Skin Picking, Clogg...
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Skin Picking, Clogged Pores, Acne, And Other Nightmares


Posted : 04/16/2015 11:33 am

Many of you suffering with acne or other skin problems know all too well that when your skin doesn't look right, neither does anything else in your life. It becomes all you focus on, despite the many great things happening in your life.

Many of you also know that not popping zits is one of the hardest things to do when you've got acne... Especially when your "bad habit" becomes a full blown impulse control disorder, and refraining from picking or touching your skin is darn near impossible. Me personally, I'm lucky if I go a day without picking something.

Picking > Covering With Foundation > Picking again, > Covering Again, > Crying > Picking > Covering... The cycle is seemingly endless.

Okay, let's backtrack. I was a member of these forums years ago, I joined in 2012. I started using the Regimen after I'd tried a plethora of other gimmicky skincare products from the Drugstore, and it cleared my skin up almost completely; however, my skin was so dry that I looked like a lizard. My little cousin asked, "Why does your skin look like that?" after we'd been swimming and my skin was peeling so severely. I was so embarrassed. I had clear skin for the first time in years and I get this too?

I had to tweak the Regimen to prevent all the dryness that I was experiencing from the BP. From about Fall of 2012 to Summer of 2014, my skin was pretty damn clear. I would cleanse and moisturize with simply, non irritating stuff in the mornings and then at night I'd cleanse, use 2 pumps of BP, wait, then apply moisturizer + jojoba oil.

It was working, I was happy, everything was great. That was until the late summer of last year, when things were stressful, I began picking at my face. It started off simple, I'd just extract the blackheads on my nose, and pick a little on my chin. Regrettably, my fingers wandered on over to my cheeks, and ever since then, I've been creating problems for myself there.

in the past year so far, I've tried many different products and spent a lot of money on topicals that just don't work. I've even spent $40 on the legendary Manuka Honey, I've been using that for at least a week or two, but it certainly doesn't clear my acne, maybe it reduces the redness a little, but not much. Not even Benzoyl Peroxide, my "savior", can save me now.

My skin looks awful and I feel so much angst when I leave the house without makeup (despite the fact that makeup makes my skin worse). My confidence is at rock bottom, and my skin has me in tears all the time. My forehead is miraculously mostly clear, my skin issues are mainly on the lower half of my face and on my chest and back.

I'm considering getting blood work done to find out if I have any deficiencies that could be contributing, my diet isn't the best either, but I'm a teenager so, I don't know how much that affects it.

Here is my skin currently, it's really cringe-worthy. post-461441-0-07068000-1429201940.jpgpost-461441-0-76779500-1429201951.jpg



Posted : 04/17/2015 8:31 am

Skin picking is a real issue and its great you have acknowledged that it is a big part of the problem. Thats means you now have the power to do something about it. You know this is a behavioural issue (on top of the acne). You know the acne treatment works well for you so its the behaviour you need to work on most of all.

here is the page on NHS choices (the UK national health service information site) about Dermatillomania

They reccomend looking into CBT (cognative behavioural therapy) to help manage the behaviour.

CBT is best done with a therapist but it can be self taught as well if funds are getting in the way.

Also look into getting non-comodeganic makeup if your current makeup breaks you out.

I hope this helps x also Aloe may be better than manuka possibly... and tonnes cheaper.

Hopefully you are still using the BP regimen that worked well for you before, if not you may want to try Azelaic acid instead but only if BP really isnt working for you because if BP worked well before for you then it likely will do so again x x

Good luck!


Posted : 04/17/2015 10:07 am

This happened to me i thought the regimen stop working, but i went back track what i did wrong and it was picking, touching my skin and eating tons of breads and milk!


I started to control myself not touching my face and discipline myself avoiding foods that will break me out. I stick to the regimen and it was harder because i was paranoid thinking it doesnt work anymore as my face keeps getting worst.


After 2 months not touching, picking my fAce etc...the regimen starts to work again. Finally clear!


So lesson learned is that, avoid things that will cause your skin to break out.


Posted : 04/17/2015 11:25 am

Hey Candy! I have to reply because my acne is somehow like yours!

I'm here to share some of my thoughts, and also cheers you up a bit, because you see, you're not alone!

