Likas : Papaya Skin Whitening Herbal Soap

3 Reviews

Active Ingredient:
Natural Papaya Enzyme.

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 12, 2014
Papaya soap is the best stuff!
Although right now I am currently using a different brand of papaya soap (Kristine Hermosa) I have tried the Likas which works just as fine but the Kristine one is personally my prefered as the ingredients are more natural. I have been using it for a few months along with a retinoid-tetrinoin (just like the person below woop!) And it has helped with my acne drastically. It did take my skin some time to adjust to these products as they did kind of burn but I worked my way up and now my skin has adjusted to it. If you use it by itself please make sure to use a good moisturizer because it can dry you out in the beginning. You can also use the papaya soap on your back if you have bacne it works like a charm!! I was experiencing a really terrible back and shoulder acne then I started washing my back with this every day or every other day with a wash cloth and presto! I dont have any more bacne :) I hope that this will work for you so please give it a try if you tried everything else! If you dont see results quick continue trying. I can truly say that this is helping with my face acne too. I use it with a wash cloth as well and gently exfoliate daily. I went from moderate acne to only 2 pimples in the past two weeks ! Also give tretinoin/retina a try I owe a big part of my success to it too
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October 23, 2011


Lathers well
Makes skin SUPER smooth
Seems good for oily skin & acne


Can be drying
Don't know if I can get it locally (I got it online)

I think this papaya soap has helped my red & brown PIH left from breakouts. What I like the most about this soap is how smooth it makes my skin. I am using an Rx retinoid at night and even using this soap, my skin isn't too dry. I do sometimes get a tight feeling briefly after using it, but I think my skin has adjusted in a few days. It might be too drying for some.
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