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Plan B Induced Acne (Aftermath)


Posted : 05/11/2015 3:17 pm

Almost a year ago I posted my sob story on this website. I took plan b for the first time and it the results were terrifying. I was never the person to ever break out especially not hormonally. A week after taking plan b, I started breaking out in CYSTS and they started scarring my face. My cheeks and chin would have a new pimple on the regular, and because I was not use to it I popped them. I tried everything, and wasted a lot of money. Because of the plan b there were a lot of hormonal changes in me. I went form never breaking out as all to breaking out daily.

Things were real bad, I would buy expensive multiple brands of concealer to properly cover my pimples and nothing was enough.


Before I go on and list the things to do and not to do, I assure you that your hormones will balance SLOWLY but surely.


Things I recommend:


-Taking birth control as a way to control your acne is a big no. This method does not work for everybody, and if Plan b made u break out, birth control will not help.


- Be careful what you read on the internet and be cautious of how to follow people's advice. Before testing products and natural things on your face, test them out on your body first


- You will do things in haste and that can cause a lot of damage

Example: the internet told me to put lemon on my cysts, and since my cyst was an open wound, it scarred bad.


- Stop spending money on so many acne products, I learned my lesson the hard way


- Use spot treatment and acne face wash , such as Grease Lightning by Lush or Neutrogena. Buying expensive multiple acne treatments is not worth it, you'll be wasting money. Just use face washes and spot treatments you would use from before this happened.


- Use bio oil AFTER the cyst/pimple has scarred you (most likely it will)


- Stop stressing, breaking out really sucks. But now you are breaking out like a teenager who hit puberty, therefore your hormones affect you. Stress can cause more pimples. That may have not happened before, but it will happen now.


- Eat clean foods for a while. Like I said before, if foods didn't affect your clear face before, it might now. Chocolates will cause pimples


- Drink A LOT of water


Basically things might suck for a while but they will get better soon. For a person who never wore makeup, I would not leave the house without makeup because I was so embarrassed, it sucked.


So this is my timeline:


The first month and a half was a nightmare, I regularly got cysts and panicked and use a lot of waste products on my face.


The following 4 months, I got small pimples regularly BUT regularly washing my face and spot treatments would help. Although I did scar quite a bit (bio oil helped)


After that I regularly got small pimples but they stopped scarring my face.


Finally I am at a point where I break out like I used to before I took plan b (which is hardly EVER)


I am back to my regular self and my scars are basically all gone.


So if you took Plan b and are are experiencing what I experienced, calm down it will get better. Just don't use other products or pills that will affect your hormones.


Good day :)


Posted : 05/12/2015 9:20 pm

I took plan B , I was already getting breakouts but taking that pill made it worst. It's been a month now and usually when I breakout they are healed in a few days, these will not dry up :( so it took a year for your hormones to get back on track ?


Posted : 10/26/2015 7:50 pm

Can you tell me how long did it take to clear up? I am having such a hard time...