Plenty of people has a lot worse than yours! you might take it this way if this give you strength.

For me, I would still held my head up as if nothing happened, but also avoid leaving the house, haha.

Up to this moment, right side of my cheek have few bumps, acne on the left side mainly.

My acne was caused by hormonal imbalance at first, only mild, then used different products, some get it controlled, some had made it worse.

Even I'm "cleared" with inflamed acne, I still got many clogged pores and bumps all over my cheek.

Somehow, sometimes, one or two of them will get inflamed, so new scars always upcoming, cycle never ends.

Here's my old post and some of my thoughts about acne:


Back to the topic,

Have you tried visit a dermatologist? (Though I don't really think they do much help other than the use of getting prescription medication)

I've also tried many stuffs and yet none of it really cured mine. I started to think that there might be reason why dermatologist always use topical retin-a / eventually Accutane to treat acne, but both of them mostly break you out (terrible) at first then healed up.

Maybe we're in the wrong direction of "clamming it down", we should let it grow instead. (of course with medication, right one.)

I'm currently on Adapalene 0.1% , and also taking medocycline, which broke me out immediately from those bumps just in days, which is good. I believe what's actually bad is that they are not coming out, yet not clamming down neither, they just stay there for weeks, you know. I'd wish they all breakout at once.

And before I use Adapalene I'm scared of the initial breakout, because I know it would be really depressing.

Acne sufferer should want their acne going away, not coming up, right?

Unfortunately, I believe the only way to "cure" your acne, is to break them all out first, otherwise you're just controlling it by using products, once you're not using, they will show up again as if they should long time ago.

Squeezing is a must no, quit it.


Posted : 04/18/2015 8:30 pm

Skin picking is a real issue and its great you have acknowledged that it is a big part of the problem. Thats means you now have the power to do something about it. You know this is a behavioural issue (on top of the acne). You know the acne treatment works well for you so its the behaviour you need to work on most of all.

here is the page on NHS choices (the UK national health service information site) about Dermatillomania

They reccomend looking into CBT (cognative behavioural therapy) to help manage the behaviour.

CBT is best done with a therapist but it can be self taught as well if funds are getting in the way.

Also look into getting non-comodeganic makeup if your current makeup breaks you out.

I hope this helps x also Aloe may be better than manuka possibly... and tonnes cheaper.

Hopefully you are still using the BP regimen that worked well for you before, if not you may want to try Azelaic acid instead but only if BP really isnt working for you because if BP worked well before for you then it likely will do so again x x

Good luck!

Hi, thank you so much for your input, it's very helpful. I might consider CBT, I don't think my parents take it very seriously at all (part of the reason I dismissed it as a frivolous issue most of the time, which I'm now coming to realize isn't the case at all) I'll try bringing it up to them but it's really hard to admit that you have a problem, you know?

I'm still using Benzoyl Peroxide, it did work for me in the past but it doesn't really do a great job of clearing up the breakouts that I get on my cheeks. Aloe is a good suggestion, I was highly considering it!

Thanks again!


This happened to me i thought the regimen stop working, but i went back track what i did wrong and it was picking, touching my skin and eating tons of breads and milk!


I started to control myself not touching my face and discipline myself avoiding foods that will break me out. I stick to the regimen and it was harder because i was paranoid thinking it doesnt work anymore as my face keeps getting worst.


After 2 months not touching, picking my fAce etc...the regimen starts to work again. Finally clear!


So lesson learned is that, avoid things that will cause your skin to break out.

Hi, I'm glad that you were able to fix the issue, I really hope that works for me too, I'm trying to not pick my face as much, although as you can see from the pictures, I often succumb to my impulses, but it's not as bad as it was last fall. I'll definitely try to control it more.


Hey Candy! I have to reply because my acne is somehow like yours!

I'm here to share some of my thoughts, and also cheers you up a bit, because you see, you're not alone!

Plenty of people has a lot worse than yours! you might take it this way if this give you strength.

For me, I would still held my head up as if nothing happened, but also avoid leaving the house, haha.

Up to this moment, right side of my cheek have few bumps, acne on the left side mainly.

My acne was caused by hormonal imbalance at first, only mild, then used different products, some get it controlled, some had made it worse.

