Clear all



Posted : 01/14/2017 11:53 pm

Today marks a new chapter in my acne journey with PCOS. I have found this forum incredibly helpful throughout my decision-making/research process and would like to contribute as well. Let's call this a little experiment shall we...

To begin, a bit of backstory: I started getting acne when I was seventeen years old due to fluctuating hormones and diet (isolated to my forehead thankfully). However, upon cleaning up my diet by eliminating processed junk foods and sugar, I was fine in a year or so.

With that being said, I have never had a regular "time of the month" (I'm currently 22). It got especially bad this past year, and that is when my bad hormonal cystic acne began forming (only on my forehead, chin and jawline are all clear). I was determined not to go on the birth control pill, as I wanted to deal with the problem naturally. I went to a holistic doctor, worked with acupuncturists and special facial treatments. Nothing seemed to help. I eliminated dairy, gluten, refined sugars and ALL processed foods. It got to the point I even eliminated any inflammatory foods (ex. tomatoes, citrus fruits...even strawberries for goodness sake!) But there was absolutely NO improvement. In fact, this past week...everything has worsened.

*It's also worth noting that I have not had a visit from mother nature in over three months. Ever since this cystic acne breakout on my cheeks, my menstrual cycle has been horribly irregular*

SO...I went to see my doctor and explained my troubles. She recommended seeing a dermatologist (as if I haven't already tried every topical ointment and cream in the universe and been seeing a dermatologist for years). She diagnosed me with PCOS due to my acne, irregular cycle, some excess facial hair starting, depression, and a few other symptoms (I am very thin however and have never struggled with weight- so we shall see how the birth control pill affects my weight). I asked my doctor if I could go on the birth control pill for an extended period of time. I am aware that things get worse after getting off the pill, so I intended to stay on it for fifteen to twenty years, or until I decide to have children. This is a completely personal choice of mine, as I am in an on-camera career where acne is simply not acceptable.

I am quite nervous to start this pill, but I have so much hope that this will work out in three months or so. I am completely aware of the side effects, but this is so important to me for so many reasons. I have heard it gets better before it gets worse, so I will be seeing a wonderful woman who does facial treatments (specifically designed for healing the skin and not just extracting pimples) twice a week until my hormones balance out. I will also be continuing to manage PCOS symptoms as if I weren't on the pill by eating a low GI diet, getting sufficient exercise and undergoing acupuncture hopefully if I decide to come off it sooner, I will have an easier time stabilizing my hormones.

I will try to post some photos of my progress and I intend to keep weekly updates here for anyone interested. I know for me, the infamous "initial breakout" was a huge fear of I will be sure to document exactly when that affects me and how severely. Also FYI, the pill I am going on is Yasmin. I have heard great reviews about this pill for acne and PCOS, but of course only time will tell if it works well with my own body.

I wish you all the best of luck with your own acne journeys. Despite all the emotional struggle (and DAYS I have spent crying over such a superficial issue), we are all beautiful and special human beings. We'll get through this together!

Love you all xoxo

MgX liked

Posted : 01/22/2017 1:26 pm

I hope you're having a lovely day thus far! Today I'll give a quick update on how my skin has been acting after being on the Yasmin birth control pill for one week (I'll also let you know what side effects I have experienced too).

My skin has cleared up a lot this week! I am actually quite surprised...but it could be due to the fact I actually started my natural *time of the month* the same day I began the pill. This was very shocking as I hadn't had it in almost three months. I have also been going to get facial treatments specifically for cystic acne twice a week, so even if I were breaking out more, I wouldn't be able to see it per se. 

So: no new cysts, just some old ones healing. I did break out a little bit with very, very small whiteheads on my forehead a few days after starting the pill (and this is very uncommon for me), but honestly...I'm sure we can all agree here that a few small whiteheads that clear quickly are the least of our problems. I'm assuming I still haven't had the initial breakout. Hoping that I won't be getting it! Fingers crossed. 

