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Water Only and Stopping Products Journey


Posted : 03/13/2016 7:45 pm

Hello to all,

I'm 21 years old and I have been battling with acne since I was 12 years old. At around 12, I only had one huge pimple that would surface and when I say huge, I mean extremely large and filled with you know what. People in my school would wait until after school while they were leaving in their cars to call me the most hurtful nicknames that they could. The most hurtful nickname was "rats nest, and still till this day it has stuck in my head. Also, I remember being in class when I guy suddenly turns around and says to me œyou could be so pretty if you didn™t have acne, have you used proactive
? and that really hurt. Subconsciously, my self-esteem was damaged because of what people said about my acne. I wish I could have been stronger and not let people get to me, but I did. Ever since I was made fun of, I started to use acne products. You guys, I have tried it all, like many other acne sufferers. Neutrogena, Clearasil, acnefree... basically, any product you think can think of (EXCEPT Accutane) I have tried. This only aggravated my skin even more.

Fast-forward to my high school years, I still had acne and for a brief period Proactiv seemed to be working. It cleared up my skin but left me with itchy, dry, and cracked skin. Also, whenever I broke out the pimples were bigger and more inflamed. I decided to stop using Proactiv and my goodness! My face broke out so badly that I struggled even more to go to school because I hated people seeing me and I always thought of what they were thinking. I felt worthless and ugly compared to girls whose faces were pimple-free. I started to style my hair in a way that it covered my face and I wouldn™t dare to look people in the eyes. I truly feel that acne caused me to change from being a very social little girl to a reserved, shy teenager. Perhaps if I would have told my parents how badly I was being affected by it, they could have helped me deal with it in a better way. Soon I started to try home-made facial masks and they did soothe my skin but not enough to clear it all up. Towards my junior year, I started to see a dermatologist and she prescribed me Ziana, and Aczone. These two improved my acne and got rid of my scars, but left my skin extremely oily. Also, after a few months my face started to flare up all over again. Out of frustration, I stopped using it my senior year. I then started to experiment with oils to cleanse my face. I tried coconut oil first and it was a terrible idea (for my skin at least) because it gave me tiny little pimples throughout my entire face. I then tried hempseed oil and grapeseed seed oil. To be honest, my skin still hadn™t cleared up from the coconut oil, so I™m not sure if these two oils made my skin worse of if it was still trying to purge from the coconut oil. Also, some people say that coconut oil, or any oil really, will have you have an initial break out and then it should pass; however, I couldn™t deal with having acne right before I started college so I stopped. I also, tried Dr. Bronner™s Castile soap and although I diluted it, my skin was left very dry and that lead my skin to overproduce oil.

My first week of college started and I made an appointment with a new dermatologist in the town. He prescribed me pills (I can™t remember the name), Tretinoin Cream (USP 0.05%) and Clindamycin Phosphate (USP 1%). This combination along with a benzoyl peroxide cleanser cleared up my skin for a bit. I still have acne here and there, especially around my cheeks and nose. The pimples are small kind of like whiteheads; however, I started getting cystic acne around my chin for 3 weeks straight. My skin is STILL oily and the oil sits so heavy on my face. I use oil blotting sheets but I feels wrong to keep damaging my skin more and more with all of these products. My skin is practically screaming for help and I keep ignoring it. So, I started to look up internal things that could cause acne and I found a lot of information. Many people claimed that dairy, processed foods, grease, and refined sugars cause acne. One site led to another site and soon I was overwhelmed with how much this makes sense. It never crossed my mind that I consumed a lot foods that people claim that trigger acne. Around this time, my boyfriend decided to go vegetarian around April 2015 and I tried but failed the first time (because I didn™t take Vitamin B12). The second time I tried was around September 2015 when I watched Cowspiracy. Watching the video really pulled my heart strings and I then started a vegetarian journey. Towards December I stopped eating any kind of dairy, mainly because it caused me discomfort and gas when I ate it, and replaced it with dairy-free alternatives that taste just as good. Around February I watched this documentary called Earthlings and this helped me keep moving towards becoming vegan. At this same time, I stopped consuming eggs and replaced it with ground flaxseed with water (same consistency). My skin has benefited a lot from this, but it is still oily because of the products that I am using (Tretinoin Cream and Clindamycin Phosphate). So as of yesterday (March 12) I decided to slowly stop using these products and replace them with water as my natural cleanser lol.