Even I'm "cleared" with inflamed acne, I still got many clogged pores and bumps all over my cheek.

Somehow, sometimes, one or two of them will get inflamed, so new scars always upcoming, cycle never ends.

Here's my old post and some of my thoughts about acne:


Back to the topic,

Have you tried visit a dermatologist? (Though I don't really think they do much help other than the use of getting prescription medication)

I've also tried many stuffs and yet none of it really cured mine. I started to think that there might be reason why dermatologist always use topical retin-a / eventually Accutane to treat acne, but both of them mostly break you out (terrible) at first then healed up.

Maybe we're in the wrong direction of "clamming it down", we should let it grow instead. (of course with medication, right one.)

I'm currently on Adapalene 0.1% , and also taking medocycline, which broke me out immediately from those bumps just in days, which is good. I believe what's actually bad is that they are not coming out, yet not clamming down neither, they just stay there for weeks, you know. I'd wish they all breakout at once.

And before I use Adapalene I'm scared of the initial breakout, because I know it would be really depressing.

Acne sufferer should want their acne going away, not coming up, right?

Unfortunately, I believe the only way to "cure" your acne, is to break them all out first, otherwise you're just controlling it by using products, once you're not using, they will show up again as if they should long time ago.

Squeezing is a must no, quit it.

Hi! I would say thank you for being able to relate to my post, usually, but in this case I'm sorry... I know that my acne is definitely not the worst, but for me, my acne used to be bad, and then I cleared it up, and relapsing a little is so anxiety inducing because it brings up old insecurities and feelings that were always there but now they're coming to the surface along with new zits of course lol.

I haven't seen a dermatologist yet. They're expensive and I don't want to use their chemicals on my face. I used Adapelene 0.1% for my acne in the past, and it only made a little bit of a difference, never got me clear though.

I really appreciate your input, so thank you :) I wish you the best on your own acne journey. We can get through this!


Posted : 04/20/2015 5:11 am

Hey SoulCandy,

I sort of feel like my journey has been similar to yours, I had been using Benzoyl Peroxide and it pretty much solved most of my problems, apart from when I used too much it made my skin super dry and literally left chemical burns on my face... hot. And so anyway I'm not sure if it was solely because my picking problem became worse or that my acne just decided to do what it did, but I found that it stared migrating to my checks and lower face. Like you, BP continued to keep my forehead 90% clear but then i'd just be in that same constant cycle on my lower face of putting on make up, picking, feeling angry at myself, crying and then putting more make up on. I'm now trying the birth control 'Diane' because the acne on my lower face didn't respond to the BP, I started thinking maybe it was hormonal, so that' something to look into possibly.

Sorry if this wasn't the advice you were hoping for, I didn't have time to read the whole post in depth but I think it's always nice to know that there are other people out there going through the same freaking problem!


Posted : 04/20/2015 8:44 pm

Hey SoulCandy,

I sort of feel like my journey has been similar to yours, I had been using Benzoyl Peroxide and it pretty much solved most of my problems, apart from when I used too much it made my skin super dry and literally left chemical burns on my face... hot. And so anyway I'm not sure if it was solely because my picking problem became worse or that my acne just decided to do what it did, but I found that it stared migrating to my checks and lower face. Like you, BP continued to keep my forehead 90% clear but then i'd just be in that same constant cycle on my lower face of putting on make up, picking, feeling angry at myself, crying and then putting more make up on. I'm now trying the birth control 'Diane' because the acne on my lower face didn't respond to the BP, I started thinking maybe it was hormonal, so that' something to look into possibly.

Sorry if this wasn't the advice you were hoping for, I didn't have time to read the whole post in depth but I think it's always nice to know that there are other people out there going through the same freaking problem!

Hey AppleySauce,

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I do find some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one but also I hurt for you, because I know how hard it is. I think for me the most aggravating phase of the "picking cycle" is having to decide that I'm going to bare it all and not wear makeup on a certain day so that my skin can breathe... One time one of my friends noticed and said, "Oh, YOU'RE not wearing any makeup today..." and I was like, "yes, that is correct..." *screams internally*.

How is the birth control working for you? I have heard that acne towards the lower parts of your face are related to hormones, especially around the mouth being related to your menstrual cycle.