Health wise: I have really had NO negative side effects to Yasmin so far! I had a few cramps the first couple days, but that was probably due to my actual period. No headaches, no vomiting, nothing. My mood has actually been the best this week that it has in a really long time. I have felt happy and hopeful for the future (something that is kind of rare seeing as I suffer from depression...which could also be a result of my chemical hormonal imbalance).  

I did take a photo this week of my skin. It's still not pretty...but it's actually mostly scars. I'm not sure I have the confidence at this point to upload the pictures, but hopefully after my skin clears I'll be able to upload them all because I won't have to worry about it anymore. 

Good luck and have a great week! I will update again next Sunday :)

Love you all xoxo 


Posted : 01/28/2017 3:34 pm

This week there still isn't much to report on. Still no negative side effects. No nausea, headaches or crazy breakouts! In fact, like I said in my last post, I've been feeling a lot better these two weeks than I have for the past year!

My skin state...not bad, not bad! I was supposed to go for an acne treatment facial today, but I actually cancelled due to how well my skin has been behaving this week. I have some small breakouts across my forehead, and the cysts from a few weeks ago are continuing to heal and flush toxins up to the surface. My skin is far less red and the bumps are definitely draining (so when I run my hands lightly over my skin it's feeling a lot smoother).

Diet wise: I have introduced some little treats back into my diet. I had some cake earlier in the week and a little bit of chocolate the other day. It appears my skin hasn't reacted to any of that sugar we'll see!

I still haven't had this initial breakout period everyone talks about. Maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones, because my body seems to be very compatible with Yasmin. However, any pimples that I do have are a lot more painful than usual. Normally even my cysts don't hurt THAT for even the white-heads to be sore, is something to note.

Skin care: I have actually been easing up on the skin care lately. I don't wash my face with the same method I used to, and my skin doesn't seem bothered by the change. I also have been very light with acne-fighting products (like probiotic creams, and mud masks, etc.) My skin hasn't been at ALL oily or anything. It remains matte throughout the entire day.

I'm still having break through bleeding and spotting most days, but apparently that is normal.Next week is my last week of active pills before the placebo week. So we'll see how my body reacts to that change in hormones. Maybe that is where I'll be experiencing a bit more of a breakout. But fingers crossed that all continues to improve! I am hopeful and excited to continue seeing positive changes in my skin!

Have a great week! Please let me know if you have any other tips and tricks for clearing acne (& feel free to document your experience with Yasmin or the birth control pill on this thread!)

Lots of love and well wishes for you on your journey xoxo


Posted : 01/29/2017 11:05 pm

I spoke too soon. My skin has absolutely erupted...
I have two of the biggest cysts I have ever had in my life (one on each cheek). They are swollen and about the size of a quarter each...the rest of my skin has become really red and irritated as well. I mean, my skin still doesn't feel as bumpy- but these cysts are absolutely massive, red and crusty. 

I'm actually on the verge of tears. But all I can hope is that this is the breakout I've been awaiting...things can only go up from here. I don't see it getting much worse. I've been taking some pictures and video footage (in case I'm ever brave enough to post them). My skin has gotten far more aggravated than it was when I began with Yasmin. I made a huge mistake cancelling my facial yesterday. 

I'm applying a soothing cream tonight on basically all of my spots (it's a clove treatment), instead of my usual probiotic cream. Hopefully this will help with the redness. 

Wow...what a depressing set back. I'm really upset :( 

It's funny how you become almost immune to the sight of your own acne until you see photos of it. I would classify mine as really severe at this point. It's actually really it's almost at the point it would get viral on YouTube if I posted a video of my current state of affairs. 

Wish me luck xoxo
I'm sure as heck wishing all of you luck in your journey's...this sucks...


Posted : 02/04/2017 11:00 pm

I'll just keep this short and sweet. My breakout from last Sunday has been slowly clearing- the really big cysts are no longer active. However, I have still been getting lots of smaller cysts on my cheeks (forehead is 100% clear and so is chin). On one cheek just last night another really big cyst started to come up ('s more like 3 cysts that are super close together that they just kind of merge into one) I'll probably be treating that all this week. I've been icing it and went for a facial this morning, so that helped to drain some of the nasty gunk inside it.

