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Story About Acne And Truth Of Overdose Of Vitamins


Posted : 08/19/2014 5:27 am

Hi people,
I want to share my experience where I tried so many things about acne and to get rid of it, but unfortunatelly since I trusted so many stories and people who wanted to make profit, I made not clean acne but actually destroyed my natural body metabolism and entire body.
I wanrted to share my experience that everyone who will resd this post will know that taking VITAMIN A in huge doses or VITAMIN D3 OR K1 OR K2 can have terrible consequences and suffering. I also was using tons of vitamin c in powder which only burned all my fibres, blood vessels, other soft and hard tissues as well as made me decalfication and a lot more.
1. So first what happens if you overdose on vitamns and such bacterias survive? IT WILL BECOME ONLY STRONGER AND STRONGER, that's why my HPV along with staphylococcus and enterobacterias which causes acnes, become so much stronger, just like taking antibiotics and it fails.
2. ALL ACNE are the cause of BACTERIAS, but your hormones and stress, food, environment can make it worse.
3. SHORTCUTS are using vitamin overdoses (i used vitamin a, from 150-450.000 UI daily, vitamin d3 of 25000-30000 IU daiy and a lot of K1,K2 and even 30grams of vitamin C. I was using this stuff which maybe helped at first but than it all returned back, so your body gets weaker and bacterias stronger.
Our planet wasn't made for us to go shortcut, but to go natural way with natural food and using natural environment. Too bad that we weren't thought in school about these things, so without appropriate knowledge we do mistakes which can cost us of our body.
- Don' go shortcut, a lot of vitamin A will make your skin less thick, there can be many complications such as keratitis, so vitamin d3 helps regenerate many things but it won't regenerate back to what the skin was but only from what is left on it. That's why it is impossible to get high amounts of vitamin D3 on the sun, because as your skin gets darker, more protected to sun, the body will generate less and less vitamin d3 which is natural.
- Another thing is when you start taking huge amounts of vitamins, overdoses, the viruses and bacterias will get used to it, and when you stop taking it, no matter what you are eating or doing, they are stronger than they were before and harder for your body to get rid of it, more resistant.
- Another concern is that some people when they take huge amounts of anything like SUGAR, THEY develop DIABATES, but when you take OVERDOSES of vitamins, your body can refuse that by doing the opposite job, moving these substances out of your body, like taking high doses of minerals as supplements, for example, taking huge amount of magnesium or calcium, zinc or copper for long period of time, can hurt your immune system so bad, that it will start to move it out of your body no matter if you start eating regular food. so same for vitamin c (pure powder is just like a poison, PH factor 2, which is a terrible acid). that's why you can't overdose by consuming regular food. for example yellow bell peppers have around 1000 mg of natural vitamin C, around 200 mg per 100g. I know these things becase I ran through so many things.
3. If you try to get rid of acne away by APPLE CIDER VINEGAR or lactobacillus be aware the same way, those acne bacterias who will survive because you wanted shortcuts and quick solutions, will lately develop into very strong forms that you won't be able to get rid of it in this life.
So if you trully want to know how to get rid of acne or viruses, there is a way if you didn't already make a huge damage to your body with vitamins and other supplements.
1. - DIET - LOW CARB FOOD, don't go strict no sugar because bacterias can feel this way, they are more calm if you still take some sugar. so VEGETABLES AND low amounts of fruit is okay, some meat with less fats. Vegetables also got natural sugar, just less than fruits.
So try to eat low carb and low fat food. Stay away from all foods that are prepared in stores, junk food, all candies, etc. Eat small amounts of food more times per day so that your body will have appropriate stuff to work for through all the day.
2. - EXERCISE - YOUR WHITE BLOOD CELLS REQUIRE OXYGEN TO FIGHT VIRUSES and BACTERIAS, this is the only way that they can kill them, just like having guns but they need to be loaded with munition. The oxygen is the only natual way. So you can go for a walk two times per day, or go for a run, and you will be loaded with oxygen. Do it naturally, don't exaggerate.
3. - MAKE INTORELANCE TEST FOR FOOD and try to avoid some food where you have HIGH INTORELANCE, don't go strict with all of them. for example, eggs can have high intolerances for many people and milk products.
It will require some time of course because by loading your body with oxygen, you also need to get rid of too much fats and also by loadig natural minerals to your body. Your own white blood cells will do the job if you give them the right things, but also you can hurt them, as your entire immune system by taking SUPPLEMENTS IN ANY FORM! all supplements are just made to make profit to people who wants shortcuts, but calcium supplements for example are made from rock powder, limestones. So we are only eating stones when we take thjs stuff, I also tried so many other things like curcumin, resveratrol, but that all makes your bacterias and viruses only stronger, so if you want to get it done, the only way is natural way, all other regimens can only get your immune system hurt. Go for a natural way, and eat natural substances, and eat them many times through the day in small amounts.
I hope that this story will help many people that they wan't fall for selfish marketers and their products, made only for their profit and not to trully help people.

Posted : 08/19/2014 2:31 pm

can u tell, how do u know this? specifically that its exactly a bacteria that becomes resistant n stronger?

also idk y wouldnt they get resistant to good diet adjustments just as well?

we just have to destroy the bacteria to the point it cant revive anymore then? wht if ur hormones n else r still messed up?

where exactly does acne bacteria gets generated from anyway?


Posted : 08/19/2014 2:53 pm


can u tell, how do u know this? specifically that its exactly a bacteria that becomes resistant n stronger?

also idk y wouldnt they get resistant to good diet adjustments just as well?

we just have to destroy the bacteria to the point it cant revive anymore then? wht if ur hormones n else r still messed up?

where exactly does acne bacteria gets generated from anyway?

bacteria that survive antibiotics and your other attempts to kill them do become stronger. And they can make other microbes stronger as well.

However, the bit about probiotics is nonsense. Your body is filled with bacteria and other microbes many of which play vital and even protective roles in how your body functions. We evolved with them and they belong there. Stop trying to kill them. Bacteria is not where you want to focus your efforts in managing acne. Internally and externally.


Posted : 08/20/2014 9:19 am

well k then but then what iyo is that what we should be focusing on exactly? externaly. like the main thing would be?


Posted : 08/20/2014 10:38 am

***MEGAdosing is significantly different than OVERdosing, though the former can lead to the latter if you're self-dosing.

It's ignorant to ingest a huge quantity of anything. The dangers of vitamin toxicity are all over the Internet, there is no excuse to be ignorant. Let a professional guide your dose.


Posted : 08/20/2014 10:44 am

You certainly don't want to be messing around with too many vitamins. Make sure you get a blood test done and find out which vitamins you are deficient in before you willy nilly eat too many. An overdose of vitamins can be very dangerous for your body and can cause some serious problems if you don't watch out the doses you're taking. Bacteria also don't get "used" to the vitamins you're taking. If you are taking the correct doses to account for the lack of vitamins you're getting in your diet then it only aids your immune system. I actually don't advise taking vitamin supplements at all, rather you should be getting all the vitamins you require from your diet instead. Sugar is additionally never good to take, if you want sugar in your diet, try some nice organic honey instead, it will also give your body a kick along to help prevent acne formation aslong as it is taken in sensible amounts


Posted : 08/20/2014 2:04 pm

well k then but then what iyo is that what we should be focusing on exactly? externaly. like the main thing would be?

hyperkeratinization and chronic inflammation.
