ThermaClear : Acne Clearing Device

13 Reviews

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March 8, 2010


Easy to use


Can be painful. Expensive. Doesn't always work. Can cause burns.

Having had acne for many years, I've tried just about everything out there, including this. As some others have said here, ThermaClear seems to work best if you can treat as soon as you notice a blemish forming. The recommended treatment didn't seem to work for me, so I used it much more often than the instructions called for, which seemed to work better. However, it inevitably resulted in redness, if not a burn, which would then peel. Does not appear to be effective at all on larger, cystic lesions. I would say save your money and go to a dermatologist rather than use this product.
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February 9, 2010


I found mine at ULTA for 1/2 off.
Does not really hurt (if you have ever had a cortisone shot that is way more painful). Not sure what others are experiencing? I did mine on high setting too.
Seems to actually take away inflamation within 24 hours (on some people).
Easy to use. Quick 2 second push of a button.


Is not going to work for everyone (as with any product, cream, treatment, etc...)
Can be very expensive.

I am 40 years old and had a small amount of acne in my earlier years. Until just a couple of months ago I was fairly blemish free. I was prescribed Accutane over 20 years ago and it caused extreme side effects (I should have never been given Accutane as I did not fit the profile, but I took it anyway). This new acne as I call it are large, red, swollen blemishes that hurt like crazy. This last bout I got in Decemeber were 4 clustered huge red bumps that resulted in 4 cortisone injections because I picked at them and they basically got infected and now I have some nice atrophy (breakdown of the skin causing indentation). I went ahead and got the Therma Clear after researching it over and over. I thought I would try it since ULTA offers a money back guarantee. I tried it on a new blemish and it did seem to help the next day. After 2 days and 2 treatments (1 x in the am, 1 x in the pm) it did seem to be better. Redness was gone, swelling was way down, etc...I am as skeptical as they come, but I will keep using this and see how things go. If you want to try something besides the topical treatments this may be something to consider. Look up Dr. Doris Day (Dermatologist recommending this treatment). I watched her on a talk show and thought it was interesting. Bottom line is try it and see if it works for you. If not, take it back.
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August 18, 2010


*Shrinks HUGE cystic pimples fast!
*Definitely helps clear skin
*Makes pimples less severe
*Stops pimples from "forming"
*Don't have to buy new tips (just takes 2 AA batteries)


*Hurts like heck on big pimples

I've used this thing for about 3 years and I like it a lot. If I ever feel a big cystic pimple coming (ya know when you can feel it before you can see it?), I just zap that area once on low and once on high and the next day I can feel relief - no hard, lingering eruption under my skin! It also works on small, medium, and large pimples. If I have a big red nodule with no head, I go ahead and zap it. This results in one of two possible outcomes: either the nodule shrinks OR the thing comes to a head, which can be popped and heal faster. Also, I have had problems with "picking" at my acne (even though I know picking makes it worse)... sort of a weird sense of satisfaction when popping a zit, I guess. Well, the thermaclear is a good alternative to picking for me... I'm not masochistic by any means BUT the pain of the "zap" is somewhat satisfying and it feels like it helps. Bottom Line = I like it.
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March 6, 2010


Clears Pimples Relatively Fast


Leaves temporary burn marks on your skin for 10-15 minutes.

Works best if you hit the pimple as soon as you notice it, which doesnt help if your at work/school.

For someone like me, with Moderate Acne, a twice a day zap sends you through two AA batteries a week!!

Bottom line is this is a great little device and handy for spot treatment. However, beware of the temptation to over treat as it will burn your skin like I did in a few places. In the end, its a great spot treatment if used in moderation, but my suggestion would be to stick with Dans regimen. Perhaps the Therma clear could be used with Dans Regimen if your really desperate, otherwise, avoid the $159 price tag.
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January 27, 2010


No pain at all, clears acne FAST, even before they forms, does not irritate skin, cheap, low maintenance, no costly parts, does not dry skin


The nichrome tip has to be changed (recommended) every year, at a price of 49.90 AUD

Even though the device may seem quite expensive at first glance, but it is actually cheaper in the long run, because you do not have to spend heaps of money on acne medications. The device incorporates laser technology to treat pimples and acne. ThermaClear's laser is like a double edged knife, it kills the acne causing bacteria, whilst at the same time stimulates the body's defenses to counter the acne. It won't dry my skin, thus restoring my skin to its once smooth complexion, I used to fantasize about. The result is astounding, and I am happy I bought it. It is definitely money well spent.
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May 27, 2010


Works on light acne.


Painful! On the high setting, the heat discharge gives quite a jolt. It'll wake you up for sure! Not effective on the medium setting.

Does not work as well in winter, as the tip does not heat up enough to generate a sufficiently high temperature to kill the bacteria.

Good for small zits. Ok as a spot treatment, though I prefer DKR's AHA+ or the Proactiv sulfur mask for that.
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June 13, 2012





This works very well if you catch things early. Sometimes I have given the pimple two, three or more blasts from the Thermaclear. If you over do it you will get red but I have found that a single dose is often not enough. It helps to come back in a couple of hours and re-apply. If you are diligent about using this at the very earliest signs of an eruption you can either reduce the problem or make it totally disappear without erupting. Totally worth the $$$
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January 31, 2012


Very few


Expensive waste of money

Overpriced, underdelivers. It doesn't work most of the time and is grossly overpriced. Although there seem to be some genuine reviews on here, half of them seem to sound like a marketing expert preaching to the masses. Save your money an go elsewhere. It's true, if you spot your zit SUPER early it MAY work but alot of the time even though I did this, there was no improvement. I used it a bit and realized it actually might prolong the life of a zit by interfering with the healing process ....
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