Diet wise: If I'm being honest with myself, I've been cheating a lot. But I'm really stuck on the fact that my diet will do nothing for my face. It is purely hormone related. Feel free to disagree, but I have tried every diet for people with PCOS and nothing has worked- it's been almost a year.

I figured I'll just add in here that my breakthrough bleeding has really, really subsided today (tomorrow I should be starting a period though, as it's my placebo week). I had some cramps the other day and heavier bleeding, but that ended pretty quickly.

The only other side effects that I've been noticing are breast tenderness (extremely mild) and fatigue. I have been exceptionally tired as of late. But I cannot completely attribute that to the BC pills.

Overall, this week feels like it has definitely been my initial breakout week. It has definitely been the worst my skin has ever been...but seriously, don't let that discourage you! I mean, when you have skin as bad as mine a few extra cysts here or there honestly doesn't make that much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. Regardless, even the biggest ones cleared in a week.

It will be interesting to update next weekend in regards to how my skin reacted with the placebo pills!

Have a lovely day! Remember to give yourself a hug xoxo


Posted : 02/12/2017 12:21 pm

Placebo week...and everything was lovely skin-wise. I broke out just a little bit on the first two days of my inactive pills and then my skin flattened out almost completely. I had maybe a few active pimples the whole week- but basically NOTHING compared to my skin the week before. My cheeks were looking great- the only spot I really broke out was my chin (which is unusual for me, so it must be due to the pills).

I just started my second month this morning, and I only have two cysts currently on my cheeks- they came up last night after a facial (which brings everything to the surface). But they are very small and I'm sure they'll be gone in a couple of days.

My diet has been really poor this week too, so it's interesting that my skin hasn't negatively reacted to that. However, I have been drinking TONS AND TONS of water (and exercising each day as well, so maybe that has something to do with it).

I finished my period two days ago, so we'll see if I end up spotting again during month 2. I've heard the second month is often the most difficult acne-wise, so I'll keep you guys posted with my weekly updates. Hopefully things just continue to clear!

Have a great week xoxo


Posted : 02/19/2017 10:10 am

The clear skin I had on placebo week has taken a bit of a turn in the opposite direction. However, nothing like what I have experienced in the past. It's almost as if, every small bump that was healing last week has decided to continue pushing gunk up to the surface. These pimples are NOT deep. They are not even painful, but they are rather big (all have whiteheads too).

It sounds really disgusting, but these are different than any pimples I have had in the past (apart from last month). They can most certainly be attributed to Yasmin, because they are SO different. They are soft, larger than normal, and clear relatively quickly in the grand scheme of things. They come out of nowhere though, because they are already so close to the surface.

I have no breakouts on my forehead and only two small ones on my chin. There are about five large, soft ones on each cheek. I have one that's coming up from below the surface though, so that might hurt a bit more. But overall, I mean things are still looking up. These were all spots that already existed on my face, but they are just continuing to push stuff to the surface before healing.

Health wise: I have not been working out this week, so maybe that could be part of the reason why I've been set back a bit (although I doubt that is the reason)- and I have been eating quite a bit of junk food too this week....not good regardless...

I have had a few really weird emotional days this week. To the point where I've been almost manic, and then depressed. I don't know if I can completely attribute that to the pills though, since I get like that sometimes. I have also just been feeling a bit physically unwell at the end of each day. BUT, it's nothing that I won't endure in order to clear my skin.

I'll update again next week xoxo Good luck with your journey!!


Posted : 02/25/2017 5:17 pm

The beginning of this week (just like the end of last week) was a bit rough. However, after a nice facial everything has been clearing up quite nicely! It's the clearest my skin has been in almost a year...which is pretty crazy to think about.Forehead and chin are totally clear. There are only maybe two spots on each cheek- but they aren't deep.

The breakout I had at the beginning of the week I think might have actually been a mixture of diet and hormones. I did eat really poorly that long weekend, so I think that might have something to do with it...

