% bar soap, Eskinol cleanser (cucumber) and Panoxyl 10 % gel. I washed my face twice a day with Panoxyl bar soap and Eskinol for cleansing/toning my face. I used the Panoxyl at night after cleansing my face. If u are uncomfortable with Panoxyl 10% gel u may use the Panoxyl cream 4%.
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December 8, 2009


just took redness out of spots from the first day of use. i got soo excited i used it twice in one day but it started to dry my skin out bad so i stopped and used it once only. i have tried everything for my skin this is amazing.


can dry out skin and after using it can leave skin feeling tight

if you have tried everything else and had no luck try Panoxyl! I used the 2.5% and even thhats amazing!
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November 25, 2009


Dries out and clears acne fast!!


Redness and flaking, definetly need a good mosituriser

This is amazing stuff!! It works so fast at clearing up spots and acne. Certainly does dry the skin so moisturiser is a must but a small price to pay to clear zits. I have tried many and never found a more effective cream. It was quite expensive here in New Zealand, around $26 for the tube. TRY THIS!!! :-)
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November 24, 2009


Actully works, Visible effects on first application, realiy clears acne after about 2 weeks, hardly ever have breakouts anymore, dirt cheap, easily absorbed into skin.


Does dry skin out and makes it flake off.

I bought this gel as a last resort before going to see a doctor who probly would've prescribed me anti biotics (risk of long term liver damage, no thanks), Panoxyl 10 cost me £3.49 from loyds pharmacy, After the first application I could clearly see the cream working after a few hours, The redness had died down alot, The real results come after about 2-6 weeks of usage, skin hardly breaks out (still the odd White head) which goes after about 2 days of use, the gel is amazing, I wouldent be without it in my morning and night face wash routine, Its given me back that lost confidence, and a clear spot free face, However in the first few weeks of use I had extremely dry flakey skin (benzoyl peroixde based gel, Drys skin, removes excess sebum oil, And oxygenates pores, spot causing bacteria can't live or breed in an oxygenated enviroment, which means no breakouts) for the dryness I drank alot of water to keep face moisturiserised, also water clears skin, I defo recomend panoxyl 10, mike.
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November 24, 2009


I use the cream cleanser not the bar soap. I use it without a wash cloth or shower gloves so it's not so harsh on my skin and dry it out. This is a WONDERFUL product recommended by my derm. Runs 10.99 for cream cleanser and 11.99 for can acne


Acne foam is great but seems to stop coming out of the can when it's half way empty( stops squirting out).I've had this problem with 4 cans already but the product works so very well I just buy a new can.

Buy this product !!! It's better than proactive or any prescription acne product I've ever used. If you struggle with acne this is great. Just use a light moisturizing lotion like Cetaphil.
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November 5, 2009


*Works Well When You First Start Using it.
*Keeps Acne Under Control
*Cheaper Than Other Acne Removal Methods.


-Never Completley Gets Rid Of Acne/Acne Comes Back, Not A Long term Solution.
-Get Very Dry Skin/Itchy
-Affectiveness Decreases Over time

It Will Help You, But If You Want A Long term Solution Look Into Something Else. Plus Once You Use It For Awhile It Doesnt Work Very well Anymore. ***Important! Leave It On for 2 Mins At Least. It Will Dry Out the Skin But it Is the Only Way it Will really Work.
November 4, 2009


I've used Clearasil, Proactive, BenzaClin, Differin, Aczone, etc and nothing has worked like Panoxyl. After a week swelling went down and after two weeks the redness started to disappear. It's most definitely a godsend.


Makes skin a little dry, but nothing that can't be easily fixed with an oil-free moisturizer.

Get it!
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October 30, 2009


Clears skin just about completely after 2 weeks. Skin feels tighter.


None that i've found, it really seems to suit my skin type.

Amazing product, certainly best acne face wash I've ever come across over 15 years of problem skin. You only need to use a small amount each time, it really does clear away the dirt leaving you feeling fresh and revitalised. I would certainly recommend trying this product. 10/10
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