Forum Replies Created

It's Only Getting Worse (14 Progress Pictures)

Benzoyl peroxide helps when the primary cause of your acne is bacterial. BP kills bacteria by oxygenating the pores. It's not going to change anything if your acne is caused by hormones, internal infl...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Red Marks More Prominent When Starting Regimen?

I waited 2 months, but you can start just in one month. Every 3 days, for example I used it Tuesday at night so... Wednesday(not), Thursday(not), Friday at night (apply), and I put the same amount th...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Skipping The Regimen For 3 Days?!?

You might get some pimples, but your acne won't come back at all, just restart it when you're home.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Red Marks More Prominent When Starting Regimen?

I noticed that my red marks get worse with BP(not the old ones, but when a pimple disappears it leaves a red mark) But yeah, if it's a little pimple then the red mark will disappear soon, also when y...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Very Dry/flaky Skin

That oil is going to help, also, try using less BP.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Does The Regimen Get Rid Of Hyper Pigmentation?

Well, the regimen worked for my acne and AHA+ worked for my red marks/hyperpigmentation so yeah.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Do I Need To Use More Benzyl Peroxide?

Use the amount that is working for you, If you use more than your need your skin might get dry/flaky.  

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
What Face Wash Should I Use?

Well a lot of people here uses Cetaphil, so... right now I'm using Neutrogena Deep Clean and it doesnt leave my skin dry, it's working good.

In forum Over-the-counter acne medications and products

10 years ago
2Nd Week On Regimen - Is It Okay To Reduce To Once A Day?

I use it only at night because when I did twice my face was reeeeeeeeeed, been months like this and it's working, only 1 tiny pimple atm.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Shall I Continue?

That's normal, maybe you need to try to use less BP(only if you're using too much), you can try to do The Regimen at night only too, that way your skin won't be to irritated and can take a break durin...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Few Concerns Regarding The Regimen

You should get a cleanser that is not medicated for acne, that will dry your face + bp = dryness = flakes. Yes, you're going to see that your skin is peeling off, put a good quantity of moisturizer a...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
What To Do For Redness?

Use less amount of BP, that worked for me.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
I Didn't Let Acne Control My Life.

That's good to hear. We think the problem is bigger than it really is. For example sometimes I get some big red bumps in the morning and I'm like "ewwwww, not going outside today" but I have to beca...

In forum Emotional and psychological effects of acne

10 years ago
Questions About Working Out And Discoloration

Number 3 happens to me, the area around my eyes gets flaky ew. But it's only like 1 time every 2 weeks or so

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
What Am I Doing Wrong?

Well, if you're using the BP at night and morning try to use it just one time per day, that helped for me atleast and I'm about 90% clear.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Moisturizing After Aha?

Well Dan's AHA+ is supposed to moisturize too.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Can Only Get Hold Of 10% Benzoyl Peroxide

Well you should try to call all drug stores in your area to see if they have 5%, there might be one around there. Personally I haven't tried 10%.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago

I've using it for 1 month now and a lot of my red marks and scars have disappeared or vanished about 50-75%

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Extreme Dryness! Help

When I first started I was using 5% but I was using just a little and it worked fine, only at night though.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Extreme Dryness! Help

Try jojoba oil. Also, you might be using the full amount of BP, don't do it. Start slowly:)

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Bp And Sunblock - How Important?

Well im using a moisturizer with SPF and I'm doing alright, and I walk everyday like 30minutes under the sunlight.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
May Start The Regimen Again?

The regimen is not a cure, when you're using it you will be clean, it works like a band-aid, so if you stop using it everything comes to normal.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
An Affordable Acne Treatment

Well maybe you can get Benzac in a pharmacy/drug store around your house, that works good.

In forum General acne discussion

10 years ago
Question With The Regimen

Well, first weeks your face might look like a pizza because everything you had under your skin is RAISING. Maybe you're using too much too and that's why there are some blotches, but just continue th...

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago
Starting With 5% Bp?

Well 5% and 2.5% works the same for me, well... 2.5% irritates me more than 5% i dont know why lol. So yeah, just do it, not a problem I think.

In forum The Regimen

10 years ago