Aspirin Mask

675 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 26, 2007


Incredibly cheap, convenient, and most importantly EFFECTIVE.


Can be drying.

This really works. As in, like nothing I have used. Retin-A, Retin-A Micro, Differin, Tazorac, Clindamycin, Finacea, ProActiv, Murad, Clean & Clear, Minocycline, Clinique.. the list goes on. The aspirin mask is so ridiculously simple. It irritates me that I hadn't tried it sooner! I take 4 uncoated aspirin, a splash of rosewater toner, and a bit of honey and spread it all over my face. I leave it for about 15-20 minutes. All of the whiteheads, blackheads, and cysts are gone. I used to have the kind of acne where makeup couldn't cover it because it was just downright bumpy.. not the case anymore. The results are immediate. For some reason I didn't get nearly as good results with just aspirin- the honey is very important.
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February 21, 2007
This stuff it amazing for the price! I am addicted to this mask it makes my skin feel so soft and glowy like a baby. The first time I used this I had some small bumps around lower cheeks and after I rinsed it off the super small bumps were completely gone and the other bumps shrunk so small you could barely see them! I use about 6 or 7 uncoated pills and crush them with a mug and mix them with honey to make a paste and leave it on for 30-45 min, or sometimes when I'm on the go I'll just put about 3 in my hand and add some water and use as a scrub-Its that instant! I am addicted- theres no turning back I use this mask about once every 1 or 2 weeks. The Aspirin is 1 dollar and honey was 2.
January 23, 2007


Gets rid of acne scaring and redness!
And its totally natural!



My mom told me that putting Vitamin E on your face, well help it dramtically. I have horrible skin.. so im gonna try it, but im pretty sure its gonna work!you should try it..along with the asprin mask.. i would do a combo like this [im doing this..] asprin mask then lemon juice for toner then put the vitamin E on.. in the morning, wash your face put on BP [if needed] and then your mostrizer. =]
January 21, 2007


Tightens pores, smoothes skin, unclogs pores, inexpensive.



I've been using the aspirin mask for four days now and I've really noticed a difference. I didn't have acne as such, but I had a few blackheads and small spots on the area around my nose. These have now gone. I have also noticed a visible reduction in the size of my pores and my skin is significantly less oily. Unlike other acne medications I've tried, the aspirin mask has not over-dried or irritated my skin. To make the mask I use water soluble aspirin but grind the tablets up first to get an extra smooth consistency. Then I dissolve the ground up aspirin in a minimal amount of water before adding honey to the mixture. This helps the mask adhere to the skin and prevents it drying out, as it otherwise dries rapidly and becomes flaky. Honey has additional benefits to the skin owing to its glycolic acid content. I would definitely recommend this mask to anybody with problem skin. I hope it helps.
January 11, 2007


Cheap, quick and effective. It actually works.


Realizing how cheap and easy it would have been to get rid of acne years ago had I known about this.

Amazing. I have been using 2 crushed aspirin (bought 200 at for a buck at the dollar store) mixed with Benzoyl Peroxide (Oxy) for about a week and have had no new breakouts and almost everything has cleared up. I didn't have the worst acne in the world but it was always there constantly until now. The deep nodules and regular zits have both stopped. Redness has also been greatly reduced. The Oxy ceased to be of much help a long time ago but it works great mixed with the aspirin just because it seems to hold the powder to the skin very well and doesn't flake off or make a mess. I've tried just about everything with Salicylic Acid, Nixoderm, Egg masks, you name it. This is the one that is finally really working for me.
January 6, 2007
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December 29, 2006
The single greatest acne fighter I have ever used. I've been using the masks for probably nearly a year now. For a while I was using them while using other products that were way to harsh, but after switching to a much more gentle wash and using this nightly the results have been amazing. I reccomend this to all my friends who mention acne related complaints!
December 24, 2006


Cheap, easy and it works!

I alternate between the asprin mask and the refining mask by proactive. The asprin mask gives me good results the next day, as I have noticed that the color of my acne scars are fading and my breakout cycle has slowed down. I am going to try the asprin mask with honey and vinegar next!
December 14, 2006


Smaller pores, most blackheads disappeared or shrunk, recent red acne scars faded, zits healed! Its cheaper than anything I have ever used.


As it dries if you move around it starts to flake off and it stings if it gets in your eyes.

First I wash my face, then I mix about 5 or 6 tablets non-coated aspirin tablets with several drops of water (enough to make a think paste) and leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse it and swab my face with a daily pore toner, and moisturize with Olay total effects. The results were almost instant for me. There was a huge difference within 24 hours. And within 48 hours my scars have started to fade.
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October 31, 2006


Really cheap and it worked pretty fast


A bit drying

I woke up one morning with really ugly bumps on my face and it's not acne, they're not even red, they're just a bunch of bumps even on my forehead, so I panicked and tried washing my face several times daily, nothing works, and I found this article and comments about the aspirin mask so I went to the store and bought a bottle with 100 tablets for $1.99. I put on the mask as soon as I got home and then once more before I went to bed, when I woke up in the morning, my face was back to the way it was, smooth and flawless, so now I am gonna be using this everyday. If you're gonna try it, just don't forget to put on moisturizer because it can be a bit drying.
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