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Rant Of The Day


Posted : 02/28/2013 2:13 pm

Hello! Thank God for this website that I have discovered right about now. I just need to get this off my chest because my family thinks I am making a big deal about what happened today.

First, a bit about me. I am a 28 year old female on ortho cyclen and clyndoxil gel. I cannot take other BCPs and I am scared of accutane. I had the worst experience with my health when I was on spiro. Ortho cyclen has helped me in REDUCING the number of cystic acne on my face (Ortho also helped clear my back and chest). Specifically, before I used to have numerous bumps on my jaw and chin but now I get two to three on my CHIN. BUT, these two or three bumps are SO PAINFUL. For instance, before period, I will get one or two GIANT BUMPs on the chin that would be so hard to conceal. Then it takes a month for my skill to get rid of the bump when lo and behold another giant bump pops up. I am sick and tired of this. At the age of 28, I wanna think about building my career and personal life with someone special but yet I am preoccupied with my face.

Don't get me wrong my face is MUCH BETTER but it is not clear... one Disgusting BUMP just ruins the whole face...

Anyways, about today... I went to pick up my prescription (Ortho and Gel)... the pharmacist asks me: "Oh you use this BC for acne?" I say: yes. Then she says: "Yeah, i see a big bump on your chin". I say, "Yeah, that is the problem". Then she says: "Oh I also see acne scars on your CHEEKS... you must have had severe acne before... wow.." And then she made this "I feel so sorry for you" look. Guys, my jaw dropped... I have completely forgotted about my acne scars which are really not that bad but when she said that I wanted to cry. I just stood there motionless...

Now, in addition to being insecure about this disgusting bump, i am freaking out about my scars...

I just wanted to rant... You may hear this a lot but I am simply tired of waking up and looking in the mirror at my face and just being disgusted.

I have started taking saw palmetto... we will how this will go but I am not getting my hopes up. If saw palmetto does not work, I will just give up and accept that I will never have a clear face.

Thank you for reading this.

