The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.
July 1, 2012
- none! haha!
- not recommend if you're allergic to bee pollen!
I wasn't going to let acne and angular cheilitis, ruin my vacation i was going to take to see my family and attend a wedding, so i desperately searched high and low for a cure. I felt as f i was going to attend the wedding look like like a freak. I looked so ugly with dry, cracked, peeling, and oozy lip corners and pimples on my forehead, I felt like i was walking around with the plague. My self esteem was pretty low, and i thought i was never going to get rid of this horrific combo - until i discovered bee pollen pills! I went to CVS and i was lucky enough to find the last of the pills. I took them home and right before bed i took a pill. It's been maybe 5-6 days since i began taking these magnificent pills and i would recommend them to anyone! I also read many other wonderful things about them i.e more energy, better sex drive etc (look it up) And the angular cheilitis thing got so much better after taking these pills (I'm also taking a multivitamin) but it seems it speeded up the healing process and i can now finally open my mouth without pain! i can yawn, eat, laugh, talk, no more embarrassment. Thank You bee pollen pills!
June 24, 2014
Been using for six weeks
I will start by saying that I did not use this brand of bee pollen, I bought a jar from a Whole Foods that sold pollen from a local farm. I am still writing the review, however, because bee pollen has been a lifesaver for my face! About two months ago my acne was the worst it had ever been. I am a mixed black/caucasian and I was having acne sprout all over my cheeks. At any given time I had about six zits on each cheek. Every few days one would finally go away, but then I would have about three more appear each day. Sometimes I would have a pimple on top of another pimple! The worse thing about my acne experience was the hyper pigmentation that would occur afterwards. I had tried everything I could get ahold of-face peels from an esthetician, glycolic acid, LED light therapy, acanya, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur treatments. The most helpful topical treatment was the benzoyl peroxide, but I know that since I have started the bee pollen my face is now clear. My post inflammatory hyper pigmentation has decreased by about 50% in the past six weeks. I am satisfied with the product.
June 26, 2013
A nutritious, anti-inflammatory, anti-acne, antioxidant rich "superfood"
Full nutrient profile and is a "whole food"
High antioxidant score (ORAC)
none, unless you're allergic to pollen.
Viewed from a holistic perspective, since bee pollen improves your overall health and boosts your immune system, it consequently improves your skin's health and the body's ability to fight off and heal infections like acne. Many skincare creams have begun including bee pollen as an ingredient. The amino acids present in bee pollen have anti-inflammatory properties and help regenerate cells, which is great for healing and preventing acne.
Most important, however, is bee pollen's antioxidant content. It is near the top of the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Content) list ' which measures antioxidant content by volume ' with a score of 250,000 per 100g, the highest score ever recorded for a whole food. Since free radicals, oxidative stress, and inflammation make acne worse, bee pollen's antioxidant content alone makes it a great addition to the diet of any acne sufferer or anyone who wants healthier, younger looking skin. A Swedish dermatologist by the name of Dr. Lars-Eric Essen found bee pollen to have a profound 'suppressive effect' on facial acne, and attributed its effects to its naturally high concentration of nucleic acids, active enzymes, helpful antibiotics, and antioxidants.
February 21, 2010
Great for your health, increases energy, and has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol levels. Also good for skin health and has evened out the tone of my face.
None that I can think of, except that it is a bit expensive. You can save money by ordering in bulk from most stores that sell bee pollen/ royal jelly supplements.
I have had cystic acne for about three years and the regimen (2.5% benzoyl peroxide) beautifully took care of my whiteheads and cysts. All I have left are dark hyperpigmentation marks on my cheek and chin. They were slow to disappear at first, and I thought they'd never go away. Since taking bee pollen/ royal jelly supplements, my red/brown marks have decreased dramatically and are almost completely gone :). I recommend mixing bee pollen into your current regimen if you can, has been shown to improve the body's ability to heal wounds and balance hormones, all great for acne.
October 10, 2011
Great for your skin and overall health
Trust me, you'll want to try this.
- rejuvenates the skin.
- helped my case of angular cheilitis heal faster within 2-3 days (I also used vaseline to cover up the infected area)
- I thought it wouldn't do it, but it did!...these pills reduced the appearance of my moderate acne scars on my forehead and chin. (also, use potato slices to speed up the process)
- skin look better overall and feels softer. Not as nervous to look at mirrors anymore.
- no more tiny little flesh bumps on my forehead.
- light wrinkles dim