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See the Brighter side in life/Count your blessings despite acne here


Posted : 12/03/2015 1:04 am

Let me start by saying that I have never really stuggled with acne(mostly because I am known to be a compulsive clean freek) in fact I came to this site since I got my first pimple today and I was looking for a remedy. The pimple is gone now but as I was searching for a remedy I stumbled into this section. I was intrigued by all these stories as I read them it really broke my heart reading all these stories. Personally I found these stories really deppressing. I read an article that said that acne is caused by stress and these stories even caused me to be stressed out. Altough I can understand that people write these stories to gain support from other people I believe there should be more posts here commited to helping you guys count your blessings and make you feel like there are good things in lifedespite the acne. My sister suffers from acne and I believe this is the case since she is always depressed and does not count her blessings even before she had acne. I believe depression is unhealthy and may be part of the problem. I really hope some of you will post things you are thankful for having and even if you think there arent any you know you are lying to yourself because everyone has something to be thanful for. Life is a beautiful gift that we are all fortunate to experience and enjoy. God bless all of you.


Posted : 12/04/2015 5:46 pm

If you've never struggled with acne there's no way you could understand the pain, so Iwon't be too harsh with my criticism of your post.

First of all, the idea that you have never struggled with acne because you are a compulsive clean freak is pretty insulting. It implies that you believe people who suffer with acne do so because they do not wash properly or with enough vigour. This is a myth.

I'm sure you think you're being insightful, maybe even helpful, but this is all a bit condescending. Most depressed people I've encountered (with and without acne) do count their blessings, its probably the only thing that has stopped them sinking further into depression. Its not someone else's job to remind them or to patronise them. I sincerely hope you don't talk to your sister in this way, as you're probably just making her journey even harder.


Posted : 12/05/2015 4:36 pm

I am sorry if I offended anyone but I have gone to school with kids and all the ones that were depressed ended up developing acne later in life and I believe depression is part of the problem, so you know maybe there should be more happy posts. And i am sorry if you interpreted this as condescending but I have great respect for everyone and had a very wise mentor when i was little with severe acne but he was a guy I looked up to and considered him a role model. It hurts me though with these storiespeople consider acne a handicap and let it destroy their lives when acne is simply an exterior thing and does not define your abilities. I hope you understand adxhunt and everyone that you are all beutiful people and have a lot to be thankful for like good health and family.


Posted : 12/05/2015 5:35 pm

All of the kids you were at school with who were depressed ended up developing acne in later life? I highly doubt this. Even if it were true (i suspect you are exagerating), it wouldn't necessary follow that the cause of the acne was depression.

My interpretation of your post as condescending was based on the overly simplistic viewyou appear to have of acne and the effect it has on a person's psyche. Like I said before, I won't be too harsh on you as you've never suffered from it so you don't know any better.Your right to say acne is an external thing, but unfortunately your identity is largely determined by external stimuli that you have encountered during you life. This is especially true when your identity is still forming during adolescence.

I'm not sure why you assume people who are depressed or unhappy are not thankful for what they have.


Posted : 12/08/2015 1:57 am

I apologize for any false assumptions I have made and I see your viewpoint and I understand that I may never understand what You have been through since your experiences differ from mine. However I want to help you so I want to tell you about pine tar soap. My sister began using it and comletely cleared her skin and is left with minor scars. I highly recomend it to you. My parents got it from My grandmother in Austrailia but I think you can find it in your pharmacy or something. I have heard it is only 4 dollars so it is very affordable.I hope it helps. I use it get rid horriblerashes on my hands i get from allergic reactions but my mother said it does wonders on exzema and acne.
