Baking Soda

1345 Reviews

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September 14, 2012


*Really works
*Shrinks acne over night
*Feels great


*A bit drying but so worth it

I am allergic to most acne medications. I tried equal amounts of baking soda and fine ground salt mixed with either a small amount of water or peroxide. I use it every other day and it's amazing! I love it and it works better than anything I have tried, I have had no ill side affects either.
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September 4, 2012


Helps with acne scars
Shrinks pimples over night
Exfoliates skin well and leaves it smooth
Gets rid of oily skin


A bit drying

Miracle product! I've struggled with acne so long & I wish I would of tired this sooner. Now I mostly have scars, but I still deal with acne. The way I use it: Mix water, baking soda and one drop of Tea tree oil into a light paste. This might be to long for those with sensitive skin, but it works for me. I do this every few days. Tea tree oil is itself very beneficial for acne and is natural so I find that using both is the key. Every other night I just wash my face with my facial soap mixed with baking soda to exfoliate. Hope I helped! <3
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August 2, 2012


Lightens scars
Prevents breakouts
Easy to use
Doesn't stain or bleach clothing
Reduces size of pimples overnight
Reduces oily skin
Softens skins


Can be drying so use a lot of moisturizer

This is the best acne medication I have ever used. Previously I did Dan Kern's Regimen for 4 years and, even though it decreased breakouts, I still had a few. I have a hormone imbalance and it recently just stopped working altogether. I was getting frustrated and decided to try different methods. Last summer I tried baking soda which I left on overnight as a paste. My face started breaking out even worse so I went back to the regimen. When I started working in lab my acne got really bad and my skin was very oily. I don't know if it was because I was working with bacteria or if it was stress working with my crazy PI. Anyway, I decided to give Baking Soda a try again. At first I just used my finger to apply it, and I saw a reduction in acne. I then decided to apply using a cotton ball. Bad idea, I think it exfoliated my skin too much and my acne got worse. So I went back to just pouring about a teaspoon in my hand, wetting it a little, and then slapping it on my face. This is what I do 1. Wet face 2. Pour some in my hand and wet with a little water. I make it a little watery. 3. Apply to face. I only let it sit for about 30 seconds before I wash it off and I don't rub it in too much. I read somewhere that if you let it dry it exfoliates the skin. 4. Apply copious moisturizer. I do this in the morning and even and my face just feels cleaner all day long. If you gave up on it, try different methods because everyone's skin is different and the time and amount used might vary. Unlike BP, it doesn't bleach clothing. The Regimen ruined a lot of my nice dress shirts and bleach almost every towel and pillow case I own. I love baking soda. Now I can wear colored dress shirts again!
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July 22, 2012
I haven't been using this long enough to give a proper review, but I just wanted to add a word of caution: if you're also using essential oils to treat your skin, be careful about applying them after using baking soda. My skin normally isn't very sensitive, but I experienced a burning sensation when I applied lavender and thyme after a baking soda mask (which was washed off with cleanser). The burning stopped when I washed the oils off, though, and the baking soda seems to be working well otherwise.
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July 15, 2012


really works cant see acne anymore


take an hour or longer to work
p.s. but it is worth it

it isnt has expensive as the $91.99 prices you see in the store and you normally have this in your house so it perfict
June 29, 2012


*shink pimps :))
*spot treatment


*red face a bit

This is Great :)) there is no other thing i can say about the greatness of this one .. :)) cheap but works. i hate some thingproducts that is expensive .. and giving some review without trying it.. or fake review just to get some customer
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June 24, 2012


Gentle exfoliant
Shrinks spots
Brightens skin
Really works


Can be drying but just use a moisturizer after use other than that NONE

Baking soda has been the only product I have found that has worked for my skin. I have struggled with acne for the last 10 years and have finally found something that works. My face appears a lot clearer and cleaner and feels amazingly soft. My spots are starting to fade after a month of using it, even my scars appear less obvious. It may take a while to notice a real difference if you have moderate to severe acne like mine but you well difinitely see changes in your skin even after the first use. I both mix with water to form a thick paste to use as a mask or spot treatment and mix it with cetaphil to form a very gentle face wash which also removes all make up. Everyone is different so it may not work for you but as it is so cheap and easy to use its worth a try.
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June 20, 2012


- shrinks blemishes over night
- great exfoliator
- great mask
- tightens pores
- makes skin very smooth
- lightens acne scaring


- can be drying

My skin is normal/dry and can become flaky if I don't exfoliate or moisturize well enough. My favorite ways to use this is as a spot treatment or for exfoliating. For spot treatment, just make a paste out of it with water and apply to your blemish. It will literally shrink your zit to nothing over night (even for the big painful nodules)! I usually don't rinse the paste off, I just leave it on till it dries up and crumbles away. If you use it as an exfoliator, make sure you do it very GENTLY! Otherwise, it'll make your skin pink/red and irritated. It makes your skin look glowy and smoooooth! This product has helped my moderate acne become almost non-existent. I don't give it all the props for my acne clearing up, but it has really helped.
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June 16, 2012


makes acne smaller
doesn't irritate my skin
my red marks are fading (they aren't all the way gone but are less red)


when mask dries it flakes
drys skin (nothing a good moisturizer can't fix)
skin is a tad red but not as bad as before
It did dry out my lips but that's my error

I woke up this morning and when i saw my face I wanted to cry. I've used so many products (and I'm only 15). I have skin that tans pretty easily and when I started using Benzoyl religiously again (since I swore against it when I first used it) because it didn't seem to be making me super red, I now have HUGE red spots on my right cheek and chin. I saw all the reviews below and thought "hey, why not since I don't have to leave the house to get it" so I made a mask and left it on for about 45 minutes (until it started flaking everywhere) and I was pleasantly surprised to see smaller acne and fading red spots. I'm now going to try and stick with natural products because they seem to work the best. :)
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June 9, 2012


Cheap and easy to make.


Burns a lot
Irritates your skin
Leaves your acne red

I have a lot of cysts, and when I tried this on my skin, it burned quite a lot but I tried to withstand the pain. When I washed the baking soda off, my skin was red and screaming. I immediately applied some kind of moisturizer. It didn't help my acne at all, but it kind of stopped some acne growing for a day. How to do this: Baking Powder Water Place a little bit of baking powder (as much as you need) and mix it with a similar amount of water. Mix together until it gets a consistency that you want. If you want a more pasty consistency, add more baking powder. If not, add water. x