Here™s my plan--->
-at night: wash face with products but only in the affected areas
alternate the days between washing my face with the products until day 7,   which is when I will try to stop using the products. 
-in the mornings: gently wash my face with filtered water from a water bottle.
after day 7: tone with ACV (apple cider vinegar) in the mornings 

Wish me luck you guys! I really hope this works.

Day one (March 13): I washed my face with water and left it alone. It felt great to not have to go through 15 minutes worth of washing and applying the products to my face. My skin feels normal and I had my boyfriend rate (1-10) my oiliness compared to how it would be any other day (10 being the oiliest) and he said a solid 5, which is not bad. My nose doesn™t look as oily as it normally would. A few hours later, my face is a lot oilier. Tonight, I will wash my face with the products. I attached a few pictures to show you how my face currently looks


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Posted : 03/14/2016 5:54 pm

Day 2: I washed my face with water in the morning and my skin was a bit oily as expected. As I was washing my face I noticed that my skin still had a layer of oil left, which is exactly what I wanted because I didn't want to strip my skin of its oil completely. Now for the moment of good news... I only had to blot my skin once today which is huge since I usually blot it like 4 to 5 times a day. The pimple in my nose is gone and no new acne has surfaced. I once again asked my boyfriend to rate my oiliness and he said it was a 6 or 7, which is pretty high but my skin is still adapting. Tonight, I will not wash my face with the products. I will post pictures when I see any differences with my skin.


Posted : 03/15/2016 7:06 pm

Day 3: So I've been hit pretty hard with vertigo, but hopefully soon I will feel better. Today, I woke up with fairly equal results as yesterday. My skin was oily and I just washed it with filtered water. Again, I had to blot my skin only once today. The pimple in my nose is gone and now I just have blackheads in my chin and nose. My skin is still at rate of 7 today which is okay. I'm loving the simplicity of my regimen. I just washed my face again and it feels a bit dry. I will try to work my skin up to washing it only once day.

Also, guys I've changed my plan up a bit:
day & night: gently splash face with filtered water
alternate the days between washing my face after day 14 
spot treat with diluted ACV if needed

I decided to completely stop using all of my products for now to see help my skin's acid mantle heal faster. By May 1st, which will total up to 8 weeks, I should start seeing some results, good or bad. 







Posted : 03/16/2016 8:06 pm

Day 4: woke up with the same results as yesterday this morning--fairly oily skin. Small pimples have emerged on my upper cheek and on my nose, but they are nothing severe.I only had to blot my face once again. I washed morning and evening with filtered water and BAM I'm done. Also, I wanted to mention that I am drinking around 2 to 3 bottles of water daily.
Yesterday I read a post by a fellow acne sufferer and I learned an important thing: I must put less emphasis on my acne and appreciate the experiences in life more because if I ever get rid of acne, I would have missed many important events because of my fear of letting people see me.

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Posted : 01/25/2017 12:10 am

What a journey you have begun ! I am a bit late in terms of answering but I hope that's ok. 
I myself, have also been dealing with oily skin since the age of 12. I'm in my 4th year of high school and although I still have an oily complexion it has definitely improved. 
After reading your skin regime and what you have been doing may I only suggest 4 things which have helped me greatly.
1. Drink a lot of water
2. Use an all natural light face wash / exfoliant face wash once a day, preferably at night. It seems as though you have only experienced heavier, more artificial cleansers with unnatural ingredients.
3. Apply a light moisturiser (I use vitamin E cream or sorbelene cream)
4.  Consume fish oil tablets.
wish you all the best @FetchingLife and let me know how your current progress / skin is :)


Posted : 04/01/2017 8:12 pm

Hi @Aus.Missoo,
My skin has been purging. I have one cyst on my nose and the my cheeks are healing from the round of cysts I got that lasted about two weeks or go. It was a colony of 3 or 4 cysts. What is odd is that my cysts alternate sides on my cheeks. Sometimes I get cysts on my chin as well but not so much. My skin is bumpy and I have hyperpigmentation but I am happy I stopped all of the products as my skin is not even near as oily as it used to be.
1. I've been trying to drink at least 64 oz of water a day. I weight 132 lbs. Should this suffice?
2. What natural light face wash do your recommend? Did you mean a face wash and a separate exfoliator? I feel as if my skin definitely needs some help.
3. Check! I take them daily along with Zinc picolonate and L-Lysine.

On another note. My digestion has progressive gotten worse. I have bloating, indigestion, gas, and constipation (TMI sorry). I don't consume dairy, gluten, artificial sugary foods, or processed foods. It's very strange!

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