Accutane Journey


Posted : 11/29/2014 12:11 am

Day 14 of Accutane..

Okay, so, i do not have cystic acne whatsoever. I have pretty good skin for most people, but it is just very stubborn and this past summer it started to leave scars. And i did start breaking out more than usual (i play volleyball and basketball so i sweat a good bit) Augmentin actually really worked for me.. I started out on 2 pills a day, and got cut to 1, and my skin stayed clear. (im not sure the dosage) but my dermatologist is VERY STRICT about not wanting to keep me on antibiotics, so they kept taking me off of everything that worked and I would just flair back up in a couple weeks. That's why I finally started accutane. After i started, I stopped taking my pills after day 8 for about 5 days or so because I was getting horrible headaches, and my legs hurt so bad I kept having to sit down. So I have only been back on it for 6 days, so I don't really notice a significant change. I haven't had anymore headaches (yay) but I did have a nosebleed last night which is super rare for me, but it wasn't too bad or painful so no biggie. My skin (especially my nose) is starting to dry up, but it's not bad yet. (I have combination skin so I'm used to a little dryness anyways). I am also starting to break out more, and have waaay more noticeable blackheads. I've read that they get big and bold right before they come out, so fingers crossed! My lips are not chapped yet, but my brother took accutane twice, and he said his lips got really bad, so I've been using heavy chapstick/Vaseline anyways. Hope this stuff works miracles for me :-) (LOVE hearing other people's accutanr journeys to help me, so please share !!!)


Posted : 11/29/2014 6:23 am

Topic moved to accutane logs forum

All the best for your accutane journey! :)


Posted : 11/29/2014 9:16 pm

Good luck! For your nosebleeds, I would recommend applying some Vaseline to the inside of your nostrils before you go to bed.


Posted : 11/30/2014 10:53 pm

Day 16 of Accutane..


My skin is getting very dry, and flakey :( some places are really dry, and others are just normal, so where I put moisturizer on, some places are breaking out. Not super bad, but just enough to wear it bothers me. (The only thing pushing me forward is knowing that in 5/6 months, I'll be CLEAR) My blackheads aren't as noticeable since my nose is peeling, but they're still there. Under my left eye, some blackheads that I didn't even know were there just popped up, and theyre above the skin, kind of.. like when I rub my finger across it, it feels like bumps. My lips are getting dry now too.. it seems like no matter how much chapstick I put on, they stay dry. (The cold weather right now doesn't help either). I haven't had anymore muscle pains, headaches, or nosebleeds (putting Vaseline in my nostrils before bed like one person suggested. Thank you btw :)) so even though I'm already getting sick of Accutane, I realize I haven't even been to my 1 month appointment, so my journey has just begun and I'm sure many more crazy side effects to come! And I will try to keep updating. :-) (If anyone has an *Accutane success story*, I could use one for encouragement right now!!)


Posted : 12/06/2014 11:49 pm

Day 22 of Accutane....


my skin already looks better! When i do get a pimple, it goes away very quickly! My side effects are just mild. Just some dry skin, chapped lips, dry eyes and dry palms. My teeth are sore, and that has been giving me a headache, but my mom thinks my wisdom teeth are coming in, and causing that, so idk.. But either way, it's not unbearable. (My boyfriend claims it has also made me moody, but who knows Ha Ha) My scars still haven't faded, but my skin hasn't peeled a lot yet. My blackheads are not completely gone, but they are not as noticeable anymore. (They look just like before I started accutane) BTW, I am only on the 40 mg capsules.. and it's the accutane off brand, clavaris (something like that.) And does anyone know, do you have to get your blood taken every month? Thanks, in advance :)


Posted : 12/17/2014 12:26 am

Good luck!! I am on day 24 today, but on a low dose (20mg a day).

I will be watching your log with interest and hope it goes well for you.

I seem to have good and bad days - I have noticed an improvement, but somedays I want to hide and cry, and others I feel great about my skin.

I am heading back to my Derm tomorrow for first check up - not sure about bloods yet, but I will know tomorrow whether I need more taken.
