Question For Those ...
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Question For Those On The Regimen For Awhile


Posted : 06/07/2013 3:52 pm

Hi there, I just wanted some answers from those who have been on the regimen for a while ...


I started too fast because I thought my skin would be use to the BP (used lots of benzaclin in the past) and the BP I had available to me at the time was very thick and hard to I used lots. It was also 5% and alcohol based. Needless to say my skin was burnt looking, orange in places.


Now I finally have the BP and I'm also moisturizing twice a day with jojoba oil. I switched to a gentler cleanser too. My face isn't super extremely red but its still red, and you can tell the difference in skin tone between my face and super pale neck.


My question is this: if I keep using the regimen, will this go away? Especially since I'm using gentler products and trying to minimize irritation? Or will the redness never go away? It's been about a month since I started the regimen but only 3 days since I'm using the gentler products.


Will I have to stop and start again? I can deal with redness for another month.


Thank you :):)


Posted : 06/08/2013 3:50 pm

Hey arachnyd, its good to see that you switched to the bp. I started off way too fast as well and my skin took some punishment as it was super red than became super dry. Your skin is going to be a bit more irritated because of the bp you were using. I would come down to applying the bp fully to the face once a day and either not applying bp in the morning or just doing a spot treatment ( listen to dan and start slow). You should do this for a week. In the mornings you still need to wash and moisturize. Whether you started with a poor bp product or not redness, irritation and dryness are inevitable when on the regime. My first couple of months on the regime were hell ( even in months three and four i still had a bit of dryness and redness but it was not as drastic as the first couple of months). Even though the beginning of the regime was hell for me, my whole life with acne before that was miserable as well so i knew this is what i had to do and i also had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that the regime was going to be the answer, unfortunately not an instant answer.


Posted : 07/03/2013 5:01 am

Hi guys,

I have been on the regimen for about a year now, and for the past few weeks I seem to be getting some breakouts. I am worried the regimen has become ineffective, and that my skin is no longer reacting to the benzoyl peroxide? Please help.
