Clear all

i've clear skin now and now know for a fact that acne single handedly robbed me


Posted : 07/06/2019 3:39 am

I have scars but im clear...for now. Grateful and bitter at the same time. Get on accutane.

Im getting more work, and more attention from females whereas before i was completely invisible and got the silent fuck off signal from everybody. Get on accutane.

I dont think ill ever recover/move on from this. im not the same and a part of me has died. Get on accutane.

theres nothing positive about this disease it quite literally fucks your life up in every dont come out beyyer on the other side theres no growth. No damn nothing.for anyone going through it im not gonna give you any bullshit cope advice about how you shouldnt let it affect you and all that other body positivity nonsense on instagram can fuck off. Get on accutane.

Was talking to someone with pretty severe acne they couldnt even look me in the eye all i wanted to do was hold their arm and tell them to Get on accutane but i was too much of a pussy.

Get on accutane.


Posted : 07/08/2019 11:19 am

Agree with every word, I got on roa too late in my 30. The damage to skin has already been done forever.. did not understand that in 23... not a single dr agreed to put me on roa 22 years ago.. lost 7 years in nightmare and was put on roa anyway... now this scar game for the past 7 years and seems forever..


Posted : 07/14/2019 12:42 pm

Accutane can clear your skin but in some cases (including mine) the acne comes back. I had 2 rounds of Accutane and both times the acne returned when I stopped taking the medication.... I read a post elsewhere on here from someone whose acne returned after 4 rounds... yikes! Also there can besome potentially pretty scary side effects...


Posted : 07/14/2019 7:31 pm

Podo and people on this thread

Podo - Excuse my posting to you twice.

Be aware that accutane can (very likely) cause fungal acne...

The critical thing is to work out what type of acne one has BEFORE treating it.

The types of acne are ordinary acne, staph bacterial acne, gram negative bacterial acne, candida fungal acne, malasezzia fungal acne, demodex mites acne, and acne caused by some chemical or food allergies. Each of these these types of acne requires a different treatment, targeted for the type of acne that is present.

Treating acne that is not ordinary acne, as though it is ordinary acne, will usually make the "acne" worse.

Fungal acne is CAUSED by taking antibiotics, and some other meds possibly including accutane.

Fungal acne can be treated with topical antifungal creams etc.

Standard statement - I have spent over 2,500 hours reading scientific papers about fungal acne and gram negative acne, and I have extensive experience with fungal acne, in particular. I am a scientist (not a biomedical scientist), and I am not a medical doctor. I provide information based on my extensive experience with fungal acne, and some experience with gram negative acne.


Posted : 07/28/2019 6:19 am

I tried to get accutane when I was 19. I went to an NHS hospital here in England the dermatologist flat out refused to prescribe it to me.

Fast forward to when I was 27 and I found out that I could pay to see a private dermatologist. I did it and he gave me accutane (ranbaxy) without hesitation. I took 12,000mg over 6 months and my acne never came back.

However, I am left with a few VERY difficult to treat scars, including one on my nose which has had three failed scar revisions as the skin is tight on the nose and the scar stretches out again once the stitches are removed.

I would NEVER have got any of these scars if the STUPID NHS dermatologist had not refused me accutane, or if I had known that I could have paid to go to a private derm.

Two conclusions:

1. Get on accutane ASAP. It may not work but it may cure you.

2. Money talks. Don't bother with the useless NHS. Go private.