Posted : 04/21/2015 4:48 am


Hey SoulCandy,

I sort of feel like my journey has been similar to yours, I had been using Benzoyl Peroxide and it pretty much solved most of my problems, apart from when I used too much it made my skin super dry and literally left chemical burns on my face... hot. And so anyway I'm not sure if it was solely because my picking problem became worse or that my acne just decided to do what it did, but I found that it stared migrating to my checks and lower face. Like you, BP continued to keep my forehead 90% clear but then i'd just be in that same constant cycle on my lower face of putting on make up, picking, feeling angry at myself, crying and then putting more make up on. I'm now trying the birth control 'Diane' because the acne on my lower face didn't respond to the BP, I started thinking maybe it was hormonal, so that' something to look into possibly.

Sorry if this wasn't the advice you were hoping for, I didn't have time to read the whole post in depth but I think it's always nice to know that there are other people out there going through the same freaking problem!

Hey AppleySauce,

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I do find some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one but also I hurt for you, because I know how hard it is. I think for me the most aggravating phase of the "picking cycle" is having to decide that I'm going to bare it all and not wear makeup on a certain day so that my skin can breathe... One time one of my friends noticed and said, "Oh, YOU'RE not wearing any makeup today..." and I was like, "yes, that is correct..." *screams internally*.

How is the birth control working for you? I have heard that acne towards the lower parts of your face are related to hormones, especially around the mouth being related to your menstrual cycle.

I'm actually quite envious that you are brave enough not to wear makeup! I know I couldn't at this point.

I have a log i'm doing for Diane, it's under my account name if you want to read it. I've just started my third month and its waves of improvement and then breaking out so no progress at this point. However recently i've been putting extra effort in to not pick my skin, I always find it helps, but then fall back into the same habit. So frustrating


Posted : 04/23/2015 7:19 pm


Hey SoulCandy,

I sort of feel like my journey has been similar to yours, I had been using Benzoyl Peroxide and it pretty much solved most of my problems, apart from when I used too much it made my skin super dry and literally left chemical burns on my face... hot. And so anyway I'm not sure if it was solely because my picking problem became worse or that my acne just decided to do what it did, but I found that it stared migrating to my checks and lower face. Like you, BP continued to keep my forehead 90% clear but then i'd just be in that same constant cycle on my lower face of putting on make up, picking, feeling angry at myself, crying and then putting more make up on. I'm now trying the birth control 'Diane' because the acne on my lower face didn't respond to the BP, I started thinking maybe it was hormonal, so that' something to look into possibly.

Sorry if this wasn't the advice you were hoping for, I didn't have time to read the whole post in depth but I think it's always nice to know that there are other people out there going through the same freaking problem!

Hey AppleySauce,

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I do find some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one but also I hurt for you, because I know how hard it is. I think for me the most aggravating phase of the "picking cycle" is having to decide that I'm going to bare it all and not wear makeup on a certain day so that my skin can breathe... One time one of my friends noticed and said, "Oh, YOU'RE not wearing any makeup today..." and I was like, "yes, that is correct..." *screams internally*.

How is the birth control working for you? I have heard that acne towards the lower parts of your face are related to hormones, especially around the mouth being related to your menstrual cycle.

I'm actually quite envious that you are brave enough not to wear makeup! I know I couldn't at this point.

I have a log i'm doing for Diane, it's under my account name if you want to read it. I've just started my third month and its waves of improvement and then breaking out so no progress at this point. However recently i've been putting extra effort in to not pick my skin, I always find it helps, but then fall back into the same habit. So frustrating


Well, it's not so much bravery as it is necessity, I know that makeup is going to make my skin 100% worse, so by not wearing it I'm trying to save it from myself... I've had a few good days of not picking recently, but just now I sort of slipped back a little. Hopefully I'll put some honey on this to keep it from getting infected overnight. I feel you, sista. It's really frustrating.


