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My Acne


Posted : 05/04/2014 4:39 pm



First i want to say my English can be bad because I'm not from America or Any country where they speak English.


I am struggling with acne for a very long time. Right now I am 14 years old, i am Turning 15 in 11 days.

My acne started when i was 9 years old. I only got some spots on my forhead. It wasn't really bad i could just live with it. But at the age of 11 or 12, my acne started to get a bit worse. I could just handle it with some creams and face cleaners. But for some (i think 2) months ago slowly on my forhead there came a lot spots. And also on my cheeks, and also above my lip I sometimes get a pimple, and also on my chin i get acne. I don't have very worse acne, that kind of acne you see when you Search in google : acne. But for me it feels really not nice. And because no, really no of my friend have acne. Only some boys, but not the girls.

I am very afraid to be with people close because i am afraid they will think i am gross. And i don't know If i will ever get a boyfriend or my acne will ever go away. I have been struggling with it since i was 9(for me it feels very long)!!


For two months i am using benzoilperoxide over all my face ( and before i clean my face with a cleaner) . Every night and sometimes in the morning before i go to school. I can see it helps, but All my skin just falls off. like flakes. And then it is a bit red. And i am very afraid this will become scars. I also read using it can cause camcer and that it it really dangerous.


And now there is my biggest problem. I would like to take accutane, because than you acne will go for sure!! But i cant! Because i am doing sport on a high level and its really my life. And because all the side effects that go with accutane i cant take it.


I am not self confident right now. Sometimes i have to cry a lot.. I know here are a lot people who know what i mean. Can you please help me. What can i do to get rid of my acne? Should i go on with the benzoilperoxide or not ?!?! Please help me its my DREAM to get rid of my acne. I want my nice skin back :(


I am sorry If you think my long story is annoying, but i just have to write my feelings.


Thank you already for helping me


Xx a girl


Posted : 07/28/2014 10:54 pm

Lol don't believe everything you read on the internet. First off benzoyl peroxide does not cause cancer. Going out in the sun with bp on without sunscreen can definitely increase your chances of getting sun damage (aging, dark spots, ect.) which is why you must use sunscreen with a spf of at least 30 or higher and always reapply every two hours if in direct contact with the sun . Rain or shine wear your spf not only does it protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun and possibly prevent cancer it prevents your acne from getting worse. I would definitely recommend going to a dermatologist or just a general doctor because he can even prescribe acne medication. It sounds like you don't have a severe enough case to go on accutane, however if the country you are in allows for easy access to the drug possibly go on a low dose if your acne isn't terrible. However, if your country does have strict restrictions for accutane meaning people with mild cases of acne cannot go on it go to the doctor and ask for things like retinoids or antibiotics. I wouldn't personally recommend antibiotics because you can't take them forever and generally when you stop taking them your acne comes back with a vengeance. There are also more options that your doctor can prescribe to you so just visit them if you can and talk about the options. Also the bp might be drying you out if you don't use lotion on your face or are applying to much or you might have a sunburn because acne medication makes the skin sensitive to the sun.



Don't worry acne will never stop your friends and family from loving you no matter how much you think it will, so perk up and think about all the good things in life and if it makes you feel better think about how awful your acne could be but isn't. So be happy and live your life doing the things you love. Don't let acne get into the way of living life to the fullest.


Posted : 07/30/2014 2:08 pm

Is there anyway you could try something with salicylic acid instead of benzoyl peroxide? A lot of people have really good luck with that. Try not to be so hard on yourself about it. It happens to everyone at some point in time. Nobody thinks it is as bad as you do or even looks at it as closely as you do.
