Acne Throughout Adu...
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Acne Throughout Adulthood


Posted : 10/11/2018 6:58 am

This is the first time Ive posted.
Ive had acne in varying degrees since my teens and Im in my forties now .Ive got combination skin,Some is quite oily and gets shiny quite quickly and other parts more dry .Over the years Ive tried most things to get rid of the spots but with only limited results.
Ive used the more medicated over the counter stuff but I find a lot of it just over dries my skin and doesnt get rid of the spots.Ive also gone through phases of using only organic natural products like tea tree,manuka honey,silver which help a bit and are certainly more gentle on my skin .
Ive never had regular periods and have eating disorder issues .
These days the acne is mostly on my jawline and chin .I dont have as many spots as I used to be the ones are do get are really quite big and painful .No matter how much I cleanse my skin and treat the acne ,new spots just appear from nowhere.I can go to bed and get up in the morning with a new large spot .Ive got very pale skin too,so the spots really show .
I dont really talk to anyone about it but its really got me down my whole life,Im very self conscious of the acne and wont leave the house without make up on .I dont mind wearing make up but my whole adult life Ive felt I have to wear make up as I feel so ugly .I worry that people stare .
Ive never expected to have totally clear perfect skin but I wish I could find something to help reduce the acne at least .
I take the depo vera contraceptive injection every 12 weeks ,I dont know if this makes it worse or helps,Ive read a lot of conflicting thoughts about contraception and acne .

I would appreciate any ideas of other treatments to try ,Thank You .

I live in the UK .

kind Regards CollieMum


Posted : 12/07/2018 3:51 pm


For me, all forms of hormonal contraceptive always broke me out. Some women just can't be on them. I've been told time and again, that breakouts around your jawline for a woman is hormonally related. I'd try watching your stress levels because that does disrupt our hormones. Also, for me, I completely stop eating all fats the week before my period and all during it and that helps me not get a hormonal breakout SO MUCH. If you do notice your birth control is making your breakouts worse, I'd switch to a diff type of contraceptive. Maybe you could try going for condoms for a couple months as a skin experiment? At least then you would know if that's hurting your skin or not. You could get your hormone levels checked w/ ur derm too, if you haven't already done that. Oh, and for inflammation, I notice my acne spots get way more angry if I'm not sleeping enough or eating greens regularly. I don't like them, so I blend up some Kale juice and drink a 8 oz a day. It's helped my inflammation and my allergies. Good Luck!


Posted : 01/13/2019 12:19 pm

Hi Colliemum. I live in US and have a similar situation. I just started posting on this site and feel like I'm on the verge of a break down. My face just gets worse and worse. My dermatologist put me on aldactone and I'm on week 2. Most people say it takes 3 months, I honestly don't think I'm strong enough to make it that long. I have decided to not ever leave my house. I will remain inside for 3 months and if it doesn't get better by then, I'm afraid I am out of options and unsure of how or if I'll go on. I love my family and have the most amazing children. But I am living in my own personal hell. No one fully understands my distress and depression from this. I need a sign from God that this will get better....
