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Grassroots campaign in the US to get acne scarring qualified as a disability?


Posted : 11/14/2015 8:46 am

Hi all. Even though some people on here may think the scarring that I have (shown in threads with pics I have posted) is not that bad, it is obvious that it is enough to greatly impact the way I interact with other people.... So much so, that I have tried to get SSDI (disability for those not in the states), but the case manager said that severe acne, even with documented history of needing anti-anxiety meds for more than 15 years, IS NOT a disability that qualifies!!!! WTF!!!

It seems like so many people get SSDI for conditions that they self-inflicted on to themselves, whereas I and thousands of others in the USA cannot for a legitimate condition!!!

Has anyone thought of starting a petition to make severe acne scarring (especially on the face) a condition that qualifies for disability? The way I see it is that if disability is granted, everyone wins. How? The scarring sufferer wins by not having to work a daily job that likely stresses him or her out a lot. Society wins because the people who are frightened, disgusted, etc. by such severe scarring do not have to see it as often....

One more thing: I am ASHAMED of the healthcare system in the USA compared to other nations.......


Posted : 11/19/2015 9:03 am

Bump. Is there anyone else on this forum who lives in the USA who has though about this?




Posted : 11/19/2015 3:04 pm

I Don't live in the US but I do think acne should be classified as a disability, because it can ruin one's life.


Posted : 11/29/2015 2:41 pm



Posted : 11/29/2015 4:24 pm

On 14/11/2015, 2318, IchhasseAkne said:

Hi all.   Even though some people on here may think the scarring that I have (shown in threads with pics I have posted) is not that bad, it is obvious that it is enough to greatly impact the way I interact with other people....   So much so, that I have tried to get SSDI  (disability for those not in the states), but the case manager said that severe acne, even with documented history of needing anti-anxiety meds for more than 15 years, IS NOT a disability that qualifies!!!!   WTF!!!  

It seems like so many people get SSDI for conditions that they self-inflicted on to themselves, whereas I and thousands of others in the USA cannot for a legitimate condition!!!

Has anyone thought of starting a petition to make severe acne scarring (especially on the face) a condition that qualifies for disability?  The way I see it is that if disability is granted, everyone wins.  How?  The scarring sufferer wins by not having to work a daily job that likely stresses him or her out a lot.  Society wins because the people who are frightened, disgusted, etc. by such severe scarring do not have to see it as often....

One more thing: I am ASHAMED of the healthcare system in the USA compared to other nations.......

I don't live in USA either but i do agree that acne is a medical condition and if a person is unable to work because of it they should be able to qualify for disability payment. 

The partner of one of my relatives is on disability at the moment because she has depression. Apparantly its not easy to qualify for the payment - you have to have letters from psychologists etc. The way i see it acne can cause people to become severely depressed so whats the difference. Can people with severe depression in USA get disability payments? 

I feel that acne is really not taken seriously enough as a medical condition. Most people just think of acne as some minor discomfort that one must put up with as a teenager. But chronic adult acne is a medical condition. It causes physical pain, disfigurement, as well as pyschological and emotional damage. And people will argue that it isnt life threatening, but it is because it could lead someone to become so depressed they commit suicide.

Acne is also still very much hidden and considered embarrassing. Think about how much attention obesity receives. There are support groups, tv shows etc. dealing with weight loss and celebrities talk about it. Even depression is starting to to talked about more openly. There is lots of research and special fund raising days. But not so with acne. Acne is still something to be ashamed about. 

Its good to see that at least conditions like depression and anxiety are starting to be taken more seriously. Although there is still alot of stigma attached to mental health issues.

Well thats my rant for the day :) 


Posted : 11/30/2015 8:10 am

I am not in the states. But every day I am being discriminated against because of my acne. It is not fair. If it is that bad for acne sufferers in the states imagine how it is for me in a backward third world country. I am writing this as I am being kicked out of a public place...because of severe acne...


Posted : 11/30/2015 7:24 pm

Coming from someone with scarringas severe as I've ever seen, I'd support this for the sake ofothers -- but I wouldn't personally want anything to do with it. I've never usedanti-anxiety medication and, quite frankly, I don't care what other people think of me.

I think it's important to acknowledge that, while we're certainly at a disadvantage in many regards, we ultimately decide how acne/scarring impacts ourlives. AndI've found that there's no better remedy for acne's social implications than obtaining wealth andcorporate power. In order to accomplish this, though, I believe you need to put away the "victim card" for good.

Anger/determination >feeling sorry for ourselves, IMO.

leelowe1 liked

Posted : 12/01/2015 5:11 pm

I totally agree and would support this movement. Actually ive been doing some research on ssi and have in more then a few occations wanted to apply for it seeing as i cant keep any of the jobs i get due to low self conffidance and having to deal with my acne/scars alone for the last 10 years. Thats half of my life dealing with this shit.... im 22, i got my first zits at 12 1/2.

Say, if by any chance you want to give me some advice on how i may be able to get on ssi im all ears. All i know is that having any $ coming in is better then none... even if it is by the government hands. I've tried and failed many factory/warehouse jobs, fast food, lanscaping, all shifts, all kinds of hours but still i always lose my jobs usually do to being late, missing days or simply just being told im getting let go. Hell, i was even a private in the us army this summer and yes i failed that too due to an injury.


