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Bumpy nose


Posted : 06/22/2018 3:19 pm

I'm not sure how to get rid of this but every time I apply foundation to my face my nose gets really flaky, almost sandpaper like. I try to exfoliate my nose a couple times a week but the dry flakey stuff just doesn't go & is enhanced with makeup. It looks terrible! Not sure if it's white heads, dry skin, large open pores or something else... it's just annoying!

I'm also breastfeeding currently so not sure if i can use a lot of stronger products to help fix this - but open for suggestions!


Posted : 06/22/2018 3:34 pm

If you google BNF - You get up the British National Formulary. You can use this to look up drugs, including topicals products. Each one has a breastfeeding section.


Posted : 12/07/2018 6:08 pm

You have a type of non inflammatory acne. I know exactly what you're talking about! It seems like dry rough skin, but then it kind of pills off and if you look closely you can probably see tiny spear like protrusions sticking out of your pores? If not, then you are lucky it doesn't get that bad! I have heard of a lot of women having different skin issues after pregnancy for a while. Biore Pore Strips can pull them out if you get your nose good and hot with water first. Hot water will soften up the plugs. I do a routine twice daily with hot water. Get it as hot as I can stand and dunk a microfiber washcloth in it and then warm up my face with it. Once my face is good and red and warm I dunk the washcloth again to keep it really warm and gently massage the plugged up area I just softened. Every time the washcloth starts to lose it's heat it dunk it, to keep it really good and hot and keep those plugs on my face soft as I try to lightly rub them away. It should help at least shrink down the ones that don't come out. Oh, and I do this without any cleanser.. just water.
