Regimen for dry ski...
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Regimen for dry skin


Posted : 02/04/2016 9:16 pm

I'm 28 and still dealing with acne, i recently heard about this regimen and was thinking of giving it a try. But I have dry dehydrated skin, and notice that acne gets worse the dryer my skin gets, so i'm concerned about trying this and if i'll really see results. Anyone with dry skin having success?


Posted : 02/05/2016 11:04 am

A lot of people with dry skin have had success with the regimen. The process really is about getting rid of the bacteria and balancing your skin so it isn't left irritated and dry. Cleanse, treat and moisturize....although I have very oily skin the thought of a moisturizer terrified me because I don't want my skin getting more oily and then I would break out. But now it all makes sense to me...the less irritated my skin is...the clearer it got. It really is about finding safe ground no matter what your skin type.


Posted : 02/07/2016 8:11 pm

I used to have oily skin but now i'm on anti-androgen pills that make my skin thin and extremely dry. I tried the regimen years ago while I had my normal oily skin and the diff using it now is extreme because my oily skin was much thicker and could take the harsh dryness of the regimen much better. Now the regimen treatment is so painful!

For me, what's working is very very small amounts of the bp treatment. Use it in less than pea-sized amounts (which still makes me tear up but idk how much your tolerance is) and moisturize with jojoba oil mixed in your moisturizer. Typical moisturizer won't cut it. Also make sure your cleanser is one that doesn't strip your skin of moisture. I recommend Cerave's hydrating cleanser if you havent tried it yet. Be careful and skip days if you can't handle the burning. For example, I only use the bp once a day until I can handle using it twice a day. Apparently your tolerance increases the more you use the treatment.

So far so good, Im using it with minimal flakiness around my mouth. Hope that helps. 🙂


Posted : 02/12/2016 4:29 pm

On 2/5/2016 at 8:16 PM, kaykay0013 said:

I'm 28 and still dealing with acne, i recently heard about this regimen and was thinking of giving it a try. But I have dry dehydrated skin, and notice that acne gets worse the dryer my skin gets, so i'm concerned about trying this and if i'll really see results. Anyone with dry skin having success?

I tried multiple regimes from different websites, with no success. Stumbled across (and Dans regimen) and there was nothing else that came close to it. Acne free for about a year now. I kick myself in the foot knowing i passed this website right on by, a few years ago when i was trying other products. With that being said, Dry skin can always be adjusted with the right moisturizer. Just be generous with it.

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