When i was younger i was able to get my hs diploma but that was different, because in school i could get away with a lot and just make up for it all durring summer school. But as many of you know, jobs are far from being like that. You cant just fall asleep with your head down in 3/4 of your classes and just copy some random person for the grade. Work requires a level of phisical and mental awareness that i just cant keep up for long.


Posted : 12/05/2015 4:54 pm

Ridiculous. Go to a shrink because you need it. Acne scars is a minor problem unless someone has it so severe that it's disfiguring (1% of acne scars sufferers at most). You probably never saw people with real problems (rare illnesses, limb amputation, cancer, HIV, malnutrition ecc).


Nobody discriminate you unless you look for jobs like modeling or where being flawless is important (like actors). Also, it's not even a problem for relationships unless you look for girls/guys so shallow that consider some scars a deal breaker. In you're after such guys/girls yeah acne scars are a problem but basically every flaw is a problem for them. I'm a guy and I've never had problem with girls...I had girlfriends and they all didn't care much about my scars.

If girls don't like you it's probably because of your personality, lifestyle or for other physical traits but not acne scars. Being negative and bitchy is a huge turn off, lacking self confidence is a huge turn off, not being able to enjoy life for overstating some flaws is a huge turn off, having a shitty social life is a huge turn off, not having anything to talk about is a turn off, making excuses is a turn off,having some physical flaws for a man (like being short) is a turn off because you appear less dominant. Acne scars (unless very bad) it's not a turn off and you can improve it with treatments.

People like you are so negative and toxic that won't accept other opinions so I don't even know why I'm writing this comment but this topic really left me speechless and angry.

Some people with acne scars already have problems with their self esteem and topics like this only make them feel worse. If I saw such a topic when I was 18yo when I still didn't know anything about life and what is really important I would have felt depressed and hopeless.


If I have to give an advice to people with acne scars is to stay away from negative people because their negativity before or after will reach you and will bring you down. Hang out with positive people for a couple of monthsand you'll feel better about yourself and you'll meet lots of people. If you're in a negative and depressive state you shoot yourself in the foot because nobody will want to stay in your company or enjoy it.

So yeah, you have been advised. I'm out of this toxic subsection of the forum.


Posted : 12/05/2015 5:56 pm

Do you want an applause? clap clap

Do you want to be told you're right? you're right


I mean that's the only way for you to feel soon as someone question a bit your beliefs and your excuses to live a shitty life you get defensive. It's pointless to talk to guys like you because you don't even read what other people write.

I said that it's aproblem for only the 1% (at most) that have it so bad that is disfiguring. You posted the pics of a guy that have it so bad that is disfiguring (not even the 0,01% of population have it that way but it's pointless to tell you that). So basically what's your point? I didn't say the guy you posted look okay. But you're so self centered and hopeless that you had to post pics of some of the most heavily hit guys you could find so not to have your beliefs shattered/questioned. That's why talking to you is so's really a waste of time because you're in a so negative state of mind thatyou don't even understand what other people say.

My advice for someone like you is to see a shrink and I'm not kidding. I'm not out of here because I can't reply to you, it's because it's a waste of time and lucky enough myscars don'tprevent me (because I don't make stupid excuses)to have a social life so I don't have as much free time to waste to search/post studies as some of you here.

After all, when someone has some very deep beliefs he tries to find things that confirm his beliefs and shun things that shatter that belief.


Now I'm really out of here. I leave you the ego victory of this discussion. Keep bringing people down man, you can bet you'll change your life that way and draw cool people in! Bye


Posted : 12/08/2015 12:17 am

On 12/5/2015, 501, SimpleMutton said:

Do you want an applause? clap clap

Do you want to be told you're right? you're right


I mean that's the only way for you to feel soon as someone question a bit your beliefs and your excuses to live a shitty life you get defensive. It's pointless to talk to guys like you because you don't even read what other people write.

I said that it's aproblem for only the 1% (at most) that have it so bad that is disfiguring. You posted the pics of a guy that have it so bad that is disfiguring (not even the 0,01% of population have it that way but it's pointless to tell you that). So basically what's your point? I didn't say the guy you posted look okay. But you're so self centered and hopeless that you had to post pics of some of the most heavily hit guys you could find so not to have your beliefs shattered/questioned. That's why talking to you is so's really a waste of time because you're in a so negative state of mind thatyou don't even understand what other people say.

My advice for someone like you is to see a shrink and I'm not kidding. I'm not out of here because I can't reply to you, it's because it's a waste of time and lucky enough myscars don'tprevent me (because I don't make stupid excuses)to have a social life so I don't have as much free time to waste to search/post studies as some of you here.

After all, when someone has some very deep beliefs he tries to find things that confirm his beliefs and shun things that shatter that belief.


Now I'm really out of here. I leave you the ego victory of this discussion. Keep bringing people down man, you can bet you'll change your life that way and draw cool people in! Bye


Then follow your own advice and get the hell out of here.This forum is forsupport and itdoesn'tneed assholes like you. Many people here are depressed or possibly suicidal. You arebasically saying tosomeone who may be in that state of mindto "get over it because other people have it worst". Yea, just be quiet okay? You need to talk to a professional and learn why that is not the way to helpsomeone struggling with psychological problems.Jesus Christ.


Posted : 12/10/2015 7:07 am

Its great that some people can still be really confident and happy despite being afflictedwith conditions like acne or other disabilities. Unfortunately for alot of us acne can have a very negative effect on our self esteem. This doesnt make us weak. And our feelings are still justified just because acne and scarring may not seem as bad as things like cancer.
