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Post-Prednisone Hormonal Shift?


Posted : 03/08/2017 12:12 pm

I'm currently on Yaz and was also on Spironolactone for ~5 months and my acne was completely clear. I was then diagnosed with vasculitis and had to get off spironolactone to take prednisone to manage flare-ups. I was on and off Prednisone for about a month and a half. Once I started tapering the second time I was on it (which was for a period of about a month), I began breaking out in mostly small, flesh-colored pimples on my forehead, some on chest, and some on the center of my back. My dermatologist said it is notsteroid acne andprescribed me Differin, which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. A month after stopping Prednisone completely, I still have this acne, which comes and goes depending on the amount of Differin I use, which comes with its own host of side effects. I'm wondering if it's caused by going off the Spironolactone and I should get back on that medication, or if it's possible that my body is responding to a hormonal shift from taking the Prednisone so sporadically? My acne is definitely hormonal, so I'm wondering if it will stabilize? Does anyone have any experience with this?


Posted : 03/10/2017 10:37 pm

Comedonal acne is usually hormonal in nature. I would say that it's because of shifting estrogen levels that your acne has suddenly popped up. I'm pretty sure steroidal acne is much more severe and once it clears, it's doesn't recur with shifts in hormones.