Posted : 05/21/2015 1:00 pm

Mod edit- Topic moved to skin picking forum


Posted : 06/12/2015 10:50 am


Hey SoulCandy,

I sort of feel like my journey has been similar to yours, I had been using Benzoyl Peroxide and it pretty much solved most of my problems, apart from when I used too much it made my skin super dry and literally left chemical burns on my face... hot. And so anyway I'm not sure if it was solely because my picking problem became worse or that my acne just decided to do what it did, but I found that it stared migrating to my checks and lower face. Like you, BP continued to keep my forehead 90% clear but then i'd just be in that same constant cycle on my lower face of putting on make up, picking, feeling angry at myself, crying and then putting more make up on. I'm now trying the birth control 'Diane' because the acne on my lower face didn't respond to the BP, I started thinking maybe it was hormonal, so that' something to look into possibly.

Sorry if this wasn't the advice you were hoping for, I didn't have time to read the whole post in depth but I think it's always nice to know that there are other people out there going through the same freaking problem!

Hey AppleySauce,

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I do find some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one but also I hurt for you, because I know how hard it is. I think for me the most aggravating phase of the "picking cycle" is having to decide that I'm going to bare it all and not wear makeup on a certain day so that my skin can breathe... One time one of my friends noticed and said, "Oh, YOU'RE not wearing any makeup today..." and I was like, "yes, that is correct..." *screams internally*.

How is the birth control working for you? I have heard that acne towards the lower parts of your face are related to hormones, especially around the mouth being related to your menstrual cycle.

I'm actually quite envious that you are brave enough not to wear makeup! I know I couldn't at this point.

I have a log i'm doing for Diane, it's under my account name if you want to read it. I've just started my third month and its waves of improvement and then breaking out so no progress at this point. However recently i've been putting extra effort in to not pick my skin, I always find it helps, but then fall back into the same habit. So frustrating


Well, it's not so much bravery as it is necessity, I know that makeup is going to make my skin 100% worse, so by not wearing it I'm trying to save it from myself... I've had a few good days of not picking recently, but just now I sort of slipped back a little. Hopefully I'll put some honey on this to keep it from getting infected overnight. I feel you, sista. It's really frustrating.

for me mineral makeup has really helped. Especially a brand of mineral makeup that doesn't contain any "gunk" as talc or bismuth ox.. Glominerals has helped me towards covering my picking scars without giving me an additional breakup :)


Have any of you tried epiduo? im nearly three weeks in and my skin still burns like a son of a b**** and im all tomato red unfortunately.. *sigh*. My moisturizer burns and I've come to the fact that many of the products that have helped once before i started on epiduo just doesn't cut it for me any more.. Do you have any product suggestions (from europe) that could help my ultra sensitive yet acne prone skin?? Tips are highly appreciated! :)


Posted : 06/13/2015 10:42 pm


Hey SoulCandy,

I sort of feel like my journey has been similar to yours, I had been using Benzoyl Peroxide and it pretty much solved most of my problems, apart from when I used too much it made my skin super dry and literally left chemical burns on my face... hot. And so anyway I'm not sure if it was solely because my picking problem became worse or that my acne just decided to do what it did, but I found that it stared migrating to my checks and lower face. Like you, BP continued to keep my forehead 90% clear but then i'd just be in that same constant cycle on my lower face of putting on make up, picking, feeling angry at myself, crying and then putting more make up on. I'm now trying the birth control 'Diane' because the acne on my lower face didn't respond to the BP, I started thinking maybe it was hormonal, so that' something to look into possibly.

Sorry if this wasn't the advice you were hoping for, I didn't have time to read the whole post in depth but I think it's always nice to know that there are other people out there going through the same freaking problem!

Hey AppleySauce,

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I do find some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one but also I hurt for you, because I know how hard it is. I think for me the most aggravating phase of the "picking cycle" is having to decide that I'm going to bare it all and not wear makeup on a certain day so that my skin can breathe... One time one of my friends noticed and said, "Oh, YOU'RE not wearing any makeup today..." and I was like, "yes, that is correct..." *screams internally*.

How is the birth control working for you? I have heard that acne towards the lower parts of your face are related to hormones, especially around the mouth being related to your menstrual cycle.

I'm actually quite envious that you are brave enough not to wear makeup! I know I couldn't at this point.

