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One Girl's Success Managing Candida


Posted : 02/23/2013 7:18 pm

So i love digging around the web for first hand success stories. Though these are not scientific studies, they are still very inspirational and some more educational than others. So here is one girl's success managing her candida. She is raw vegan. If you are not raw vegan, or do not support it, i can respect that. I am not raw vegan, although the majority of what i eat is raw, and i rarely eat meat. I do consume raw eggs as well. So you could call me a Fegan. Which is a faux vegan



Posted : 02/23/2013 8:54 pm

yeah I've heard of this before...don't think I have candida, but hey nothing else is working so I might as well try. I'll report back if I remember (which will probably be if I have success)


Posted : 02/23/2013 11:08 pm

Thanks for posting. I used to be really into her videos until I realized something was a bit....gimmicky about them. And she recommends in this video, a very low fat, HIGH CARB diet. After studying the Paleo diet, which advocates high fat and extremely low carb- I'm not too sure I'd agree with her there. But anyways- its very useful to have many points of view. So again thanks for posting.


Posted : 02/24/2013 12:50 am


I'm very skeptical about a low fat, high carb diet being helpful for a yeast overgrowth. Even if the sugars are being digested and absorbed quickly, they are still in the digestive tract for awhile, where they will feed microorganisms. But it is interesting that this diet seems to have worked for this woman.


I will say that I don't think a VERY low or no carb diet is the best answer either, and it may even make a fungal overgrowth worse.


This is from an article on the "Perfect Health Diet" website. This guy promotes a paleo-like diet, but one that is not too low in carbs...


Another Low-Carb Risk: Impaired Immunity


Low-carb diets generally improve immunity to bacteria and viruses, but not all is roses and gingerbread.


Low-carb diets, alas, impair immunity to fungal and protozoal infections. The immune defense against these infections is glucose-dependent (as it relies on production of reactive oxygen species using glucose) and thyroid hormone-dependent (as thyroid hormone drives not only glucose availability, but also the availability of iodine for the myeloperoxidase pathway). Thus, anti-fungal immunity is downregulated on very low-carb diets.


Moreover, eukaryotic pathogens such as fungi and protozoa can metabolize ketones. Thus, a ketogenic diet promotes growth and systemic invasion of these pathogens.


As the fungal infection case studies on our Results page illustrate, low-carb dieters often develop fungal infections, and these often go away with increased starch consumption.


Another issue is that mucus is essential for immunity at epithelial surfaces, and glycosylation is essential for the integrity of cellular junctions and tissue barriers such as the intestinal and blood-brain barriers. Thus, reduced production of mucus can impair intestinal immunity and promote gut dysbiosis or systemic infection by pathogens that enter through the gut.


Finally, a very low-carb diet is not entirely free of risks of gut dysbiosis, and not just from fungal infections. Bacteria can metabolize the amino acid glutamine as well as mucosal sugars, so it is not possible to completely starve gut bacteria with a low-carb diet. Nor is it desirable, as this would eliminate a protective layer against systemic infection by pathogens that enter the body through the gut. As our Results page shows, several people who had gut trouble on the very low-carb (and generally excellent) GAPS diet were cured on our diet.
