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Posted : 06/21/2016 6:38 pm

Really just want to rant right now. I was on Twitter a few minutes ago and saw an article with these two models with acne and the tweet was 'zits are cool' so I was happy until I saw the replies to it. There's tons of people who are like ew no, wash ur face ect. And this has angered me so much. As someone with acne you want to feel pretty despite having bad skin and so when I saw the pics of the models I was like great!! You can be pretty with acne but in a short time after seeing the comments I just felt horrible again. 
For the longest time I've wanted to feel pretty and I haven't felt pretty in years because of my acne. I feel like until my skin isn't completely clear I'll be ugly :( my confidence has spiralled, I can't even look people in the eye anymore. Whenever boys talk to me I go really awkward and embarrassed because I feel like they're just at a staring at my horrible skin.
please help, I need help with accepting myself with bad acne and how can I improve my patience?


Posted : 06/22/2016 3:27 pm

I find those stupid too, the models have 1 tiny spot and call it acne. Plus the ignorance of people who've never had acne is incredible. Wash my face...really? Oh that never occoured to me I was just rolling around in dumpsters this afternoon. Seriously I hate acne and people who have no freaking clue.


Posted : 06/27/2016 2:18 pm

I seriously can relate! I have been struggling with acne for the past 6 years and it's SO HARD to feel beautiful and to be confident! I just finished my course of Accutane a few weeks ago, and I still have a few spots here and there (but I'm thinking it's hormonal). I also have a lot of scarring still, but I guess patience is key with that. But just remember, appearance and image does not determine who we are inside. If anything, it shows others around how strong you are. Acne sucks. But use it as a way to become a stronger person!
And being awkward around guys (or people in general) because they stare at your skin? I feel you. I really think acne killed my social life because I couldn't look people in the eye and I hated that people could see my biggest insecurity, But I made myself think positively. If people make rude comments about your acne, or stare, that just goes to show how shallow and heartless they are, and these kinds of people don't belong in your life.
I think one of the most important factors of accepting yourself is just practicing self love. I literally would sit in from of my bathroom mirror, and tell myself how gorgeous and beautiful I am, with or without acne. I would write all of the good things down about myself on a piece of paper and allow myself to truly believe it. Don't let others' opinions get in the way of how you feel about yourself. I was so caught up in what others were thinking of me, that I forgot how to love and accept myself. And try not to let acne determine your self worth. Don't let it keep you from living your life. Don't focus all of your energy and time on how to get rid of it. You will exhaust yourself and miss out on so many potential memories.
I don't want to come across as a person who got through acne and pretends it's peachy and not a big deal, because that's not the case. I spent plenty of nights crying my eyes out because I was SO sick of it. I just think it's so important to understand and realize that image is not the most important thing in life.
And I can guarantee that you are gorgeous, regardless of your acne! Stay positive about it even though it's REALLY hard to do! It will get better!