But now heading into week three, I'm looking and feeling great! No breakthrough bleeding AT ALL this month. No headaches. I did have a bit of a bad stomach the first week and a half though (it would start around the same time each night). But who knows if that was Yasmin or something else?

My third week last month was really rough for my skin. So, it will be interesting to see how things respond this week.

Lots of love! Let me know how your journey is going!!


Posted : 03/03/2017 9:01 pm

Hey there! I finish my last active pill of my second pack of Yasmin tomorrow.
BUT....I unfortunately had a breakout yesterday. It's all isolated to one of my cheeks- three or four large cysts trapped under the skin. I have been treating them all day and now they have finally come to a white head. My other cheek is almost totally clear though (which is pretty crazy!)

I still have not had any breakthrough bleeding or any other negative side effects of the pill. I'm a bit emotional with my oncoming period though. This breakout could have also been due to a massive sugary brownie I ate on Monday (that 72 hour time frame would make sense...). Because although I don't believe diet is totally responsible for my acne: I am a firm believer that sugar is crummy for the body. I also had quite a bit of white bread Monday night, which breaks down into sugar. So this could be the source of my current turmoil.

Tomorrow I go for a facial, so that should clear up this current crap. I do have high hopes for my inactive pill week, since my skin always seems to be great during my period!

It's exciting to finally be getting into month three soon. I heard month two was the worst month for a lot of people (breakout wise). I think I'm going to have to disagree. In my experience, my acne has been better this month than it was in month one. I have high hopes for even clearer skin next month though! I'm going to stick to a stricter diet so there are less variables at play. So...from this point onward: I'm eliminating dairy, processed foods (like chips), sugar (including cane) and white breads/pastas.

We shall see how that works alongside the pill.

I have also introduced some calcium into my diet...I'm going to be drinking a lot more almond milk (with cinnamon in it (anti-inflammatory). I read that a calcium deficiency can also lead to skin problems. Just got to make sure I'm trying everything possible...CLEAR SKIN: HERE I COME!

xoxo Have a great week!


Posted : 03/09/2017 9:50 pm

It's only Thursday...normally I update on a Saturday or Sunday (I might still do that...). But I just wanted to let y'all know that *drum roll* I actually got my period this week while on the placebo pills! I don't know why I was scared I wouldn't...but I did. No terrible side effects. A few pimples leading up to my period, but normally I'm really clear during my break week. In fact- this is the first week my skin has felt so unbelievably smooth and soft. It's the best feeling in the world after suffering from horrible acne for so long!

I've been doing a new facial treatment, and my skin has been peeling off in sheets: revolting, but satisfying. I have also been working out and drinking lots of water. HOWEVER- dairy is full force back in my diet and I'm really not holding myself back at all anymore. If I'm craving something, I just let my body have it. 

I did want to include a couple little photos in this post for you, just so you can get an idea of the progress thus far. janu5.jpg
This was my skin in January- during my first week on the pill. All those bumps you see were inflamed and trapped so deep under my skin that I couldn't sleep with my face touching the pillow. Everything on that side was mirrored on the other (AND this was actually a good skin day for me).

This was my skin last week. Yes, I'm wearing a bit of makeup to conceal scarring...but I made sure to take the photo in lighting that accurately represents how FLAT my skin was looking. There were only two cystic bumps trapped under the skin at that point versus the ten-fifteen a few months earlier. 

Currently, the cheek pictured above is completely clear. Even free from those smaller bumps, which is beyond outstanding and thrilling. 

However...I'll let you know if things continue to look up this weekend at the end of the pack (I still have two more inactive pills before starting up month three). It's nice to be through with month two since most people claim it's the most horrible breakout wise. Personally, I think the first month was a little worse (because I was constantly breaking out during month one. Month two I only had two breakout periods- when starting the pack and before break week). 

I'll keep you updated. I really hope all this information will help someone out there struggling like I am. We can do this together!! xoxo


Posted : 03/18/2017 10:39 am

Wow. Each week I just keep seeing more and more improvement. I've been very rebellious with my diet as of late and have noticed NO breakouts because of this.
Here is my skin from two days ago. SO FLAT!!! Yes, there is a lot of scarring and redness I will have to combat over the next year...but so long as there is no active acne continuing to create scars-- then I'm quite content. 

