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Is There One Supplement That Contains Most/all Of The Vitamins/minerals To Improve Acne Prone Skin?


Posted : 02/07/2013 9:14 pm

I have started taking some vitamins to help curb my acne. I've done some research into which ones help with inflammation, etc. I am taking quite a few supplements each day and I was wondering if there was one combination supplement that anyone would recommend. I take liquid fish oil but all of the others are pills. I'm taking evening primrose, Vitamins A and E as well as zinc. I also take a probiotic since I am on a 3 month course of antiobiotics.


Posted : 02/07/2013 9:35 pm

If you are still currently taking antibiotics, it isn't doing any good to be taking the probiotics at the same time. They are getting canceled out, b/c the antibiotics wipe out EVERYTHING including the good bacteria (probiotics).

So, it's best to wait until the anti's are over with, then you take the pro's to replace what was wiped out... otherwise, you're wasting them.

Sorry I don't know the answer to your original question... I don't think there is one combo pill that would do enough good... I could be wrong though.


Posted : 02/07/2013 11:59 pm


If you are still currently taking antibiotics, it isn't doing any good to be taking the probiotics at the same time. They are getting canceled out, b/c the antibiotics wipe out EVERYTHING including the good bacteria (probiotics).

So, it's best to wait until the anti's are over with, then you take the pro's to replace what was wiped out... otherwise, you're wasting them.

This is not 100% accurate. Antibiotics have some specificity of the bacteria they kill off. That is why some antibiotics work better and are prescribed for certain conditions over others. This is not to say they don't kill off beneficial bacteria in the gut, but they all act a bit differently, have different modes of action, and affect various species differently.

I do recommend taking probiotics will still on antibiotics. If you wait until after a course of treatment, it may be too late and your gut may be too far out of balance and you may experience symptoms that will require more serious treatment. Take probiotics as close to the most inbetween point between your antibiotic consumption. For example if you take your antibiotic once a day say at 7 am, then try and take your probiotic at 7pm that way the antibiotic dosage in the gut is at it's lowest point when you take the probiotic. You will still get at least some benefit that way and, especially with long term antibiotic treatment, some benefit is better than none when trying to keep your gut flora in balance.


Posted : 02/08/2013 8:30 am

You could look at multis intended to improve blood sugar. Also ones for seniors are often good. . But it needs to be one that comes in several capsules to be taken throughout the day. Also, meek green smoothies, sprinkle cinnamon, turmeric and other spices on your food. Eat sardines or other fatty fish....







If you are still currently taking antibiotics, it isn't doing any good to be taking the probiotics at the same time. They are getting canceled out, b/c the antibiotics wipe out EVERYTHING including the good bacteria (probiotics).

So, it's best to wait until the anti's are over with, then you take the pro's to replace what was wiped out... otherwise, you're wasting them.

This is not 100% accurate. Antibiotics have some specificity of the bacteria they kill off. That is why some antibiotics work better and are prescribed for certain conditions over others. This is not to say they don't kill off beneficial bacteria in the gut, but they all act a bit differently, have different modes of action, and affect various species differently.

I do recommend taking probiotics will still on antibiotics. If you wait until after a course of treatment, it may be too late and your gut may be too far out of balance and you may experience symptoms that will require more serious treatment. Take probiotics as close to the most inbetween point between your antibiotic consumption. For example if you take your antibiotic once a day say at 7 am, then try and take your probiotic at 7pm that way the antibiotic dosage in the gut is at it's lowest point when you take the probiotic. You will still get at least some benefit that way and, especially with long term antibiotic treatment, some benefit is better than none when trying to keep your gut flora in balance.


Posted : 02/08/2013 12:13 pm

Stop and look into a daily Apple Cider Vinegar tonic. 2 tablespoons mixed into a glass of water, 2-3 times a day. This has done wonders for my complexion. I wish I knew about this earlier in life.


Posted : 02/08/2013 7:08 pm

Thanks for your responses. Can I ask why apple cider vinegar? I've never heard of that before.


Posted : 02/10/2013 6:09 am

ACV naturally balances out the microflora in your system and restores function to your liver, etc. You can also use it as a toner. It's currently the only treatment I'm using and my face looks really good.


Posted : 02/10/2013 9:49 pm

Where can you buy ACV?


Posted : 02/11/2013 12:10 am

Thanks for your responses. Can I ask why apple cider vinegar? I've never heard of that before.

Vinegar significantly reduces the glycemic load of the foods you eat:

Lowered glycemic load in turns leads to reduced acne.

In addition, vinegar also helps with your gut flora, which helps your acne too.

Where can you buy ACV?

Any grocery store will have it.


Posted : 02/11/2013 12:24 am

I bought a supplement called "zinc for acne" which pretty much contains all you listed
