9Th Week Of Regimen...
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9Th Week Of Regimen. Horrible Breakouts


Posted : 10/04/2013 8:00 pm

So i have been on the regimen before and my skin was like 95% clear but i ended up stopping earlier this year for about 6 weeks (long story) and now im back on the regimen and breaking out worse than ever. When i started the regimen the second time i cleared up really good in the first week but ever since then ive been getting these horrible inflamed cysts all along my jawline/chin area. literally the worst skin ive ever had. Is it possible for the regimen to not work anymore? it worked the first time but i definitely wasnt breaking out this bad 9 weeks in. help


Posted : 10/04/2013 8:29 pm

I think you just have to stick with it, don't lose hope!! It worked the first time, so it's very likely that it will work again. How long did it take you to get clear the first time you used the regimen? And how bad did your skin get after you stopped?

Also, I can't speak from personal experience when it comes to the regimen not working anymore. However, I do know that if you get clear, you're supposed to keep using the regimen, or else there's a strong chance that your acne will come back. That basically means that the regimen is supposed to work, and continue working. Therefore, I doubt that it just stops working, or else most people's acne would come back after using the regimen for a while, which is hardly ever the case.


Posted : 10/05/2013 10:53 am

if it worked the 1st time i dont see why not again... its not like BP is an antibiotic


Posted : 10/05/2013 2:00 pm

Its because you stopped the regimen - if your skin is still "acne prone" then the day you stop treating it the acne factory is gonna be back in business. Keep using the regimen and eventually your skin will stop breaking out.


Posted : 10/06/2013 6:04 am

The reason why the regimen doesn't work for many is because not all acne is caused simply by bacteria and sebum. For example, if you're stressed or suffer anxiety, you are increasingly likely to suffer deep painful cysts that no topical can prevent. The way to deal with acne in this case is to remove to trigger, i.e stress. Easier said than done however.