I have a log i'm doing for Diane, it's under my account name if you want to read it. I've just started my third month and its waves of improvement and then breaking out so no progress at this point. However recently i've been putting extra effort in to not pick my skin, I always find it helps, but then fall back into the same habit. So frustrating


Well, it's not so much bravery as it is necessity, I know that makeup is going to make my skin 100% worse, so by not wearing it I'm trying to save it from myself... I've had a few good days of not picking recently, but just now I sort of slipped back a little. Hopefully I'll put some honey on this to keep it from getting infected overnight. I feel you, sista. It's really frustrating.

for me mineral makeup has really helped. Especially a brand of mineral makeup that doesn't contain any "gunk" as talc or bismuth ox.. Glominerals has helped me towards covering my picking scars without giving me an additional breakup :)


Have any of you tried epiduo? im nearly three weeks in and my skin still burns like a son of a b**** and im all tomato red unfortunately.. *sigh*. My moisturizer burns and I've come to the fact that many of the products that have helped once before i started on epiduo just doesn't cut it for me any more.. Do you have any product suggestions (from europe) that could help my ultra sensitive yet acne prone skin?? Tips are highly appreciated! :)

I actually only bought my first ever mineral makeup last week because I was never a fan of the (in my opinion) gunky feeling that I felt as I painted non-mineral liquid foundation on my face every morning. So I bought a pretty natural brand and then like most of us who have acne, went home and googled the shit out of it, only to find it had mica in it which supposedly clogs your pores. Weirdly enough it has actually made my skin a ton better since I have stopped using my liquid foundation, I think maybe the fact it has kaolin clay in it counteracts this. (just realised i'm ranting)

I believe epiduo is another type of retinoid? I used retin a at the end of last year for 5 months, the strongest concentration and I experienced nothing, not even irritation, only my skin tone improved alot but the acne was still there. It was so weird. That's when I started birth control and i'm now seeing slight improvement at month 4/5. They always say with retinoids that more is less so make sure you only use a pea sized amount. When I used retin a I used rose hip oil and then put the cream over top, I think the oil may have acted as a barrier to lessen the harshness of the cream. You could try using rose hip oil or jojoba oil as those are really good moisturizers anyway, and may act in the same way it acted on mine. I'd say give it till week 6 and if your skin is still flipping the freak out then see if you can get a lower strength retinoid whether it be the same brand or another. Nb: epiduo contains the retinoid adapalene and also has benzyol peroxide in it, irritated skin will only be made worse by BP. Differin only contains adapalene. :)


Posted : 06/14/2015 1:32 am

Im glad the mineral makeup also works for you :) I have always tolerated a 5% BP before, if i just used it every other night. The Epiduo makes my skin flake off and look like a shedding snake (ew) if i use it every night. Every other night is OK but not perfect yet... Im hoping im gonna develop a tolerance for it after 6 weeks. :)
rosehip oil is also a favorite of mine! :D I also slather on coconut oil (but not too often)..

But how do you do it?? But on your oil - wait for absorb and then apply the treatment??
it sounds like it could work :)

I luckily only have mild to moderate acne, the epiduo have cleared up my skin OK , now i only have to cysts that are fading (mostly thanks to hydrocortisone creme) and some semipermanent scars and red marks. I hope it will improve even more now when the summer is coming! Im also on birth control (just started last month) and i hope it can contribute even more... Before i had minerva (a hormone spiral) and that just makes me skin freak out, constantly active was a PAIN to say the least. now its mostly gone (Jahuu). I guess im the one ranting now :D


Posted : 06/15/2015 1:24 am

H kath,Yeah I usually wait until it soaks in a bit :)When you say you use hydrocortisone cream on your cysts, did that help with the active ones or just the scars? I have about 3 on my face, one of which has been there for over a year and the others, a few months. Anything I try on them is fruitless and cortisone shots are expensive where I live.


Posted : 06/18/2015 7:26 am

H kath, Yeah I usually wait until it soaks in a bit :) When you say you use hydrocortisone cream on your cysts, did that help with the active ones or just the scars? I have about 3 on my face, one of which has been there for over a year and the others, a few months. Anything I try on them is fruitless and cortisone shots are expensive where I live.


It has helped with my skin cracking! yay :) thanks for the tip!


I use it on the active ones, to take the swelling down. I only apply it once or twice, otherwise im afraid it can break down the collagen and make it harder for the skin to heal.. But usually after those 1-2 times of applications i find that the swelling goes down and it isn't that sore... :)