It is the most amazing thing to go from having severe cystic acne (to the extremity that I didn't want to leave my house), to having beautiful flat skin. The confidence I've gained back is so unexplainably immense...I know it might sound vain and superficial, but these pills really did give me my life back. The only negative side effect I've experienced this week was nausea each night starting at around 4pm and lasting for a few hours. But I can deal with that if it means having my clear skin and confidence in tact. 

Wishing you all a lovely week! xoxo


Posted : 03/25/2017 3:04 pm

Hi there! Continued improvement. I had a one spot by my nose that I made the mistake of picking...but besides that, everything has been really good this week. I currently have about two or three really small pimples on my cheeks, but otherwise there is nothing!

Guess these posts are going to be getting shorter and shorter. Now I just need to work on scarring and stuff.

I did see my doctor for the three month check-up this week and she said my blood pressure remained the same and gave me a years worth of Yasmin prescriptions! Yay!

Have a wonderful week! xoxo


Posted : 04/02/2017 12:27 pm

Hellooooo! Today I started my break week, and just wanted to let you know I really did not have a pre-break week breakout this month! How exciting?!?! My diet has remained the same...I've been eating dairy, sugar, greasy foods (not OFTEN, but I haven't been avoiding them).
One thing that I have noticed is that my back has actually been breaking out more than normal, and my skin has been oily. My back was perfectly clear when I was on a very strict diet, and my face (although it was pimple-ridden) never got oily. I'm going to cut out dairy next month and see how that reacts with everything.

But overall, my face is almost 100% clear. I'm still dealing with the scarring and some smaller blemishes, but who cares. No cysts and nothing that can't be covered with a light coverage foundation.

Hope you're all doing well!


Posted : 04/09/2017 10:44 am

So, we've had a bit of a decline this week...I broke out in non-cystic acne (maybe around 6) on my cheeks. Not the end of the world, nothing like what I dealt with prior to Yasmin, but frustrating nonetheless. THEN I got an actual cyst on my chin. BAM. That sucked.

HOWEVER- I dealt with this breakout really, really effectively and FAST. I iced all the spots that hurt and put Desiden diaper cream on them. This brought them to a white head. I gently popped the white head (very gently) and then applied more diaper cream to the spots. They literally cleared in a matter of two days. Most efficient method of clearing ruthless pimples.

I do blame this breakout on stress (as last week I had a death in the family, and then ate really horribly for a few days). Diet wise, I've decided to cut sugar and dairy from my diet again. We'll see how that works. Just as a little experiment. Who knows, right?

And "period" wise, I got a regular cycle this week with no negative side effects. I still believe this pill is the most effective thing that I could be doing for my skin! I have really high hopes for month four. Now I'm finally out of the transition phase, things will hopefully start happening a lot faster.

xoxo Lots of love!!


Posted : 04/21/2017 10:00 am

Hope you're all having a great week thus far! I didn't update last week because there wasn't anything new to report.
I have still been getting pimples each week, but they are no longer cystic. Instead, I'll get a pimple...treat it for around two days, and it will just disappear.

I went for a facial yesterday, and I noticed that today I'm breaking out a little bit more than usual (still nothing cystic though). I'm going to try taking a break from facials, seeing as I've gone almost two weeks without one and my skin really cleared up. Maybe all the stimulation aggravates my sensitive skin?

Diet wise, I've been eating alright...not overly healthy, seeing as the Easter weekend just past. I haven't seen any negative impact of the chocolate on my face yet. Maybe a few little pimples between my brows, which is where I usually break out from sugar. But nothing noticeable. I HAVE been drinking tons and tons of water these past two weeks, and I've noticed the oiliness of my skin decrease a ton!

I'll post some photos in my next update. But my skin hasn't really changed from the month three photo I posted (besides scarring continuing to decrease, and a few less blemishes).

