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My acne experience


Posted : 10/05/2018 8:32 am

Hi All,

I just wanted to share my experience here as former acne sufferer because at the time it consumed my life and I remember trawling these forums looking for help, advice etc. I always promised myself I would come back and post here if I ever got the problem sorted and for some reason (10+ years later) today is the day.

When I was around 22 I started a new job and the stress of it caused me to develop quite nasty acne on my forehead. I tried loads of different regimens including benzoyl peroxide, antibiotics etc. They definitely helped control it somewhat but it didn't totally clear until the stress faded.

Whilst I can appreciate that many people on here have dealt with the problem for much longer than me, I feel I can definitely relate to the psychological distress, depression, insecurity etc this condition can cause.

I suppose what I would like to convey is the following:

1.) Nobody cares as much about your acne as you. I was always able to look past other people's acne but not my own.

2,) Acne will fade with time. Older adults rarely suffer this condition so if you can just limit it with some treatment then that's all you can do.

3.) Don't be afraid to try different treatments but give them a good shot each time. There are lots of options out there. The gold standard seems to be Roaccutane but that must be approached with caution and as a last resort.

4.) Try not to obsess too much about it and read forums endlessly. It will only make you think about it more. Find activities which you love doing and fully engage with them.

Anyway that's all I have to say for now. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

If anyone would like a chat about their issues then please PM me. Happy to talk.