I've been talking to a friend of mine who was on Diane 35 for her acne. Her hair started falling out, so she switched to Ortho Tri Cyclin and it absolutely destroyed her face! She broke out so badly. I've convinced her to try Yasmin (since my experience has been incredible so far). She's giving it a shot! So I'll let you know how it works for her as well.

Lots of love! Good luck!! xoxo


Posted : 05/02/2017 1:17 pm

Things have been getting consistently better each week. Sometimes there'll be a couple days where I break out a bit, but a few days later I'll be clearer than I was before. It's two steps forward, one step back. Slowly but surely things are getting better. 

I actually had a cyst on my temple (it cleared in two days though...AND it was my fault, as it was the result of me attempting to pop a blackhead). Otherwise, things have been looking a lot better. I have cut down on my sugar consumption a crap ton and my forehead has been looking wonderful (I did have a bit of a breakout on my forehead last week).

I have also been cutting back on dairy, just for the hell of it. It'll take a couple weeks for me to see if this makes a difference with the small pimples. Right now, that's basically what I'm dealing with- some small pimples on my chin and around my mouth. I haven't had a problem with my cheeks this month really....
As you can see, all the problem areas are tiny now. YAY! I can deal with small skin feels smooth to the touch. I've been having a ton of luck with Destin diaper cream (40% zinc oxide). It honestly destroys any surfacing pimples within a couple days. Sometimes overnight! It's amazing. 

Best of luck to you all!! xoxo


Posted : 05/08/2017 10:18 am

Hey guys! At the end of my break week of month four, I had a bit of a set-back. However, I completely attribute said set-back to my diet and stress. I guess now's as good a time as any to let you know that I struggle with depression. Whenever I have a bad couple of days, I'll eat sugary stuff. SO I had a few days in a row where I wasn't eating that swell. Unfortunately, it all popped up on my face in the form of whiteheads, one cyst and some clogged pores.

BUT with that being said, even this breakout is nothing compared to what I used to struggle with. I carefully extracted the whiteheads and applied Destin to all the spots. Slowly but surely they are decreasing in size and severity (NOTE: I also ice any cystic spots and it really helps them to heal faster). To help cleanse out my body I'm going back to a 100% dairy free diet. I'm also reducing carbs, processed foods and unnatural sugars. PLUS I've been continuing to drink tons and tons of water each day.

I haven't taken any photos yet this week, as I've just been keeping cream on all the spots for most of the day. Tonight I'll try to take a photo and insert it into the post.

Best of luck to you all! I hope this information is helping someone <3


Posted : 05/28/2017 2:28 pm

Hello! Happy Sunday! Today is my first day of break week on month five. Wow...what a journey this month has been.I actually had my worst breakout in AGES last week. I broke out all along my chin and cheeks in really weird clogged pores. They got all puffy, red and sore for about three days and then went away. I applied Desitin to ALL these spots (and like always, it works wonders). Currently I'm over the breakout and my skin has really calmed and flattened out.

I'm going to break down the cause of this breakout. I got injured before a photoshoot and ended up spending an entire day in full makeup at the hospital (worst nightmare). Then I ate horribly for the next five or six days. Lots of chips, pizza, dairy, carbs, white bread, foods high on the GI. My skin became incredibly oily and two days later broke out. BAM. Despite what I might have said in the past, I truly believe this poor eating was directly linked to my breakout. I've eaten ridiculously clean since then (drinking almost a gallon of water a day too) and my skin is looking great again.

I also went to my dermatologist during the horrible breakout (unfortunate timing) and she stressed me out saying it would never get better without Accutane. But that's false. My skin was looking gorgeous until my diet went bonkers. I'm going to keep up with the clean eating forevermore. I feel a lot better, my skin glows and doesn't produce oil.

I went for a facial on Friday morning and got a peel done, so my top layer of skin is going to be coming off (yay).

I took some photos that I'll upload later.

xoxo Have a great week!


Posted : 07/03/2017 7:04 pm

Hi guys! It's been a while since I've posted...but I'd definitely like to update on my acne progress. 
I've been really, really lenient with my diet throughout month six (and discovered no increase in my acne because of this). I didn't really break out at the beginning of month six  the way I normally have when starting a new pack. Then, for the duration of the month I was almost totally clear! Only the week before my period did I notice an increase in acne. I got one cyst on my chin and one on my cheek- but they both cleared within two or three days. My break week at the end of month six was the clearest I've been in over a year! I only had one or two really small active pimples. 

Now with starting my seventh month I've had a little bit of a breakout, but honestly I'd have considered the state of my skin today a "great skin day" had this breakout happened a few months ago. Just a couple pimples around my mouth and chin. I've been struggling mostly with closed comedones. I'd love to find a cure for those because they can be really hard to get rid of. They're super tiny, but really irritating. Haha- look at me complaining about the tiniest little bumps now. 

Hoping that by the end of nine months I'm 100% clear 100% of the time. That's definitely my goal right now. I'm still drinking tons of water and TRYING to be mindful of diet...but yeah, that's not been working out too well. It's summer and I'm finally able to indulge a little for the first time in over a year. 

xoxo Hope you're all doing well :)


Posted : 10/09/2017 3:32 pm

Any update?


Posted : 10/23/2017 6:22 pm

Yes! My skin sort of got to the point of being like 85% clear most days when I stopped my weekly updates. Then at the end of August I decided to go completely vegan and see if that cleared the last bit of acne that was bothering me. It did! I've been vegan for around 2.5 months and I don't really get many breakouts at all. Each week I get clearer and clearer and any breakouts I do get, I've been treating with Retin-A cream (my skin LOVES this brings any pimple to a white head in a few hours).

ALSO- I stopped using any products on my face besides cleanser. No moisturizer. No toner. (Oh, well I do like my Retin-A...but that's it). My skin no longer gets oily. I'm a lot kinder to myself, and I allow myself to eat anything as long as it's vegan. So...gluten I've re-integrated into my diet...and even a vegan cupcake or dessert if I feel like it! I'll also eat fries and chips (as long as they're vegan) and I haven't noticed any increase in oils or acne. I just keep clearing up!

I hope this is helpful...I'll try to post another update if something drastic happens. However, this routine of Yasmin and veganism seems to be working wonders! It takes time. But the results have been amazing.

xoxo Good luck!


Posted : 11/15/2017 10:12 pm

Thank you for documenting everything!

I am Month two, week two currently and I have found similarities in my skin with what you have described.

How is your skin now?


Posted : 12/18/2017 2:31 pm

On 2017-11-15 at 10:12 PM, HeavenlyConga said:

Thank you for documenting everything!

I am Month two, week two currently and I have found similarities in my skin with what you have described.

How is your skin now?

Hi there! I'm almost at one year (just a few weeks shy of it) and I've discovered that my skin is almost perfect most of the time. I have maybe 3 days out of the month where I'll get a few small pimples here and there, but NOTHING cystic. Anything I get heals within a few days. I'd also like to mention that I've been vegan now for 5 months...but I still indulge in some fried foods and white breads and stuff (even sugar every once and a while). This doesn't affect my skin at all. It's mostly just some hormonal pimples on the second week of my pill pack every month.

Good luck with your skin!! xoxo


Posted : 01/17/2018 9:34 pm

Hello. I am on my 6th month of taking my pills which is Diane but I still have plenty of cystic acne on my cheeks. I dont know if I have to switch to Yasmin just to clear my acne.


Posted : 01/26/2018 10:43 am

Your skin made an amazing improvement! Congratulations :) I started Yasmin about 7 weeks ago, however I have been taking only the active pills. So, while I'm on my third pack of Yasmin, I've really only been taking the birth control for about 7 weeks. For those of you who have seen improvement with Yasmin, should I be seeing results as of yet? I'm not sure if I should say that I am about 7 weeks into Yasmin, or 3 "months" (packs). I know 3 months is usually the magic number for visible results (which I am definitely not skin has erupted into cysts!) 

If anyone else skipped the first couple placebo weeks on Yasmin (and went straight to active pills), your input would be greatly appreciated!
